
Insist on putting discipline and rules first

author:Chinese military horn

Source: People's Liberation Army Daily, China Military Trumpet


Persisting in putting discipline and rules in the forefront is an intrinsic requirement for our party to carry out the great self-revolution and an important part of the study and education on party discipline. President Xi emphasized: "To govern the Party according to rules and regulations, the first thing is to establish, strictly enforce and enforce discipline and rules. "Our party is a Marxist political party organized with revolutionary ideals and iron discipline, and strict discipline is the glorious tradition and unique advantage of our party and our army, and it is also where our strength lies. History and practice have proven that only by always doing a good job in discipline building and persistently putting discipline and rules in the forefront can we ensure that the whole party and the whole army will unify their will, act in unison, and advance in unison, and can the cause of strengthening the country and the military continue to develop.


Knowledge is the beginning of action, and learning is the first to use. To put discipline and rules in the front is to put discipline and rules in front of the law, to erect a charged "high-voltage line" in front of the red line of the law, to permeate the party's discipline and rules in the daily education, management and supervision, to pay attention to grasping the small as soon as possible, so that discipline and rules can truly become the "precept ruler" for governing the party and governing the party, to prevent party members and cadres from "small mistakes" from causing "big disasters", and to effectively use discipline and rules to control the majority and ensure the health of the party. In essence, putting discipline and rules in the forefront is an effective protection for party members and cadres, and is the basis for implementing the requirements of comprehensively and strictly administering the party.

In view of the problems of some party members and cadres who do not care, understand, and grasp party rules and party discipline, we should improve their ideological understanding, strengthen their responsibility, and solidly promote the study and education of party discipline to go deeper and implement it, figure out what the party's discipline and rules are, figure out what they can do and what they can't do, and engrave compliance with rules and discipline in their hearts and internalize it into the code of words and deeds of "daily use without realizing it". We should deeply study the theory and consolidate the foundation, unremittingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge the soul, conscientiously study and implement President Xi's series of important expositions on strict discipline and rules, deeply understand the essence of the spirit, and build a solid ideological foundation for abiding by rules and disciplines. Deeply study the provisions of the correct words and deeds, conscientiously study and implement the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China", "The Communist Party of China's Integrity and Self-Discipline Guidelines", "The Communist Party of China's Disciplinary Regulations" and other party discipline regulations, strengthen the "ten prohibitions" and "five must not be allowed" and other rigid requirements of political discipline, and truly achieve discipline, knowledge, discipline, and discipline. Deeply understand the baptism of party history, promote the normalization and long-term effect of party history learning and education, give full play to the advantages of red resources in the station, absorb the rich nutrition of compliance and discipline from more than 100 years of party history, nourish the original intention with red genes, purify party spirit, cultivate the political character of obeying orders, improve political immunity in strengthening discipline awareness and self-restraint, enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption, and always be loyal, clean and responsible.


Our party has always attached great importance to political discipline, and the most important thing in strict discipline is to strictly enforce political discipline. Entering the new era, President Xi emphasized political discipline, pointing out that "Party discipline is multifaceted, but political discipline is the most important, fundamental and critical discipline", "among all Party disciplines and rules, the first is political discipline and political rules", emphasizing "strengthening the Party's political construction and strictly enforcing political discipline and political rules", "the first thing for the army to observe discipline is to abide by political discipline, and the first thing to abide by rules is to abide by political rules", and so on. These important expositions have profoundly revealed that among the various disciplines of the party, political discipline is the general requirement for managing the direction, stance, and fundamentals. We must profoundly understand the extreme importance of strictly enforcing political discipline and political rules, put strict observance of the party's political discipline and rules in a more prominent position, and create a strong atmosphere in which we take a clear-cut stand and stress politics and strictly grasp discipline.

The "two safeguards" are the common will of the whole party formed in the revolutionary forging since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and are the party's highest political principle and fundamental political rules, which must be guaranteed by strict discipline. The history of our party has fully proved that in order to govern a big party like ours and a big country like ours well, it is extremely important to ensure the unity and unity of the party and safeguard the authority of the party Central Committee. Resolutely upholding the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Party Central Committee and the core position of the whole Party, and resolutely safeguarding the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee are the primary tasks of strengthening the Party's political construction in the new era. The newly revised Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China further tighten political discipline and political rules, take the "two safeguards" as the starting point and end point, and further enrich and improve the discipline and rules that Party organizations at all levels and all Party members must abide by in terms of political direction, political position, political speech, and political behavior. Insisting on putting discipline and rules in the front requires us to earnestly transform our profound understanding of the decisive significance of the "two establishments" into political consciousness, ideological consciousness, and action consciousness to resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", strengthen the "four obedience", achieve the "five musts", and prevent the "seven haves", and ensure that the party organizations at all levels and all party members are of one heart and one mind with the party Central Committee, so as to truly love the party, always worry about the party, firmly protect the party, and make every effort to rejuvenate the party, and unite into "a piece of hard steel" under the banner of the party. As far as the people's army is concerned, it is necessary to follow the implementation of the responsibility of the chairman of the Central Military Commission as the highest political requirement and strictly abide by it as the highest political discipline, so as to truly obey Chairman Xi's command, be responsible to President Xi, and reassure President Xi.


The core of comprehensively and strictly administering the party is "strictness", and the key lies in "governance", and the standard of "strictness" is embodied in discipline and rules, and the basis of "governance" is party rules and party discipline. In the new era, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has stiffened its grip on discipline construction, fundamentally reversing the lax and soft governance of the Party. "Discipline is a piece of iron, and whoever touches it bleeds; Discipline is a piece of steel, and whoever touches it suffers. "Countless cases show that the fall of party members and cadres into the abyss of crime all begins with violating the party's discipline and rules. Only by always putting discipline and rules in the forefront, and insisting on being strict with the law and discipline before the law, can we effectively use discipline to control all party members. We must always bear in mind that no one should treat the party's discipline and rules as a child's play or act recklessly, no one should override the laws of the state or bend the law for personal gain, and no one should use judicial power as a private weapon to seek personal interests or satisfy selfish desires. We will not tolerate or accommodate those who violate rules and disciplines, undermine laws and regulations, step on the "red line", cross the "bottom line", and break into the "minefield". Embarking on a new journey, the party and the army are faced with a complex and grim situation, and the mission they are shouldering is arduous and glorious. It is necessary to constantly improve discipline and rules, and send a strong signal that the party will be stricter and stricter in administering the party in an all-round way, and that discipline will become stricter in the future, so as to eliminate in a timely manner the viruses that erode the party's healthy body, eliminate in a timely manner the risks and hidden dangers that damage the party's ruling foundation, ensure that the party will not degenerate, change its color, and change its taste, and constantly consolidate the purity and glory of the people's army.

To persist in administering the party strictly and the army in an all-round way, it is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the building of party discipline, implement strict requirements in the entire process of formulating party rules, party discipline education, and discipline supervision, and implement them in detail and concretely. It is necessary to strengthen the building of party discipline, manage the party with iron discipline and strict requirements, grasp the study and implementation of the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline in an integrated manner, and promote strict discipline and the practice of orders and prohibitions to become a habit and a consciousness. Strengthen the pertinence and effectiveness of legal and discipline education with negative examples and warning cases, ensure that the alarm bell rings for a long time, and deeply imprint, and educate party members and cadres to consolidate the foundation from the depths of their thoughts and clean up the source. It is necessary to deepen the use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement, frequently carry out criticism and self-criticism, and promptly carry out talks and reminders, criticism and education, order inspections, and admonishments, so that "blushing and sweating" will become the norm, so that light party discipline punishment and organizational adjustment will become the majority of disciplinary violations, let party discipline be severely punished and major post adjustments will become a minority, and let serious violations of discipline and suspected crimes become a very small minority. Adhere to the responsibility must be asked, accountability must be strict, integrate the accountability system, improve the accountability mechanism, adhere to the strict tone, strict measures, and strict atmosphere for a long time, always maintain zero tolerance and deterrence, and always have a high-pressure punishment force, so that the management is really strict, dare to be strict, and the long-term management is strict, so that the word is strict, comprehensive strict, and strict to the end, so as to create a political ecology of Haiyan Heqing for the directors to start a business, and provide a strong political guarantee and strong disciplinary guarantee for the realization of the goal of the centenary of the founding of the army.


"Politicians, masaya. Zi Shuai is upright, who dares to be upright? "Leading cadres setting an example and taking the lead in setting an example is our party's fine tradition, and it is also a valuable experience for the people's army to effectively fulfill its missions and tasks. If leading cadres take the lead and set an example, they will be able to become a silent command and have a powerful appeal. To persist in putting discipline and rules in the forefront, we must give prominence to the "key minority" of leading cadres. It is necessary to insist on "teaching by example" to set a benchmark for the majority of party members and cadres, take the lead in abiding by rules and disciplines, take the lead in accepting supervision, and take the lead in putting themselves in strict discipline and rules. Strictly implement the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, the ten regulations of the Central Military Commission and the detailed rules for their implementation, strictly manage their own life circles, social circles, and entertainment circles, do not make friends with people they should not be, do not go to places they should not go, do not do things that should not be done, and never indulge, deviate, or exceed the rules. Serious political life within the party, implement democratic centralism, consciously carry out criticism and self-criticism, take the initiative to accept the supervision of the party organizations and the masses, and constantly enhance "immunity" in the process of self-cultivation with discipline. At the same time, we must effectively manage the "people around us", start from specific things, remind and correct as soon as possible, not turn a blind eye, let alone coax and protect, prevent small problems from evolving into big problems, and create a good atmosphere of strict self-discipline, strict responsibility, and strict management under the above rate.

President Xi stressed: "The military is the most disciplined, and strict discipline is an important source of combat effectiveness. "Achieving the goal of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army as scheduled and speeding up the building of the people's army into a world-class army is a strategic requirement for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. At present, the realization of the goal of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army has reached a period of arduous struggle, and it is inevitable that we will face some difficulties among difficulties, a firm battle among the strong, and a tough battle among the hard. In the face of the test of high winds and turbulent waves and even turbulent seas on the road ahead, we must put discipline and rules in the forefront, let iron rules and discipline exert force, and ensure with strict discipline that the people's army always maintains a strong cohesive force and combat effectiveness, and can pull out, go up, and win battles when the party and the people need it.

(Produced by the People's Liberation Army Daily, China Military Horn)