
Adult cultivation: do not reach into other people's world, do not disturb the happiness of others



Jung said: When the sun shines, people's hearts feel different - they may feel dazzling, or they may feel warm, and they will avoid them.

Happiness experience, thousands of people, thousands of faces, each with their own understanding.

Interfering with the well-being of others is not only rude to infringe on the boundary, but also adds to their annoyance.

Therefore, the highest consciousness is to do not let your own hands and cross the boundaries of others' lives.

Adult cultivation: do not reach into other people's world, do not disturb the happiness of others

Don't disturb the pleasure of others

On a sunny weekend, Xiaolu and his friend Xiaojun go to the countryside to visit their grandparents, and Xiaojun is looking forward to experiencing the simple rural style.

Facing the sea of golden rape flowers and the rippling wheat fields in front of them, the two suddenly felt open-minded, like a sudden cool breeze in the scorching summer, bringing endless comfort and freshness, like taking a bite of a cold watermelon, sweet and refreshing.

Just as they were soaking up the beauty of the tranquility, their reverie was interrupted by a kind call from their grandmother, who invited them to the vegetable garden to help pick the ingredients for dinner, promising to cook a delicious meal.

Xiao Lu happily agreed, and explained to Xiao Jun with a smile: "These vegetables are organic treasures planted by grandpa himself, far away from chemical fertilizers, and the taste is natural and pure. ”

However, Xiaojun's unintentional words instantly broke this harmony: "Hey, have you heard of how organic vegetables are grown?" My mom said it was nourished with some kind of special 'fertilizer'. ”

After that, he pointed to the farmhouse toilet not far away, which made Xiaolu's face freeze, and his stomach turned upside down, and the previous pleasure and anticipation of the upcoming food disappeared in an instant.

This moment teaches us that casual words can be like a burning iron, leaving indelible scars on the other person's heart.

Destroying the happiness of others is often only a matter of thought.

Therefore, protecting the pleasure of others not only shows a gentle kindness, but also an indispensable wisdom in life.

Learning to be silent at the right time is an art of respecting the emotions of others.

Adult cultivation: do not reach into other people's world, do not disturb the happiness of others

Don't belittle the excellence of others

There is a saying in "One Hundred Years of Solitude": "Where people gather, the topics are inseparable from three categories: self-showing off curves, demeaning people and adding vinegar, and snooping on right and wrong." ”

This statement reveals that trying to belittle others is actually a reflection of one's own shortcomings.

Netizen @毛小星 shared a thing, which is quite thought-provoking:

When he worked for a well-known beverage company, as a newcomer, he often returned at 9 or 10 o'clock in the evening, but his colleague Xiao Chen worked even more overtime.

Xiao Chen, with outstanding appearance and capable behavior, gives people a sense of decisiveness and efficiency.

In order to gain insight into customer needs, we visit every day, and the plan is repeatedly discussed and changed, and we are tired of it.

When everyone returned home, she still stayed behind, waiting for the leaders to be at leisure, presenting a careful plan for final improvement.

In the end, after hard work in March, a large business was in the bag.

At this time, some workplace "veterans" disdainfully said: "Their scheming is deep, what does it have to do with customers, and they get this order?" ”

Fortunately, Xiao Chen is open-minded, and regards such words as the wind passing through his ears and does not linger.

In life, such scenarios are not uncommon:

Obtain a driver's license with real talent, but it is misunderstood as bribery;

The wealth accumulated by the diligent and thrifty housekeeper was unreasonably suspicious, and it was pointed out as the income of the sideways.

It seems that it is more difficult to praise the achievements of others than to ascend to heaven.

Goethe famously: "To praise others is to stand side by side with them." "A wise man never hesitates to praise, but openly acknowledges the excellence of others and shows his own grace.

Adult cultivation: do not reach into other people's world, do not disturb the happiness of others

Do not refute the pursuits of others

In the summer of 2005, a high school student blogger was offered a contract job in the system with a monthly salary of 586 yuan through his family's connections.

Despite the meager pay, the fact that the work is free of overtime and the environment is pleasant, she is satisfied with the fact that her material desires are not strong.

In her life, she has a cousin who works in the engineering industry, and she is quite financially well-off.

Once, her cousin invited her on a shopping trip and stopped in front of a delicate jewelry store, where a few pieces of jewelry worth dozens of yuan attracted their attention. At the suggestion of the blogger, the cousin returned with a full load.

When I left the store, my cousin asked curiously, "Why don't you buy one or two?" ”

The blogger was frank: "I think these non-essentials, my income is limited, so forget it." ”

The cousin immediately asked about his monthly income, and after learning that it was only 586 yuan, he commented disapprovingly: "This kind of work, the salary is meager, why continue?" Your monthly income is less than my daily income. ”

As soon as these words came out, the blogger was silent, did not say anything more, turned around and left the scene silently.

There is such a proverb in "Wonderful Sayings": "If someone is willing to live the way his heart desires, others do not need to be harsh, let alone harmful." ”

Each of us has the right to choose the way we want to live according to our inner direction.

Some people prefer the luxurious feast of star-rated hotels, while others prefer the simple coarse tea and light rice in the countryside;

Some people chase the lights of the metropolis, while others enjoy the peace and tranquility of a small town.

One of the hallmarks of maturity is respect for the lifestyles and choices of others.

Adult cultivation: do not reach into other people's world, do not disturb the happiness of others

"If you can't add a gift to other people's worlds, don't step into their lives."

The cultivation of the adult world is often reflected in not interfering with the happiness and tranquility of others.

Being able to appreciate and respect the excellence of others shows a rare tolerance and courage.

Not saying no to other people's dreams is one of the secrets to deepening our friendship.

May the rest of our lives be like spring rain that silently nourishes the souls around us, and at the same time, we can be treated gently by those around us.

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