
Lai Qingde is about to take office! PLA military aircraft broke through 24 nautical miles, and the US aircraft carrier suddenly withdrew from the first island chain

author:Horses and chariots

At a time when Taiwan's new leader is about to take office, PLA fighter jets are very rare to approach Taiwan's airspace for 24 nautical miles. This is very rare in the regular patrol of Taiwan by the People's Liberation Army in peacetime, especially when the Taiwan authorities do not provoke the mainland to the death.

Lai Qingde is about to take office! PLA military aircraft broke through 24 nautical miles, and the US aircraft carrier suddenly withdrew from the first island chain

It is not difficult to see from the actions of the PLA military aircraft on the mainland that Chinese mainland wants to exert some pressure on the incoming Lai Qingde before the arrival of 520 in advance, reminding him not to do things at the so-called "inauguration ceremony"; if Lai Qingde still does not know whether he is alive or dead, then it is very likely that on the day of 520, the Continental Army will personally fly to the island of Taiwan and give Lai Qingde a big gift to his inauguration!

Lai Qingde is about to take office! PLA military aircraft broke through 24 nautical miles, and the US aircraft carrier suddenly withdrew from the first island chain

Compared with the more and more aggressive regular patrols of the PLA around the Taiwan Strait, the corresponding number of US aircraft carriers entering the so-called first island chain is becoming less and less.

Judging from past practice, the United States will always send aircraft carriers to stand up for the so-called Taiwan authorities at the inauguration ceremony of the leaders of the Taiwan region, but judging from the dynamics of US aircraft carriers today, the US Navy does not seem to be so prepared! What does the military comparison between China and the United States around the Taiwan Strait illustrate? Under such circumstances, does Lai Qingde really dare to resist the mainland to the end?

How does Taiwan's defense department view the mainland's regular patrols of Taiwan?

In view of the mainland's People's Liberation Army's recent practice of breaking through 24 nautical miles and approaching Taiwan's territorial airspace, Taiwan's defense department has not even provided a so-called "report" to the Taiwan authorities, and has not even provided basic monitoring of fighter planes.

In the face of the PLA's regular patrols of Taiwan and frequent crossings of the so-called "middle line of the strait", Qiu Guozheng, who was clamoring for a revision of the first-strike strategy of Taiwan's defense department, submitted his resignation report to the Taiwan authorities not long after shouting!

Lai Qingde is about to take office! PLA military aircraft broke through 24 nautical miles, and the US aircraft carrier suddenly withdrew from the first island chain

The biggest reason why Chiu Kuo-cheng resigned from his post as the number one leader of Taiwan's defense department, apart from the irreconcilable contradictions with Lai Ching-te, is that the pressure on Taiwan's defense department is now increasing.

Qiu Guo is precisely aware of the actual military strength of Taiwan's defense department, and in the face of the increasingly aggressive patrol strategy of the mainland PLA, the military in the Taiwan region has not to say that it has taken countermeasures, and even the response seems to be somewhat stretched.

All this is because the PLA did not dispatch the J-20, the strongest combat force of the air force, and only used a small part of the air force in the Eastern Theater, Qiu Guozheng obviously knew that if the PLA showed all its strength, Taiwan's defense department would not even be able to make a symbolic struggle at that time, let alone resist! Doing this kind of tiger whisker thing every day, it's no wonder that Qiu Guozheng can't sleep all night long!

Lai Qingde is about to take office! PLA military aircraft broke through 24 nautical miles, and the US aircraft carrier suddenly withdrew from the first island chain

As a matter of fact, the jurisdiction and law enforcement powers of Taiwan's defense departments in the Taiwan Strait have been gradually reduced, and even the PLA Air Force and Navy will have to reduce Taiwan's reconnaissance and navigation rights in the next step.

At that time, Taiwan's defense department will be completely deaf and blind, and all the airspace outside Taiwan itself will be blocked by Chinese mainland, and at that time, no matter how many troops there are in the Taiwan region, they will only become a live target of the mainland People's Liberation Army if they lose air and sea supremacy!

Why are US aircraft carriers gradually withdrawing from the first island chain?

In the past decade or so, we have often heard the news that US aircraft carriers have come to China's doorstep to show off their military might, but in recent years, these news have gradually decreased, and even now US aircraft carriers have entered the first island chain or gone to China's doorstep only a handful of times in the past year, and now the United States does not dare to easily drive aircraft carriers into the first island chain even for such a major event as the inauguration of the leader of the Taiwan region!

When Lee Teng-hui took office in 96, the US aircraft carrier sailed directly into the Taiwan Strait, and at that time even a military confrontation between China and the United States almost broke out, and then whenever a leader in the Taiwan region took office, the US aircraft carrier would always approach the Taiwan Strait to put pressure on Chinese mainland!

Lai Qingde is about to take office! PLA military aircraft broke through 24 nautical miles, and the US aircraft carrier suddenly withdrew from the first island chain

But now that Lai Qingde is about to take office, the two aircraft carriers deployed by the United States in the Asia-Pacific region have no intention of entering the Taiwan Strait at all! The USS Roosevelt was originally deployed near Philippine waters, but the Philippine side organized 100 fishing boats to force their way into Scarborough Shoal, although in the end it did not make much noise.

However, the Philippines' tough posture of facing China directly frightened the US aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt into retreating near Singapore! It is difficult to get to the Taiwan Strait in a short time!

Another U.S. aircraft carrier, the USS Reagan, was repaired and maintained at the Yokosuka pier at the Japanese military base not long ago, but it was accidentally photographed by a Chinese blogger using a drone at close range and in high definition, and then the Reagan aircraft carrier left the dock, and their next destination seems to be the mainland of the United States!

Lai Qingde is about to take office! PLA military aircraft broke through 24 nautical miles, and the US aircraft carrier suddenly withdrew from the first island chain

In recent years, US aircraft carriers have suffered setbacks one after another in confrontations with the Chinese fleet, and they have learned a lesson and dare not easily drive aircraft carriers into the first island chain; if such setbacks continue, it will not only hit the confidence of the US aircraft carrier battle group, but will also allow China to find out the combat effectiveness of US aircraft carriers, and finally make the so-called nuclear-powered aircraft carriers of the United States completely lose their deterrent power here in China!

In fact, the deterrent power of US aircraft carriers against China has long been greatly reduced, and this year the United States sent five aircraft carriers to gather in the Asia-Pacific region at its peak, but in fact, in addition to making their allies feel the tension, the Chinese Navy has no fear!

From the attitude of the Chinese Air Force to the gradual approach of the Chinese Air Force's regular patrols to the farther and farther away US aircraft carriers, it fully shows the changes in the balance of power between China and the United States in the Asia-Pacific region.

Lai Qingde is about to take office! PLA military aircraft broke through 24 nautical miles, and the US aircraft carrier suddenly withdrew from the first island chain

In fact, everyone knows that in the current war with China in China's coastal waters, even if the United States has the ability to fight at sea, and with the help of all its allies in the Asia-Pacific region, it will be difficult for them to defeat China in the coastal waters of the People's Liberation Army. The contrast between the military strength of China and the United States has quietly changed as early as the moment when their influence in the world declined!

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