
He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money

author:The quarterback of Kanball


This year, there is a video circulating on the Internet, an old man is living on the street in rags, but he is different from other homeless people, he does not beg, he just plays chess with his opponent every day.

The old man's behavior also caused a great discussion on the Internet, and then some netizens stood up and said that don't look at him like he is now, you must know that he was a world champion in the past, and he was worth a lot of money!

So is it really what it is? If it is really a world champion who is worth a lot of money, what did he go through to get here?

He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money

Known as China's No. 1 ghost chess king

On the streets of Lanzhou, there is an old man named Deng Youbang, who lives in Qiaodong, wears tattered clothes, often accompanied by dirt and dust, has a pigtail on his head, and wears red-framed glasses from time to time, which is very much in line with everyone's impression of homeless.

But he didn't take a bowl everywhere to ask for food every day, but took a game of chess he made and looked for opponents everywhere to play chess, two yuan a game. If his opponent loses to him, he doesn't want money.

He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money
He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money
The original article was published in 2018-01-19About "The legendary story of the world's first chess king may be hype behind it"

He also carried a wooden board next to the chessboard, and there were many words on it, but some of them were words that everyone could not understand. With the development of the Internet, Deng Youbang's fame has also grown.

Many netizens even flew over by plane just to play a game of chess with Deng Youbang, although he has a strange personality, he is still a good person. Some people saw him like this and specially brought him a lot of things for life.

He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money

He never accepted it, all of them refused one by one, during the New Year, someone asked him to play chess, and after playing, he didn't accept the two yuan, and when he asked, he said that it was because of the New Year, just for fun.

It is said that as early as 1996, Deng Youbang once played chess against a Japanese chess player, but the result was a draw.

He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money

This result was unacceptable to Deng Youbang, so the matter was stimulated a lot, and then the whole person became a little crazy, and even gave up his 40 million assets, and insisted on finding someone to play chess for many years.

But this matter was discovered by some media anchors by chance, and in order to win more traffic's attention, they have been hyping it in the name of Deng Youbang.

He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money

Become a "tool" for anchors to attract traffic

The first time this happened was in 2017, when it became popular on a short video website, and many anchors found that this was a "good business opportunity to rub traffic", and they went to Deng Youbang every day.

Some anchors once even rented a house to "raise" Deng Youbang, and when the live broadcast came, he dressed him in "Jigong" clothes to attract attention. But at the beginning of this year, I don't know why it was hot again.

He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money

Now there are three main legends on the Internet around the "Lanzhou Chess King" Deng Youbang, the one mentioned above is one who plays chess with Japanese players, and the second is that he once won the world championship.

As for the last one, it means that the chess pieces he made himself were once put up for auction and called for tens of millions, but in the end, for various reasons, it was still not sold. In fact, these legends are impossible to verify.

It is believed that in order to attract more traffic, the network anchors used this way to "set up" Deng Youbang and let netizens pay more attention to him.

He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money

This kind of thing is very immoral, and he made up a lot of nonsense in order to make money, and it also affected Deng Youbang's personal life.

After the popularity of the Internet came up, the local relevant departments also paid attention to Deng Youbang, and in order to improve his life, they also deliberately helped him.

He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money

There is a grant of relief money, and the results cannot be verified

After investigation, the relevant departments found that Deng Youbang was a villager in Huajiajing Village, and he also wrote a long article about the entire rescue process of Deng Youbang and posted it on the personal official account of the Qinchuan Town Government.

Deng Youbang's wandering residence collapsed, which had a very serious safety hazard, and the staff found Deng Youbang.

After a long period of work, he returned to live at his home in the village, but when the staff went to his house, they found that Deng Youbang's house had nothing but basic water and electricity, and there were no necessary living utensils or a sturdy bed to sleep on.

He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money
He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money
He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money
The original article was published in Jimu News2024-02-19About "Lanzhou Chess King" is in rags and looking for someone to play on the street? Official: It is a five-guarantee household that has been helped, and the results are difficult to verify"

The relevant departments approved Deng Youbang with a temporary relief fund of 4,000 yuan, and even contacted the supplier of the relevant items very intimately, saying that they would give him the best price.

On the official website of the Lanzhou New Area Management Committee, Deng Youbang's name is also on the list of people living in extreme poverty, and according to his situation, he learned that the government will subsidize him with 1,196 yuan per month.

All the local assistance measures for Deng Youbang can be said to be very in place, but Deng Youbang's life is still the same as before, but this is also Deng Youbang's own choice, and many netizens who care about his life can also rest easy.

He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money

Many netizens still have a lot of questions, what did Deng Youbang live a wandering life for, and what his life experience was, which is unknown, and the official media did not give an explanation.

Some media also found staff to inquire about Deng Youbang's statement that he was once a world champion and had a lot of money, and the staff said that there are many different versions of the statement circulating on the Internet, but now there is still no way to verify it.

On Deng Youbang's body, he has indeed been labeled with many different labels in recent years, but the traffic is a temporary after all, and Deng Youbang still has to return to his normal life after the atmosphere passes.

He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money
He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money
He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money
The original article was published in Jimu News2024-02-20About "Lanzhou Chess King" is popular again, if you can't help, don't bother"

After experiencing so many things, it can be seen that Deng Youbang himself still likes this way of life very much, and he doesn't care much about external things, food, clothing, and housing, and he only has one idea in his heart, that is, to play chess.

His obsession with chess has really entered a realm, which is incomprehensible to ordinary people like us, and Deng Youbang is enjoying it. Regardless of what he did, he was just an ordinary person.

Here, I still want to appeal, those with ulterior motives should not disturb his peaceful life, the traffic is used on the right path, and it is also appropriate to make money correctly.

He lives on the streets, ragged and only looking for someone to play chess, netizens: He was a world champion and is worth a lot of money


I hope that Deng Youbang can continue to live a comfortable life with him, maintain the original thoughts in his heart, and his transparency is actually a degree that many of us can hardly reach.

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