
Outside of marriage, when you meet someone who is "excited", how to get lost

author:Wu Qingxi

In the journey of life, we may all encounter those heart-warming moments, especially outside of marriage.

However, this heartbeat is often not a simple emotional resonance, but a deep complex purpose and motivation.

For married people, this kind of heartbeat is more like an elaborate trap that makes people lose themselves in short-term pleasures and end up paying a heavy price.

"Be content and always be happy" is a wisdom motto left to us by the ancients.

However, in the modern world of materialism and temptation, many people find it difficult to be content.

They are always craving more excitement and freshness, constantly looking for so-called "true love" outside of marriage.

However, this "true love" is often just a phantom of desire, and once you get involved in it, you will fall into an abyss from which you cannot extricate yourself.

As one famous person said, "Lust is an endless abyss, and only contentment can lead to happiness." ”

Outside of marriage, when you meet someone who is "excited", how to get lost

Those who get involved in extramarital affairs because of greed and restlessness will eventually find that the excitement they are seeking is only a short-term thrill and satisfaction.

And this kind of satisfaction often comes at a huge cost, including the breakdown of the family, the estrangement of family affection, the loss of property, and so on.

The heartbeat in an extramarital affair is often accompanied by a physiological response of "dopamine spikes".

This strong physiological response allows people to experience unprecedented pleasure and satisfaction in a short period of time.

However, this pleasure and satisfaction is short-lived, and once the dopamine level drops, the person feels empty and lost.

Moreover, this physiological response can also make people have stronger desires and urges, which can put people in more dangerous situations.

In addition to the physical reactions, the heartbeat of an extramarital affair can also bring psychological burden and pain.

When a person is caught in an extramarital affair, he not only has to face his own inner struggles and moral condemnation, but also a lot of pressure from society and family.

Outside of marriage, when you meet someone who is "excited", how to get lost

This stress can leave people feeling exhausted, exhausted, and can even lead to mental breakdowns and personality distortions.

And those "third parties" in extramarital affairs are often also close to married people for some purpose.

They may value each other's wealth, status, or other resources and want to access them through relationships outside of marriage.

In the process, they will pursue their goals by any means necessary, even at the cost of destroying each other's families and lives.

This kind of behavior is not only against morality and ethics, but also brings endless pain and remorse to oneself.

Therefore, for married people, it is important to keep a clear head and a firm stance when facing the heartbeat in an extramarital affair. Know that marriage is a responsibility and commitment, not a game or an adventure.

If you already have a happy family, then you should cherish and maintain this happiness, rather than seek those illusory, short-term satisfactions.

Outside of marriage, when you meet someone who is "excited", how to get lost

At the same time, be wary of those who may destroy your family. Don't let people with ulterior motives approach you, tempt you, or deceive you. We must learn to protect ourselves, our families, and our dignity and interests.

In this world, there is no love and hate for no reason.

Every relationship has a meaning and value for its existence. However, in the process of pursuing excitement and excitement, it is easy for us to lose ourselves and forget our original intention.

Therefore, in the journey of life, we need to always be sober and vigilant, cherish the people in front of us, cherish the current affairs, and cherish every hard-won happiness.