
Money in Pockets, Books in Hands, and Views in Hearts: The Wisdom of Life for Women



In a woman's life, only by enriching herself can she walk leisurely on the broad stage of life.

The beauty of life is not only the moderate satisfaction of material desires in the outside world, but also the instant insight and exquisite carving into the depths of the heart.

After experiencing the thousands of scenery in the world and tasting the various tastes of the world, you will finally understand:

The pocket is full, which is the independent confidence; Holding a book in your hand is spiritual nourishment; Having a vision is the guide of the soul.

These three have both, so that people can still bloom like flowers and live their own splendid and colorful lives in the complicated world.

Money in your pocket

Oscar Wilde's wise words reveal: "When I was young, I mistakenly thought that money was the most precious thing in the world, but now I am dying, and I realize that this is true." ”

Money is not everything, but it can untie the knots of countless lives.

It may not be able to ensure 100% happiness, but it can reduce your embarrassment and panic when adversity strikes, and add a touch of calmness and calmness.

For women, economic independence is the bright road, and earning power is the way of kings, and it is the foundation of life.

In the real world, grasping the economic initiative invisibly gives you self-confidence and strength, and behind the ability to consume freely is the double blessing of dignity and decency.

Fan Shengmei in the TV series "Ode to Joy" is extraordinarily beautiful, but due to financial constraints and patriarchal pressure in her family, it is difficult to find true love and lack of self-confidence.

She tries to disguise her financial troubles with a flashy appearance, pretending to be rich.

However, true self-confidence comes from the security that money brings, not an illusion of vanity.

After being deceived again and again, she finally needs to face the reality and meet someone who treats her sincerely.

Lacking an economic foundation, she either relies on others or compromises herself, so Fan Shengmei's life is a little rickety, and she lacks some firm strength between words and deeds.

Shakespeare: Money is a great ally, it multiplies courage.

If you are shy in your pocket, you will naturally retreat in front of many options.

On the contrary, if the pocket is abundant, the heart will be stable; Only when the economy is independent can the personality be truly independent.

It is money that allows women to embrace confidence, courage and freedom to a certain extent.

Money in Pockets, Books in Hands, and Views in Hearts: The Wisdom of Life for Women

There is a book in hand

Some people questioned Yang Lan: "What is the significance of girls spending years studying and reading a wide range of books?" In the end, life is dull, doing ordinary work, becoming a wife, taking care of household affairs, why do you have to work so hard? ”

Yang Lan replied: "The goal of continuous reading is to have an extraordinary mentality in the face of the same position even if the future falls into daily trivialities; In an ordinary family, it can create a unique atmosphere; The next generation will also have a higher level of cultivation. ”

I couldn't agree more. Since childhood, the teaching of "the book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu" has lingered in my ears. Time passed, and I did meet endless beautiful visions between the lines.

Books are a treasure trove of wisdom and emotion of our predecessors, carrying their laughter and tears, experiences and insights.

Opening a book is an in-depth dialogue with a noble soul, allowing thoughts to be sublimated in a communication that transcends time and space.

Flipping through the pages of the book, you seem to be walking in the romantic world conceived by the author, but what is triggered is the yearning and pursuit of an ideal life in your heart.

A woman's journey of growth from youth to maturity, without the company of books, her world will be barren and pale.

In every quiet night or noisy day, a readily available book has become the most solid support for the soul. It dispels loneliness, guides the way, and gives the soul a place to rest.

As Liang Xiaosheng said in "The World": "The true meaning of reading is not the pursuit of external success, but when life brings you back to the ordinary, even in deep trouble, it can give you inner strength." ”

Although the distance is far away, books can reach; Although the vision is short, the pages are boundless.

When you are confused, you might as well sit quietly and immerse yourself in the sea of books. The pages of the book turned over thousands of mountains and rivers, and his face changed unconsciously.

Maybe you think that the chapters you have read have passed away with the wind, but in fact, their nourishment has been quietly integrated into your temperament, speech and daily life.

Books are the wings of thought, allowing the soul to fly and the soul to be free and uninhibited.

Therefore, women, may you meet the beauty of your deepest self in this room full of books.

Money in Pockets, Books in Hands, and Views in Hearts: The Wisdom of Life for Women

There is a view in the heart

A woman stood at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the mountain, and imagined that the scenery above the peak must be incomparably beautiful.

With a desire to conquer, she resolutely set out on a journey.

At first, her steps are full of energy, and every step is like a jump, full of power.

However, halfway up the mountain, my physical strength gradually became exhausted, and every step forward seemed extremely difficult.

Faced with the endless mountain road, she felt a retreat in her heart, and couldn't help but ask herself if she had chosen a path that was too difficult.

Just when she hesitated, a fresh floral fragrance quietly came, as if soothed by nature, which lifted her spirits.

Next to him, a traveler who also climbed encouraged with laughter: "Hold on, the sea of flowers on the top of the mountain is waiting for you, it's definitely worth it!" ”

He saw through her hesitation, and smiled with firmness: "Don't stop, as long as you have beautiful scenery in your heart, the rugged road is not to be feared." ”

Finally, she reached the top of the mountain, only to find that there was nothing special about it except for the magnificence of the mountains.

At this moment, she suddenly realized: the true meaning of climbing the top of the mountain is not in the beautiful scenery of the outside world, but in the abundance and growth of the inner world.

As Sanmao said: "If you have a beautiful heart, your face will bloom like a spring flower, and this beauty is enough to touch anyone's heartstrings." ”

As a woman, you should forge a tenacious heart, even if the external conditions are limited, you must rely on the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas in your heart to transform all adversity into the driving force to move forward.

I have a scenery in my heart, and every day is a spring breeze; The soul is full of beauty, and every step is like walking on a flower path.

Dong Yuhui's words won my heart: "A smile is never the patent of the winner, it is a badge of glory for every participant in life." ”

For a woman with a gorgeous inner world, the baptism of time will only make her more dazzling, with a warm light hidden in her eyes, a smile full of calmness, and an elegant atmosphere all over her body.

Money in Pockets, Books in Hands, and Views in Hearts: The Wisdom of Life for Women

Yang Jiang's words of wisdom remind us: "In the face of the occasional coldness of the world, the heart should be like a spring garden, full of flowers."

A faint joy, quiet love, and a deep understanding are relieved and indifferent. ”

Just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the cycle of nature goes back and forth, and it is constant.

Human life follows a similar rhythm.

Since sorrow and joy inevitably fill each day, why not choose to let your day be soaked in happiness?

Regard pain as the nutrient for growth, and weave ordinary life into beautiful poems: quietly enjoy the flowers and blossom all over the trees, listen to the crisp sound of the rain falling, and immerse yourself in the sea of books.

From today onwards, let us live up to the gift of time, live up to our expectations, and live as bright as the stars, as free as the breeze.