
The Philippines is playing with fire! At a sensitive moment in the South China Sea, the Philippine Secretary of Defense landed on China's Thitu Island

author:Ji Gongzi's cat

The Philippines is really playing with fire in the South China Sea!

On May 16, five commercial ships of the Philippine civil society organization, carrying 200 civilians and Western journalists and observers, rushed towards the waters off China's Scarborough Shoal.

In the end, although it was stopped by a Chinese coast guard ship.

But public opinion in the Philippines has already been created.

The Philippines is playing with fire! At a sensitive moment in the South China Sea, the Philippine Secretary of Defense landed on China's Thitu Island

Also on the same day, when Philippine ships forcibly intruded into the waters of China's Scarborough Shoal, Philippine Secretary of Defense Teodoro, together with the chairman of the Senate and members of the law, suddenly took a military plane and landed on Thitu Island, a Chinese island and reef illegally occupied by the Philippines.

And what is the Philippine defense minister doing on the island this time?

He actually went to Thitu Island to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of a barracks facility of the Philippine Navy.

On the same day, Philippine civil society organizations and the Philippine defense secretary simultaneously launched a move in the South China Sea.

The Philippines is playing with fire! At a sensitive moment in the South China Sea, the Philippine Secretary of Defense landed on China's Thitu Island

The provocation behind this is self-evident.

In particular, the Philippine defense minister's move to airborne Thitu Island is even more directly revealed.

It is to tell China that the Philippines is going to play with China to the end in the South China Sea this time, and it is to light the fire in the South China Sea.

This detail, in particular, is a testament to the current state of mind in the Philippines.

That is, the Philippine Secretary of Defense came to Thitu Island to preside over the groundbreaking ceremony of the Philippine Navy barracks.

On China's islands and reefs, the Philippines is building military facilities on a large scale.

And even in the current tense situation.

It can be said that the Philippines is playing with fire, and the Philippines is provoking China with open cards.

The Philippines is playing with fire! At a sensitive moment in the South China Sea, the Philippine Secretary of Defense landed on China's Thitu Island

And in addition to military provocations in the South China Sea, the Philippines is also launching an all-out attack on China at the diplomatic level!

On the one hand, the Philippines has created momentum in the international arena and slandered China for "bullying the small with the big".

On the other hand, the Philippines is still reversing black and white, especially the "gentlemen's agreement" reached between China and the Philippines on the situation in the South China Sea.

At the same time, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs also issued a statement a few days ago claiming that it would investigate the illegal activities of diplomats suspected of violating diplomatic duties and take necessary actions.

And the necessary action that the Philippines said is likely to be the expulsion of the Chinese ambassador from the country, which the Philippines mentioned earlier.

From the military level to the diplomatic level, it can be said that the Philippine side has completely torn its face with China and completely ignored it.

In the face of this situation, China's rhetoric has become more and more harsh.

The Philippines is playing with fire! At a sensitive moment in the South China Sea, the Philippine Secretary of Defense landed on China's Thitu Island

Recently, China issued a clear warning: if the Philippines abuses China's goodwill and infringes on China's territorial sovereignty and jurisdiction, China will defend its rights and take countermeasures in accordance with the law, and the relevant responsibilities and consequences will be borne entirely by the Philippines.

China has always been restrained in its speech, and the Philippines can force China to do this, so that China can say such things.

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos should indeed wake up.

China's goodwill and patience with the Philippines are not endless, and the Philippines will never stop its provocative actions against China in the South China Sea.

China will inevitably strike back at the Philippines!

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