
The cost of acne treatment is only a few yuan, but it is sold to students for more than 7,000 yuan......

author:The first scene

Recently, a case released by the WeChat public account of the Guangzhou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau has attracted attention.

A 17-year-old student spent more than 7,000 yuan to buy skin care products to remove acne in 3 months under the routine of "skin care guidance". The market supervision department found that these products are just ordinary skin care products, and there are no so-called "acne, repair skin, unclog pores" and other effects, and the cost is only a few yuan.

"Skincare Guide" claims:

You can "customize the acne treatment plan"

Seventeen-year-old Xiao Zeng is a student and, like many of her peers, suffers from acne on her face.

In November 2023, Xiao Zeng saw an advertisement introducing acne on the short video platform, and she was so excited that she immediately added the WeChat of "skin care guidance" in the advertisement.

Out of caution, Xiao Zeng did not buy any products at first, and only made a brief consultation.

And the "skin care guide" will send Xiao Zeng some successful cases every day, and also said that according to her facial condition, an exclusive acne treatment plan can be customized for her.

The cost of acne treatment is only a few yuan, but it is sold to students for more than 7,000 yuan......

In January 2024, Xiao Zeng spent 1,200 yuan to buy acne products.

After being recommended by "Skincare Guide", she added another "VIP Skincare Guide" WeChat and started using the product.

The cost of acne treatment is only a few yuan, but it is sold to students for more than 7,000 yuan......

Under the persuasion of two "skin care guides" in turn, in 3 months, Xiao Zeng bought a number of products, but never achieved the promised effect, and she began to realize that she was being tricked. At this time, she had already spent more than 7,000 yuan.

The cost of acne treatment is only a few yuan, but it is sold to students for more than 7,000 yuan......

OEM production of common skin care products

The cost is only a few bucks

In March 2024, Xiao Zeng asked the market supervision department for help and provided samples, and the staff of the Baiyun District Market Supervision Bureau found that the products purchased by Xiao Zeng did not have the so-called effects of "removing acne, repairing the bottom of the skin, and unclogging pores".

The law enforcement officers went to the manufacturer of the product to investigate and found that Xiao Zeng purchased the products processed and produced by a cosmetics company in Guangzhou, and although the qualifications and quality were qualified, these products were only ordinary skin care products produced for foreign customers, costing a few yuan, and the company had never advertised and sold these products in the market.

The two "skin care guides" falsely advertised and induced Xiao Zeng to purchase products, which violated Article 8 of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China.

Through the efforts of the law enforcement officers of the market supervision department, the manufacturer and its customers, two "skin care guides" were finally contacted, and the money that Xiao Zeng was tricked into buying products was successfully recovered.

Remind! Be wary of false claims from unscrupulous merchants

The market supervision department pointed out that some unscrupulous businesses seized the psychology of consumers to pay attention to their personal image, and used online platforms to carry out false propaganda to induce consumers.

They usually exaggerate or even falsely advertise the effect of the product to attract customers, and when consumers plan to buy the product, there will be people who claim to be professional instructors to add WeChat.

When shopping for cosmetics, it's important to keep in mind:

  • Choose a regular platform

Check the merchant's business license, qualification certification and other information, and do not bypass the platform and use communication software other than the platform to conduct transactions;

  • Carefully distinguish the authenticity of the product

Check the packaging, labeling, coding and other information of the product, and you can also check the special cosmetics license approval documents or ordinary cosmetics filing information through the website of the State Food and Drug Administration;

  • Learn about the ingredients and benefits

You can get the relevant information by reading the product manual, consulting a professional, etc. Don't trust the results described by the merchant;

  • Keep proof of purchase

Keep invoices, receipts, transaction records, and other proof of purchase. If you encounter problems or disputes, you can complain and report to the market supervision department, apply to the relevant departments for arbitration or file a lawsuit with the court, so as to protect your legitimate rights and interests.