
Is heat harmful in summer? Cook a bowl of sweet soup often to extinguish fires, eliminate internal heat, and be good for psoriasis

author:Traditional Chinese medicine brandy

Hello everyone, I am Grandma Bai, and internal heat is the bane of many patients' diseases, such as psoriasis. Psoriasis, as a common chronic skin disease, has a complex pathogenesis, but TCM believes that the accumulation of internal heat is one of the important predisposing factors.

People with psoriasis often have erythema, scaly, and varying degrees of itching on their skin. The appearance of these symptoms is closely related to the internal heat state such as damp heat and blood heat in the body. When there is an imbalance of yin and yang in the human body,.

Is heat harmful in summer? Cook a bowl of sweet soup often to extinguish fires, eliminate internal heat, and be good for psoriasis

Internal heat is commonly manifested in traditional Chinese medicine. Long-term internal heat will not only affect the quality of a person's sleep, but also cause dry skin, itching, and even skin diseases such as psoriasis. Therefore, it is important to regulate internal heat in summer.

I would like to share a bowl of "little sweet soup" with you to help you better dissipate internal heat.

Ingredients: 100 grams of mung beans, 50 grams of lotus seeds, appropriate amount of rock sugar, appropriate amount of water

Mung bean: It has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling, and is a good product for summer heat. The polysaccharides in mung beans can also enhance the body's immunity and fight diseases.

Is heat harmful in summer? Cook a bowl of sweet soup often to extinguish fires, eliminate internal heat, and be good for psoriasis

Lotus seed: It has the functions of tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea, benefiting the kidney and strengthening essence, nourishing the heart and soothing the nerves. A variety of nutrients in lotus seeds can regulate the acid-base balance in the human body and help relieve the symptoms of internal heat.

Rock sugar: It has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, and benefiting the stomach. The sweetness of rock sugar neutralizes the bitterness of mung beans and makes the sweet soup more delicious.

There was such a patient in the outpatient clinic, because he had not eaten too much spicy and cold food recently, which led to too much heat poison in the body, and psoriasis recurred.

Patient's condition: red patches appeared on the skin in many parts of the body, covered with silvery-white scales, itching was unbearable, and he had been diagnosed with psoriasis by the dermatology department of Western medicine many times, but the treatment effect was not good, and the condition recurred. Recently, I heard that Chinese medicine has a unique effect on the treatment of psoriasis, so I came to seek Chinese medicine treatment.

Is heat harmful in summer? Cook a bowl of sweet soup often to extinguish fires, eliminate internal heat, and be good for psoriasis

Immediate diagnosis: the patient's face is flushed, the skin is dry, and the plaques are distributed all over the body, especially the limbs and trunk, and the scales are thick and silvery-white. Irregular diet, like spicy, greasy food. thirst, dry throat, irritability, dry stools, yellow urine; The veins are fine, the tongue is red, and the moss is thin and yellow.

TCM syndrome differentiation: According to the patient's four diagnoses and references, the syndrome differentiation is blood-dry psoriasis. Patients stay up late for a long time and work overtime, and the work pressure is high, resulting in the depletion of yin fluid in the body, blood deficiency and dryness, and skin dystrophy, thus causing psoriasis.

Is heat harmful in summer? Cook a bowl of sweet soup often to extinguish fires, eliminate internal heat, and be good for psoriasis

Treatment plan: Choose traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions that nourish blood and moisten dryness, clear heat and detoxify, and add or subtract Angelica sinensis to nourish blood and moisten dryness, clear heat and detoxify, dispel wind and relieve itching. At the same time, according to the patient's condition, add or subtract medicines, such as thirsty and dry throat, you can add wheat Dong, Xuanshen and other products to moisturize yin and dryness.

Diet: It is recommended that patients should have a light diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals, and avoid spicy, greasy and irritating foods. At the same time, maintaining adequate water intake can help relieve symptoms such as thirst and dry throat.

Lifestyle adjustment: It is recommended that patients maintain good work and rest habits and avoid bad lifestyle habits such as staying up late and overwork. Appropriate physical exercise to enhance physical fitness and improve immunity.

Is heat harmful in summer? Cook a bowl of sweet soup often to extinguish fires, eliminate internal heat, and be good for psoriasis

After a month of TCM treatment, Mr. Li's symptoms were significantly reduced. Skin erythema is reduced, scales are thinned, and itching symptoms are relieved. The patient reported an improvement in his mental state, and his symptoms such as thirst and dry throat were also relieved. After one month of continued consolidation therapy, the patient's skin returned to normal and the condition was under control.

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