
The fifth-generation aircraft formation of the United States and South Korea is suspected of breaking into the Yellow Sea, and the PLA's air defense countermeasures have long been investigated? Missiles launched on the peninsula

author:War Research

Although the Yellow Sea is known as China's Yellow Sea, many areas of the Yellow Sea are not mainland territorial waters, which has led the U.S. and South Korean militaries to conduct a large number of joint military exercises over the Yellow Sea in recent years. Judging from the crashes of US fighters in the past, it was revealed that a number of F-16 fighters at the Gunsan base of the US military stationed in South Korea had crashed into the waters of China's Yellow Sea during training, and such a crash was two planes. After the United States deployed F-22 stealth fighters to the Kadena base in Okinawa, the first island chain, according to a recent news disclosed by the media, the US military's F-22 stealth fighters rarely conducted joint operations with the South Korean Air Force, and it was the first time that they conducted an air formation with the South Korean Air Force's F-35 stealth fighters. According to the information obtained by the War Research Institute, the F-35 stealth fighters of the ROK Air Force in this air formation flew over the sea, and the War Research Institute believes that such flights may have been completed over the Yellow Sea of China, because the air over the Yellow Sea is also one of the training airspace of the United States and South Korea.

The fifth-generation aircraft formation of the United States and South Korea is suspected of breaking into the Yellow Sea, and the PLA's air defense countermeasures have long been investigated? Missiles launched on the peninsula

As the world's first fifth-generation aircraft, does China have the ability to counter this type of fifth-generation aircraft? The war research believes that this is certain, because the PLA has a number of powerful anti-stealth radars, and these anti-stealth radars can be used to detect F-22 stealth fighters. However, judging from the abnormal actions of the RC-135U combat dispatch of electronic reconnaissance planes in the past few days, the United States may have already carried out a thorough investigation of China's air defense system. As a strategic-level reconnaissance aircraft of the United States, the RC-135U's number one task is to complete the task of intercepting and monitoring electromagnetic wave signals, including surveillance of a large number of radars. Is the RC-135U sending electronic reconnaissance planes to the airspace around the Yellow Sea to make a forward stop for the fifth-generation aircraft formations of the United States and South Korea? The War Research Institute believes that it is very likely that the United States is using the RC-135U as a decoy to test China's air defense system by luring it to react.

The fifth-generation aircraft formation of the United States and South Korea is suspected of breaking into the Yellow Sea, and the PLA's air defense countermeasures have long been investigated? Missiles launched on the peninsula

The air power previously deployed at the Kadena base was the F-35 stealth fighter, and now the United States has replaced it with the F-22 stealth fighter because it believes that the F-22 has a stronger air supremacy combat capability, but in terms of stealth performance, has the F-22 stealth fighter done better? Due to the poor maintenance of the current F-22 stealth fighter, a large number of F-22 stealth fighters are in a rusty state, so the war research believes that it is not difficult for the rusty F-22 stealth fighter to be detected using radar.

The fifth-generation aircraft formation of the United States and South Korea is suspected of breaking into the Yellow Sea, and the PLA's air defense countermeasures have long been investigated? Missiles launched on the peninsula

Now the fifth-generation aircraft of the United States and South Korea have broken into the Yellow Sea together, and judging from the timing of this joint military exercise between the United States and South Korea, it is a critical moment for Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to China. Russian President Putin's visit to China is a very high-level itinerary, and it can be seen from the large number of Russian government planes parked at the Beijing Capital Airport that the level of Russia's visit to China is very high, and a large number of Russian officials have already appeared in China. The strengthening of cooperation between China and Russia is actually a headache for the United States, and China and Russia have long made it clear that there is no upper limit for cooperation, which means that cooperation between China and Russia is not limited to the economic and political fields, but also includes the defense field, and at present, the United States has already felt a headache against Russia, and if there is China's strong support, then the United States will meet a bigger opponent.

The fifth-generation aircraft formation of the United States and South Korea is suspected of breaking into the Yellow Sea, and the PLA's air defense countermeasures have long been investigated? Missiles launched on the peninsula

After the fifth-generation aircraft of the United States and the ROK had just flown in a joint formation, according to a piece of information disclosed by the media, the countries of the Northeast Asian peninsula once again conducted missile test launches. The Northeast Asian Peninsula countries test-fired a ballistic missile, and the trajectory showed that the missile eventually fell within the Sea of Japan, and the South Korean Joint Staff Headquarters and the Joint Staff Supervision Department of the Japanese Ministry of Defense are analyzing the specific information of this missile. In fact, the joint formation of fifth-generation aircraft between the United States and the ROK also means to point the sword at the countries of the Northeast Asian Peninsula, but the countries of the Northeast Peninsula directly respond with missile test launches. Text/Iris

The fifth-generation aircraft formation of the United States and South Korea is suspected of breaking into the Yellow Sea, and the PLA's air defense countermeasures have long been investigated? Missiles launched on the peninsula

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