
Between the opposite sex, once there is a skin-to-skin relationship, the intimate relationship is a deep connection

author:Art Scene
Between the opposite sex, once there is a skin-to-skin relationship, the intimate relationship is a deep connection

"Love itself is not blind, but people in love are often blind."

In this world, how many people are willing to blindfold because of a deep affection, not to tell whether the other party is worth it, just because of the warmth of that moment, willing to entrust their sincerity.

Between the opposite sex, once there is a skin-to-skin relationship, the intimate relationship is no longer just a shallow temptation and ambiguous communication, but a deep connection.


Skin-to-skin intimacy is not only physical contact, but also heart-to-heart resonance.

Every touch, every hug, leaves traces in each other's hearts, gradually weaving a delicate and firm network of emotions.

When two people are close to each other, their fingers touch lightly, and their heartbeats seem to be synchronized.

The temperature brought by skin kiss is not only a physiological reaction, but also a psychological comfort. When touched, every cell in the body is cheering.

This feeling is irreplaceable by words, an indescribable affection.

Intimacy brings out the softest part of people's hearts.

At that moment, all defensive concerns vanished, and all that was left was naked sincerity and trust. The two hearts were so close that it was as if there was only one other left in the world.

No matter how turbulent the outside world is, no matter how difficult life is, as long as you can embrace each other, you will have the courage to face everything.

Every touch is a heart-to-heart exchange, and every kiss is a confirmation of true love.

Skin-to-skin intimacy brings a sense of security and belonging to one party, so that two people are willing to work hard for each other, and let the relationship deepen in the touch day after day.


In the world of love, blindness seems unavoidable.

When everyone falls in love with another person, they will selectively ignore some reality, just because that affection makes reason blurred.

When two people gradually rely on each other in intimate contact, this blindness becomes more and more obvious, and even becomes a willing choice.

Blindness is not entirely a negative existence. To a certain extent, it reflects people's desire and trust for love.

It has been said that love makes people stupid. But it is this "stupidity" that allows people to let down their guard and experience that pure happiness.

Because loving someone, being willing to ignore the other person's shortcomings, and tolerating everything about the other person is a manifestation of affection in itself.

When a person is willing to open his heart to the other person and accept the intimate contact of the other party, it means that he has chosen to trust the other person and is willing to expose his softness and vulnerability to the other party.

Trust is one of the most precious things in love.

Even if you know that the other person may not be perfect, and even sometimes hurt yourself, but because of love, you are willing to blindfold yourself, just for the beauty of that moment.

It is a kind of persistence and persistence in love, and it is a sincere heart that is willing to work hard for this relationship.

Even if you know that the future may not be as good as you imagined, as long as you love him at the moment, you are willing to give everything for each other.

Love, in itself, is a kind of adventure, and it is willing to face unknown challenges for the sake of the true feelings in your heart.


When there is a skin to skin relationship with each other, it is especially important to balance the give and return.

Because intimacy is not only a physical communication, but also an emotional and psychological commitment and dependence.

Giving is an expression of love, an act of willingness to work hard and sacrifice for the sake of the other person.

When a person is willing to give time, energy, and affection to their significant other, it has proven the depth of love.

Whether it's cooking a delicious dinner for each other or giving a warm hug when the other person is tired, these seemingly insignificant efforts are all conveying a deep affection.

If you don't get a corresponding return for your efforts, over time, you will inevitably have imbalances and grievances in your heart.

Everyone hopes that their efforts can be seen and cherished, and they hope that when they give love, they can also feel the same affection from each other.

Only when there is a dynamic balance between giving and reciprocating can love be maintained for a long time.

In love, the balance between giving and giving is not a completely reciprocal calculation, and it is not always easy to achieve. Sometimes, the person who loves deeply will unconsciously give more, while the other partner may unconsciously get used to receiving.

Learn to reflect on and adjust the way we give in a timely manner, as well as guide the other person appropriately in return, and our relationship will be more balanced and reasonable.

In the world of feelings, it is a rare wisdom and art to be able to balance pay and return.

Learning to feel love in giving and giving back is the password to the longevity of every happy relationship.


Perhaps the most touching part of love is the kind of uncomplaining dedication and persistence.

When everyone loves someone, they will be willing to make all kinds of sacrifices for each other, and they will give willingly, which comes from the true feelings in their hearts.

In intimate relationships, when there is a skin-to-skin relationship with each other, the feelings of no regrets are vividly displayed.

No matter what challenges and tests you will encounter in the future, as long as you have love in your heart, you are willing to give everything for each other.

Even if you pay a lot and don't get anything in return, you still don't regret your choice. Because in that moment, love is all and is the most important part of life.

The mentality of no regrets often makes people show endless courage and patience in love, making the relationship with each other more tenacious and making the relationship stronger in the wind and rain.

No matter what the future holds, I am willing to face it with you.

Because of deep love, people will become firm and fearless in love. Even if the road ahead is full of thorns, he is still willing to persevere for the sake of the other party.

For him, he is willing to give up his pursuit, just to be able to be by the other party's side; Willing to take on all kinds of pressures and responsibilities in life, just to make the other person's life better.

What you do is not what the other person asks, but out of deep love and responsibility.

No regrets, let love become pure, let people find the motivation of life.

Love is never easy.

In this world full of uncertainties, it is a rare luck to meet someone who is willing to sleep with you in your arms and care for you to the bone.

No matter how busy life is, no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, when two hearts are clinging together, all the troubles and exhaustion become irrelevant.

In love, blindness is not stupidity, but a manifestation of deep affection.

As the saying goes:

"Between me and you, once there is a skin-to-skin relationship, if you embrace me into your arms, love me to the bone and protect me thoroughly, I am willing to blindfold and not tell whether you are a human or a ghost, you treat me sincerely or perfunctory, my heart is like a mirror.

I'm just pretending to be stupid for my liking, I'm a guest with the spring breeze, you bring the autumn water to the galaxy, Sansheng is fortunate to meet you, even if it's sad. ”

Love deeply, so I am willing to blindfold and not care about the gains and losses, just for the happiness and sweetness of that moment.

Blindness with affection, affection with persistence, is the most touching thing about love.