
The U.S. military called, emphasizing "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea, and the words did not fall, and China and Russia joined forces to warn the United States

author:Ink reads spring and autumn

According to Lianhe Zaobao, US Department of Defense officials and Chinese mainland military officials held a video conference call, and the two sides exchanged and discussed international topics such as Sino-US relations, the Taiwan issue, and the situation in the South China Sea. After the call, the U.S. and U.S. Defense Ministries issued a press release detailing the details of the video call, as well as the important results achieved. Ratner emphasized the importance of keeping defense communication lines open to reduce the risk of misunderstandings, and reiterated the importance of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command's commander's phone call with PLA commanders in the Southern and Eastern Theaters, the U.S. Department of Defense issued a press release.

The U.S. military called, emphasizing "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea, and the words did not fall, and China and Russia joined forces to warn the United States

On the Taiwan issue, Ratner stressed the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and reiterated that the United States remains committed to abiding by the one-China policy, which has long been guided by the "Taiwan Relations Act" and the three China-US joint communiqués and six assurances, the press release said. On the South China Sea, Ratner stressed the importance of respecting "freedom of navigation" on the high seas, which is guaranteed by international law, and claimed that China has taken "dangerous actions" against Philippine vessels "operating lawfully" in the South China Sea, and the United States expressed its so-called concern about this.

In response to the US arguments, China has countered the US rhetoric, emphasizing that the military collusion between the US and Taiwan and the separatist actions of the "Taiwan independence" forces are the main sources of chaos that undermine the current stability in the Taiwan Strait. On the South China Sea issue, China criticizes the US for meddling and instigating proxies to manipulate right and wrong and provoke disputes in the South China Sea. China has made clear its position, saying that the deployment of land-based intermediate-range missiles by the United States seriously endangers regional security, and if it insists on going its own way, China will resolutely counter it.

The U.S. military called, emphasizing "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea, and the words did not fall, and China and Russia joined forces to warn the United States

Both China and the United States mentioned the South China Sea issue in their press releases, and the US side focused on expressing support for the Philippines' provocative acts of aggression in the South China Sea, refraining from taking measures against Philippine vessels operating illegally, and smearing the legitimate rights protection activities of the Chinese Coast Guard in the South China Sea. China's focus is on safeguarding the legitimate sovereignty of the South China Sea and taking countermeasures against external forces involved in the South China Sea according to the situation.

Of course, the press release also reflects the urgency of the current situation in the South China Sea. Recently, the "Atinitto Alliance", a group of Filipino civil society groups, has recruited hundreds of civilian vessels to carry out civilian missions in the South China Sea and install markers or buoys on Scarborough Shoal. In the face of the illegal gathering of Philippine ships, the so-called "declaration of sovereignty activities" were concocted. The China Coast Guard has stepped up on-site surveillance and evidence collection, and conducted on-site control of Philippine vessels illegally intruding into the waters adjacent to Scarborough Shoal.

The U.S. military called, emphasizing "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea, and the words did not fall, and China and Russia joined forces to warn the United States

In addition, a large number of Chinese fishing boats have assembled and headed to the waters off Scarborough Shoal to carry out operations to safeguard fishing rights and interests and protect national territory. The China Coast Guard reminds mainland fishing vessels in the waters off Scarborough Shoal that they can seek protection from them if their legitimate rights and interests are violated. In order to create a false impression of success, the Philippine NGO claimed that it had "broken" the Chinese blockade and arrived at Scarborough Shoal. But in reality, the Philippine fishing boat is still about 60 nautical miles away from Scarborough Shoal.

It is reported that on the occasion of the phone call between China and the United States, China and Russia issued a joint statement to safeguard stability in the South China Sea. The statement said that Russia supports China and ASEAN countries in jointly maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea. The two sides believe that the South China Sea issue should be resolved through negotiation and consultation among the countries directly concerned, and resolutely oppose the intervention of foreign forces in the South China Sea issue. Russia supports the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea by China and ASEAN countries, and welcomes the early conclusion of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea. The statement also pointed out that the two sides oppose the hegemonic behavior of the United States to change the balance of power in Northeast Asia by expanding its military strength and cobbling together military blocs, and the United States should stop such acts.

The U.S. military called, emphasizing "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea, and the words did not fall, and China and Russia joined forces to warn the United States

No matter how much the United States, Western countries and external forces try to stir up the situation in the South China Sea, they will never waver in China's determination to defend its rights, and hope that external forces will stop causing trouble and provocations and build the South China Sea into a "sea of peace".

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