
The old man who shouted his granddaughter's name committed suicide and passed away under surveillance, netizens: When you are old, you will not be lonely when you do this

author:Tian Xiaoyi talks about emotions

Foreword: When people reach old age, what they are most afraid of is, of course, loneliness.

As I get older, I don't have the same energy or physical strength as I did when I was younger. In addition to physical failure, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, and relatives of the same age around me are gradually leaving, and children are busy with life and work. At this time, the elderly, especially the widowed, will feel how terrible it is to be alone. Maybe it's only when we're at that age that we feel it.

Event review: You must still remember that some time ago, in Daguan County, Shaotong City, Yunnan Province, an 88-year-old man called his favorite granddaughter under the camera, and the old man hoped that he could come back to watch his video.


Recently, the news came that he had passed away by suicide. According to the analysis of his family, the reason for his suicide was "loneliness".

At this time, combined with the incomprehensible words that the old man said in the video: "Xiaolin, you are the best to grandpa, grandpa misses you, I will leave tomorrow, you can come and see grandpa again." When I first saw it, I didn't understand the true meaning of this sentence.

"I'm leaving tomorrow!" This is the most direct expression of the old man's determination to die. And when I first saw it, I thought that the old man had informed him of his death, but now I know that this is not a natural call!

The old man who shouted his granddaughter's name committed suicide and passed away under surveillance, netizens: When you are old, you will not be lonely when you do this

According to insiders, in fact, the old man has tried several times to leave. For example, drinking medicine, such as hanging with a rope, etc.

Although he was only fifty steps away from his children, this short distance still couldn't get rid of the boundless loneliness and loneliness in his heart!

The old man who shouted his granddaughter's name committed suicide and passed away under surveillance, netizens: When you are old, you will not be lonely when you do this

If the wife is still there, they can still comfort each other and have someone to talk to.

It's just that the wife is gone that the old man may obviously perceive how boring this world is.

Netizens are also very uncomfortable to watch, is this the situation that everyone has to face on the last part of the journey?

Some netizens questioned their souls: What are people living for?

The old man who shouted his granddaughter's name committed suicide and passed away under surveillance, netizens: When you are old, you will not be lonely when you do this

Netizens reminded that you must have your own hobby!

The old man who shouted his granddaughter's name committed suicide and passed away under surveillance, netizens: When you are old, you will not be lonely when you do this
The old man who shouted his granddaughter's name committed suicide and passed away under surveillance, netizens: When you are old, you will not be lonely when you do this
The old man who shouted his granddaughter's name committed suicide and passed away under surveillance, netizens: When you are old, you will not be lonely when you do this
The old man who shouted his granddaughter's name committed suicide and passed away under surveillance, netizens: When you are old, you will not be lonely when you do this

How to dispatch this lingering loneliness? Netizens expressed their thoughts and suggestions. For example, take a mobile phone and watch videos or something.

The old man who shouted his granddaughter's name committed suicide and passed away under surveillance, netizens: When you are old, you will not be lonely when you do this
The old man who shouted his granddaughter's name committed suicide and passed away under surveillance, netizens: When you are old, you will not be lonely when you do this

But some people and even young people say that even if they have a machine in hand, what should they do if they still have that sense of loneliness?

The old man who shouted his granddaughter's name committed suicide and passed away under surveillance, netizens: When you are old, you will not be lonely when you do this

Write at the end: How to avoid this loneliness? Pay attention to your health, and then develop a hobby, such as playing chess, reading, drawing, square dancing, etc.

As a child who spends more time with the elderly, even a few simple words when you chat can make them happy for a long time.

So are there any other ways to get rid of it? What do you think about talking about it and letting everyone learn from each other? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.