
Daily word 900: high

author:The book is about to come out
Daily word 900: high

What I shared today is: the word "high".

Gao, pinyin gāo, was first seen in the Shang Dynasty oracle bone inscriptions, and its ancient character image is like a building standing on the high ground, the original meaning is a large distance between the top and bottom, and later extended the meaning of "towering, far from the ground", as opposed to "short".

Daily word 900: high

The first dot painting is centered and full of form. Start the pen to show the front lightly, take advantage of the trend and pause to the lower left to raise the front to close the pen, lead the next stroke, the front should not be too long; Horizontal drawing of the pen left probe, Lu Feng, the left side of the shoulder, the middle line of the pen is slightly lighter, the lower part of the pressure point pen passes, after the point of the pen is slightly flat, the pen is slightly pressed down, so that it is slightly arched; The following two vertical pens are low on the left and high on the right, and the position is slightly to the left, pay attention to their respective shapes; The middle two small horizontal shoulders are rounded, and the cloth is evenly white.

The lower part of the "冋" shape is flat and wide, do not write high. The left vertical and the first horizontal above the pen basically corresponds, the vertical body is slightly shorter, slightly arcanut, and the pen is exposed; Horizontal folding and vertical hook pen and left vertical can be connected or not, horizontal painting against the shoulder, to the right line of the pen slightly lighter, the right part is slightly longer, after the line of the pen in place, first lift the pen slightly upwards and then pause the pen down to write the right vertical, the vertical body is slightly heavier, slightly left oblique, pay attention to the arc of the pen, out of the hook inner circle outside the square, strong and powerful, and the hook angle is slightly lower than the left vertical; The word "mouth" in the middle corresponds to the two vertical pens above, and should not be written too large.

Daily word 900: high

Simplified Chinese writing of the word "high":

Daily word 900: high

How to write the word "high":

Daily word 900: high
Daily word 900: high
Daily word 900: high
Daily word 900: high
Daily word 900: high