
Uremia is mostly "dragged out"? Reminder: If there are 2 smells on the body, pay attention

author:Dr. Sun's class
In this hectic and fast-paced modern society, it is often easy to ignore the subtle changes in the body until the health problem becomes serious and the seriousness of the situation is not realized. Uremia, a scary-sounding disease, in many cases, is actually triggered by the accumulation of small, neglected symptoms.

As a middle-aged entrepreneur, Mr. Li has made a lot of achievements in his career, and he has to be busy with work and deal with a continuous stream of entertainment. Recently, he found that he always had an indescribable odor on his body, especially in his mouth, which was difficult to remove no matter how he brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth. At first, he didn't pay much attention to it, believing that it was just a temporary phenomenon caused by heavy work pressure and irregular daily routines. However, as time passed, the unpleasant smell became more and more intense, to the point where it had taken a toll on his social activities and daily life. What made him even more uneasy was that his body also began to show symptoms such as edema and fatigue. After a thorough medical examination, Mr. Li was finally diagnosed with uremia by the doctor, and his condition has progressed to a very serious stage.

Uremia is mostly "dragged out"? Reminder: If there are 2 smells on the body, pay attention

This case reminds us that uremia does not happen overnight, it often starts with some seemingly trivial symptoms. Below, we will focus on two possible "smelly" signals in the body that may be early warning signs of kidney disease.

The first smell: bad breath. When kidney function is impaired, toxins and waste products in the body cannot be excreted in time, and these harmful substances accumulate in the body and are excreted through breathing, sweat, etc., resulting in a special ammonia smell or urine smell in the mouth. This odor is different from normal bad breath in that it is stronger and more difficult to remove. Therefore, when you notice a persistent and unusual odor in your mouth, you should be highly alert for the possibility of kidney problems.

Uremia is mostly "dragged out"? Reminder: If there are 2 smells on the body, pay attention

In the normal state of good health, the color of human urine should be colorless, transparent or light yellow, and its smell should be relatively light, and there will be no strong and unpleasant smell. However, when kidney function is impaired, the composition of urine changes, manifesting as cloudiness, increased foam, and a more pronounced odor. In particular, if the urine emits a strong ammonia odor or other unusual odor, you should be alerted to a possible kidney problem.

Uremia is mostly "dragged out"? Reminder: If there are 2 smells on the body, pay attention

In addition to the two "smelly" warning signs mentioned above, there may be other symptoms in the early stages of uremia, such as fatigue, loss of appetite, itchy skin, and edema. Although these symptoms may not be unique, once they persist or worsen, they should prompt immediate medical attention and necessary testing.

So, what are some effective ways to prevent the occurrence of uremia? The first priority is to develop and maintain healthy habits. Getting enough sleep, eating a sensible diet and exercising moderately can help maintain kidney health. Secondly, in order to prevent uremia, we should avoid holding urine for a long time and minimize the intake of high-salt and high-fat foods, which can effectively reduce the burden on the kidneys. In addition, regular physical examinations to detect and treat chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes are also important measures to prevent uremia.

Uremia is mostly "dragged out"? Reminder: If there are 2 smells on the body, pay attention

Going back to Mr. Li's case, we can find that it was his neglect of the initial symptoms that led to the serious development of uremia. This reminds us once again that any subtle changes in the body should not be easily overlooked. Uremia is scary, but as long as we remain vigilant, detect and treat it in time, it is possible to avoid the deterioration of the condition.

As medicine continues to advance, we have more means to diagnose and treat uremia. However, that doesn't mean we can take it lightly. On the contrary, we should cherish our bodies more, pay attention to every subtle change, and take timely action to protect kidney health.

To sum up, it is indeed possible for uremia to be "dragged out", but that doesn't mean we can't prevent and treat it. By focusing on two possible "smelly" signs in the body and other early symptoms, we can detect signs of kidney problems and take steps to intervene. Let's learn from Mr. Li's case, always be vigilant, cherish our body, and stay away from the threat of uremia. In this era of challenges and opportunities, health is our most valuable asset. #头条创作挑战赛#

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