
Dizziness, soreness in the waist and knees, night sweats and spermatozoa, don't worry, a Chinese patent medicine will replenish the kidney yin

author:Kamiki Garden

People often say that "everything is off when you reach middle age", but in fact, this not only reflects the trivial worries that people have to face when they reach middle age, but also the anxiety of aging. "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" once warned future generations, "The age is forty, and the yin qi is half also, and the life is declining." Therefore, this is why many people are lamented by the fact that "young people don't feel good health, and mistakenly regard squandering as treasure", however, life always has to move forward, although aging is a natural law, but there is also a way to delay the speed of aging.

In the world of traditional Chinese medicine, the importance of "kidney qi" in the growth and development of the human body has always been emphasized, and since the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing", the profit and loss of kidney qi has been highly valued. Since the establishment of the Kidney Qi Pill by the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing, the good prescription of traditional Chinese medicine to regulate kidney qi has kicked off, and Qian Yi in the Song Dynasty has creatively refined the Liuwei Dihuang Pill, in this way, "one yin and one yang is the Tao", which has made great contributions to the kidney of traditional Chinese medicine.

Dizziness, soreness in the waist and knees, night sweats and spermatozoa, don't worry, a Chinese patent medicine will replenish the kidney yin

In the Ming Dynasty, there was an outstanding medical scientist, his name was Zhang Jingyue, and he improved the Kidney Qi Pill and the Dihuang Pill to create Zuogui Pill and Yougui Pill. Due to the prevalence of the yang qi theory in recent years, people are quite familiar with the Yougui pill used to tonify the kidney and strengthen yang, but they know little about the Zuogui pill that nourishes the kidney yin. Of course, another point is that the reputation of Liuwei Dihuang Pill is too great, so it is understandable that Zuogui Pill is not well-known.

Zuogui pill is also created by the Ming Dynasty medical scientist Zhang Jingyue, the whole recipe is composed of "Dahuai ripe eight taels, yam (fried) four taels, wolfberry four taels, dogwood meat four taels, Sichuan ox knee (wine washing, steamed) three taels (fine slippery ones do not use), dodder silk (made) four taels, deer gum (crushed, fried beads) four taels, turtle gum (chopped, fried beads) four taels (no fire does not have to use)" and other 8 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, first steamed rehmannia after putting it in the stone mortar pestle into a paste, and then other Chinese medicine into fine powder, refining honey for pills, such as sycamore seeds, every time you take it, Take with boiling soup or lightly salted broth before meals.

Dizziness, soreness in the waist and knees, night sweats and spermatozoa, don't worry, a Chinese patent medicine will replenish the kidney yin

Judging from the composition of Zuogui Pill, it has the same three flavors of traditional Chinese medicine as the Liuwei Dihuang Pill that also nourishes the kidney yin, that is, Rehmannia Rehmannia, Yam, and Cornus officinalis, that is, it retains the three supplements of the Liuwei Dihuang Pill, and removes the three laxatives of the Liuwei Dihuang Pill, so as to level the wolfberry and dodder seed, as well as the essence of the two immortals of the turtle and deer, yin and yang, and add oxknee to introduce medicine downward, and it is beneficial to the liver and kidneys, strengthen the waist and feet, and strengthen the muscles and bones. The Zuogui Pill composed in this way, purely from the perspective of nourishing yin, is more powerful than the Liuwei Dihuang Pill.

So, what kind of disease is Zuogui Pill used to treat? According to the record of "Jingyue Quanshu", Zuogui Pill is mainly used to treat the symptoms caused by kidney yin deficiency and lack of true water, and the clinical symptoms are mainly physical weakness, deficiency and heat, self-sweating and night sweats, disobedience, enuresis and spermatozoa, dizziness and deafness, dry mouth and tongue, backache and weak legs. In fact, the core of Zuogui Pill's formula lies in the internal deficit of the essence and the drying up of the jin liquid, and to a certain extent, Zuogui Pill is more suitable for people who are more deficient than the Liuwei Dihuang Pill formula.

Dizziness, soreness in the waist and knees, night sweats and spermatozoa, don't worry, a Chinese patent medicine will replenish the kidney yin

As we all know, yang energy is the foundation of human life, so doctors in the past dynasties are often very popular for nourishing kidney yang, but they are silent about nourishing kidney yin. Zhang Jingyue, an outstanding medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty, pointed out that "Yu and middle-aged, Fang understands the principle of replenishing yin", so after people reach middle age, in addition to the need to pay more attention to the problem of yang qi decline, it is more important to pay attention to the problem of true yin deficiency, after all, "if you store a point of yin fluid, you will have a point of physiology", and Zuogui pill can just help us to make up for the dissipation of yin fluid.

When people reach middle age, there are problems such as dizziness, soreness in the waist and knees, night sweats and spermatozoa, etc., it is necessary to pay attention to it, if it is related to the deficiency of kidney yin, it is necessary to regulate it in time, the deficiency of kidney yin is relatively light, you can use Liuwei Dihuang pills, but if the loss of kidney yin is heavier, then it must be Zuogui pills. However, it should be remembered that Zuogui Pill is a pure tonic without diarrhea, and it is not suitable to take it for a long time for kidney yin deficiency and internal heat. In addition, it should not be used by people with allergies, pregnant women, children, and people with kidney yang deficiency and spleen deficiency and diarrhea.

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