
The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

author:History of Economics
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked in the article, please be aware.

"I just have a problem with my character, what do you think I'm for? I don't have a low income, but I have to pay off my mortgage! ”

"You let the court sentence me, I don't have to pay back the money for a few years!"

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

Killing people to pay for their lives and paying off debts are all natural things.

But in 2015, a woman named Huang Shufen killed an elderly man in her 60s, not only did she not pay for her life, but she also refused to pay for compensation.

After 7 years of recovery by the family of the deceased, 500 yuan was repaid, which is a drop in the bucket in front of the 860,000 compensation awarded by the court.

Misfortune is coming

The whole incident started with a traffic accident in Tangshan in 2015.

Zhao Xiangbin is an old man in his 60s, and after retirement, he can't stay idle at home, so he often rides a bicycle around, one is to exercise, and the other is to take short trips.

On this day, Zhao Xiangbin rode out as usual, and when he passed through an intersection, suddenly a car collided and knocked Zhao Xiangbin and his car away.

The person who bumped into Zhao Xiangbin was Huang Shufen.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

Probably because Huang Shufen herself has worked in the insurance industry for many years, she judged from her own experience that although there was a car accident, the insurance company would provide a claim, so she handled it calmly after the accident.

first got out of the car to check Zhao Xiangbin's injuries, and found that Zhao Xiangbin could still speak and was conscious, so she still dialed 120 and 122 when she was not at ease.

The process of the accident has also been completed, Huang Shufen was sentenced to be the main responsibility, and Zhao Xiangbin was secondary.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

On the other hand, Zhao Xiangbin's family rushed to the hospital soon after receiving a call from the police, and Huang Shufen also apologized again and again after seeing the family, and said that she would definitely be responsible for the incident.

In addition to his wife, Zhao Xiangbin's family has only one only son, Zhao Yong, who has just graduated from graduate school and joined the work, and he rushed back from the field as soon as he learned that his father was hospitalized.

Because Huang Shufen has a good attitude of admitting her mistakes, she repeatedly promised that as long as the police investigation is clear, she will definitely take responsibility.

After a few hours of resuscitation, the doctor told Zhao Yong that Zhao Xiangbin was now out of danger for the time being, but he was not yet awake and that he should be prepared for the possibility that he would become a vegetative person.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

This development also greatly surprised Huang Shufen, she originally thought that Zhao Xiangbin was not seriously injured and would be hospitalized for a period of time, but now the doctor said that Zhao Xiangbin was likely to become a vegetative person.

Vegetative people can cost more money than living people, and the cost of medical treatment has suddenly become a bottomless pit.

Huang Shufen bought only 300,000 yuan of insurance, and after the 300,000 yuan was spent, Huang Shufen's attitude changed sharply, no matter how Zhao Yong urged, no money came.

The burden of taking care of his father and paying for medical expenses all fell on Zhao Yong alone.

Zhao Yong is a filial child, he knows that it is not easy for his parents to pull him through hard work, and nothing is more important than his family.

So he called the company to explain the situation, quit his job, and concentrated on taking care of his father.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

Work is not the most important, at that time, Zhao Yong also had a girlfriend who had reached the point of talking about marriage, or a fiancée, because the family had even bought them a wedding house.

If this had not happened, the two would have been married in 2015.

Zhao Yong understands that marriage is never a matter of two people, but a matter of two families. Now that there has been such a big change in his family, his girlfriend may not say anything now, and it is inevitable that she will be emotional after a long time.

There is no filial son in front of the bed of a long illness, let alone a daughter-in-law who has not yet passed the door?

Zhao Yong felt that he was not only responsible for his father on the hospital bed, but also for his girlfriend, so he also proposed to his girlfriend to break up.

Of course, his girlfriend is not willing to end a relationship for many years like this, but she also understands that Zhao Yong is a very serious and axial person, as long as he makes a decision, no one can move him.

The girlfriend is noncommittal about the decision to break up, but she also knows in her heart that everything is over.

Once people enter the hospital, they can't help themselves, especially for seriously ill patients like Zhao Xiangbin, and spending money is like a dam bursting its embankment. If you do more, it will cost tens of thousands of yuan a day.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

Zhao Yong himself has just worked for a short time, and he has no savings, and most of the family's money is used to buy him a wedding house. Zhao Yong decided to sell his house to save his father.

If the job is gone, you can find it again, and if your girlfriend is separated, you can talk about it again, but the house is sold, and it will be difficult to buy it again. This wedding house has already spent most of the life savings of Zhao Xiangbin and his wife, and Zhao Yong wants to buy a house again, when will he have to wait?

But human life is at stake, and now for Zhao Yong, there is nothing more important than his father. career, love and life, Zhao Yong can be said to have sacrificed everything he can sacrifice.

Zhao Yong emptied his family, and he still couldn't make up for the hole in the treatment fee, and he had already sold everything he could sell. Your daily expenses have been kept to a minimum.

In the two years that he took care of his father, he hardly slept in a day's bed, and at night in the hospital, he spread a piece of cardboard in the aisle to deal with it all night, just to save dozens of dollars in bed money.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

Helpless, Zhao Yong, who has always been strong, can only ask netizens for help and crowdfund medical expenses.

Netizens also sympathized with Zhao Yong's plight and generously donated money, and finally raised hundreds of thousands of donations.

It's just that God doesn't fulfill people's wishes, even if Zhao Yong has done everything, his father Zhao Xiangbin still hasn't woken up.

The deceased has passed away, and the lives of the living have to go on, Zhao Yong and Huang Shufen's accounts must be settled, and they can't be counted like this.

Lao Lai Huang Shufen

After two years of investigation, in June 2017, the court finally issued a judgment that Huang Shufen needed to compensate Zhao Xiangbin's family with 860,000 yuan.

Huang Shufen did not dispute the verdict, but she also insisted:

"The court can sentence me however I want, and I don't want to pay compensation, because I don't have any money."

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

The implication is that the court has the right to sentence her, and she also has the right to be a liar.

So is she really out of money?

If you just look at Huang Shufen's current situation at that time, you may think that she is not easy.

Huang Shufen divorced her husband very early, and has never remarried since then, raising her daughter alone, it can be said that she is an orphan and a widow to make a living.

But the truth is that it is true that Huang Shufen is alone with children, but her salary is not low, and her insurance business has been doing well, with an average monthly salary of more than 20,000 yuan.

The total income of many families may not be more than that of Huang Shufen alone, and Huang Shufen's statement that she is crying poor is really unconvincing.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

At the beginning of the case, although the police believed that the main responsibility for causing the traffic accident lay with Huang Shufen, the matter was still a civil dispute, and even if Huang Shufen was a liar and refused to repay the money, the police only detained her for 15 days.

Things changed after Zhao Xiangbin's death, and in June 2018, Huang Shufen's charges were changed to a traffic accident, but she was only sentenced to eight months in prison.

Why do you only need to go to jail for 8 months when you hit and kill someone?

This is because under the offence of traffic accidents, a traffic accident that causes serious injury or death can be punishable by imprisonment for up to 3 years.

Huang Shufen did not escape after the accident, and also called the police and an ambulance at the first time, and she also stayed where she was waiting to be dealt with, the only problem was to refuse to compensate the victim's family, so she was only sentenced to 8 months in prison.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

On December 22, 2017, shortly after Zhao Xiangbin's death, Huang Shufen was arrested in accordance with the law, and the verdict was handed down in June 2018, because Huang Shufen had been locked up for six months, so she had already come out in August 2018.

The 8-month prison sentence did not shake Huang Shufen.

Before going to prison, Huang Shufen still felt that she was at a loss and killed someone, and she should compensate her family, but she had no money.

Now that she is in prison, it means that she has compensated her family and paid the price for her actions, how can she continue to ask her for money?

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

Zhao Yong naturally ignored her crooked reasoning, and during this time, he also investigated Huang Shufen's family background and property.

He found that just after the accident, Huang Shufen actually bought a car and a house, but in the name of her daughter Liu Mingyue, it was obvious that this was a property transfer.

However, after Zhao Yong sued on the grounds of property transfer, it was Huang Shufen who won the lawsuit in the end.

Seek justice against the defendant

After accepting the case, the court verified that a property owned by Huang Shufen's daughter Liu Mingyue did have 70% ownership of Huang Shufen.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

However, after an in-depth investigation, it was found that the house was a down payment in July 2014, that is, before the accident, Huang Shufen could not have predicted the prophet and transferred the assets before the accident, which logically does not make sense.

On December 3, 2015, that is, after the accident, Huang Shufen took her daughter Liu Mingyue to go through the housing loan procedures, with a loan of 350,000 yuan and an installment of 5 years.

The loan agreement does have Huang Shufen's signature, but this is because the bank believes that Liu Mingyue's personal repayment ability is low, so it requires Huang Shufen to repay the loan together, and the bank is only willing to approve the loan if it believes that the property is jointly owned by the two people.

However, from a legal point of view, only Liu Mingyue's name was on the purchase contract, so it was believed that the house could not be regarded as Huang Shufen's property, so Huang Shufen was ruled in favor of the lawsuit, and the transfer of property was not established.

Obviously, Huang Shufen has been working in the insurance industry for many years and is very familiar with various economic-related laws and regulations.

Although Zhao Yong is tough, he also understands that his opponent is not easy to deal with, and since there is no way to protect his interests through legal means, he has to resort to the media.

Zhao Yong went to find Huang Shufen again and secretly made a recording, and then he posted his experience and this recording on the Internet, which naturally caused an uproar.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

Huang Shufen is also known as a "textbook old man", Huang Shufen's reputation is stinky, but the money is still not returned.

Huang Shufen is an old man, relying not only on her familiarity with various rules and regulations, but also on her steel-like face.

Facing the camera of the interview, she can also say bluntly, "I just have a character problem, what's the use of you telling me this?" ”

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

As long as I have no morals, you have no way to kidnap me.

Playing tricks in the law, lying down in morality, in a word, asking for money.

Huang Shufen is shameless, and Zhao Yong is also dead to the end.

Since the later period of his father Zhao Xiangbin's accident, Zhao Yong has never cut his hair, one is to save money, and the other is to accumulate his ambition.

Zhao Yong said that if this matter is not resolved for a day, he will not get a haircut for a day, and he has to fight Huang Shufen to the end, so his screen name is also "Serious Zhao Xiansen".

In 2021, Huang Shufen finally repaid the money, but it was only 500 yuan.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

Huang Shufen said that she was willing to compensate Zhao Yong, but her ability was limited and she had to repay the mortgage, so she could only compensate 500 yuan a month.

The court ruled that Huang Shufen should compensate Zhao Yong's family for 860,000 yuan, and in 2021, Huang Shufen still owes 740,000 yuan, and Huang Shufen has to repay this account for more than 100 years according to 500 a month.

It is not so much that Huang Shufen is compensating Zhao Yong, it is better to say that she is humiliating Zhao Yong.

Huang Shufen didn't get in the oil and salt, so the reporter wanted to start with her daughter Liu Mingyue, Huang Shufen is an old man, the public opinion offensive doesn't work, Liu Mingyue is a little girl, she has to take care of face, right?

To the reporter's surprise, although Liu Mingyue's routine is different from that of her mother, the degree of shamelessness is even worse.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

In the interview, the reporter told Liu Mingyue what happened to Zhao Xiangbin's family over the years, and Liu Mingyue was very sad after hearing it.

But then she brought the topic to herself, telling about the difficulties of her and her mother relying on each other for all these years, trying to kidnap the reporter morally in turn.

But when the reporter asked, don't you still have a suite? Isn't it in this house that I'm interviewing you right now? If you sell this house, won't you be able to compensate Zhao Yong's family?

Liu Mingyue talked about her dreams again, saying that she had always dreamed of having a house of her own, and the experience of Zhao Yong's family was certainly worthy of sympathy, but she couldn't give up her dream.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

A set of shameless logic left the reporters speechless.

What's even more unexpected is that Huang Shufen saw an opportunity to fight back from the media exposure, in front of the camera, she packaged herself and her daughter as a pair of orphans and widows who depended on each other, Zhao Yong's behavior was undoubtedly bullying them online, which seriously affected their lives.

So Huang Shufen actually wanted to sue Zhao Yong in court on the grounds that he had violated his right to reputation and claim 800,000 yuan.

Huang Shufen said that it was true that she killed someone, and it was not false that she owed money and did not pay it back, but Zhao Yong exposed her and posted her affairs on the Internet, didn't she infringe on her rights and interests?

Although Huang Shufen won the property transfer case, some of her other scattered financial investments were realized and returned to Zhao Yong, and she still owed Zhao Yong 740,000 yuan in 2021.

In other words, Huang Shufen not only didn't want to pay back the 740,000 yuan, but also blackmailed Zhao Yong with 60,000 yuan, and even the lawyer who knew the cause and effect of the matter felt that this matter was too ridiculous and did not accept it.

The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

It has been nearly 10 years since the incident happened in 2015, and Zhao Yong has still not been able to get justice for himself.

What do you think of this matter, and is the punishment for Lai's behavior too light in the relevant laws?


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The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

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The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

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The woman knocked the old man into a vegetative state, and the court awarded her 860,000 yuan in compensation, and the woman's words made the court helpless

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