
I finally understand the importance of not exposing your wealth, and even the people closest to you are always beating your mind

author:Life Baiweixuan

This article is the first article in the headlines, it is strictly forbidden for anyone to plagiarize and carry, if there is any infringement, the whole network will defend its rights to the end!

Many years ago, I often heard my mother admonish my father and ask him to control his mouth, he is already dozens of years old, don't you understand such a simple truth as not exposing wealth? Don't say it, my father really doesn't understand, and he hasn't understood this truth until now, so he knows that he is blind. Once he had two small coins in his hand, he felt that our little village was not enough for him to stay, so he almost walked sideways, as he did when he was young, and now he is 74 years old, and he still does this, and he hasn't changed at all.

I finally understand the importance of not exposing your wealth, and even the people closest to you are always beating your mind

(The picture comes from the Internet, it has nothing to do with the content, if there is any infringement, the contact must be deleted)

I have said more than once in my previous articles that our family is very poor and very poor, since I can remember, the family has been in debt, paying off old debts and adding new debts, and the cycle goes on and on, my father is worried that others will look down on him, obviously the family is very poor, and he always likes to slap his swollen face in front of others.

Every time my father came home from Nanjing, there would always be people in the village who asked him how much money he earned this time. After all, there were not many people who were really rich in the 90s, and many families were stretched thin and couldn't find a place to borrow money. My father is good, in order to make others look up to him, he came against others, obviously only earned 500 yuan, and boasted to others that he earned 800.

Because my father's big mouth was open-mouthed, it brought endless trouble to my mother, obviously his own family is also poor, and he owes money to others outside, and after the bull blows out, others open their mouths to borrow money from him, and he doesn't want to slap himself in the face, so he hands over the problem to my mother, and let my mother do all the things that offend people. Because of the fact that others came to my house to borrow money, my mother didn't know how many times she had quarreled with my father, but it wasn't long before my father's old mistakes would be repeated again, and all the things my mother told him about his wealth were all taken as deaf ears.

In the summer of 1995, my father came back from Nanjing to collect waste and came back to farm, and he brought 800 yuan back, and the next morning when he went to the field to do farm work, he met Uncle Zhang from the same village, Uncle Zhang's family is a well-known difficult household in our village, both of them like to eat, obviously they owe a lot of foreign debts outside, and often go to the market town to buy meat and come back to eat, so poor that they have to owe money to buy a pack of cigarettes and a laundry detergent.

After Uncle Zhang met my father, he first greeted me for a while, like an old friend who hadn't met for many years, after the greetings, Uncle Zhang began to put a high hat on my father, my father was poured a few good words from others and didn't know how many pounds and taels he had, when Uncle Zhang asked him how much money he earned from Nanjing? My father started to talk again, but he didn't have a brain, and directly told people that he had earned 1,000 yuan. As a result, Uncle Zhang took the opportunity to ask my father to borrow 300 yuan, saying that the family was almost unable to open the pot, and after the wheat was harvested, he would pay back the money after selling the grain.

Without thinking about it, my father nodded and agreed, completely forgetting what my mother told him last night, what would be the use of the 800 yuan, and asked Uncle Zhang to go to our house to find my mother to get the money.

As a result, Uncle Zhang came to our house and told my mother to borrow 300 yuan, my mother knew that my father's big mouth was talking nonsense again, and my mother told Uncle Zhang that my father brought back a total of 800 yuan, and I needed to spend money on food and living expenses every month when I went to high school, and rice seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, etc.

Despite my mother's repeated explanations to Uncle Zhang, Uncle Zhang turned around angrily and walked away, and then went around telling the villagers bad things about my mother, saying that my mother was afraid that she would not be able to pay back the money, and that my father had agreed to lend him money, but my mother stopped her from talking to her for several years.

I finally understand the importance of not exposing your wealth, and even the people closest to you are always beating your mind

(The picture comes from the Internet, it has nothing to do with the content, if there is any infringement, the contact must be deleted)

My mother only lived to be 60 years old and left us early, because of the physical reasons, but it must also have something to do with the perennial anger of my father. After my mother passed away, my father came to live in Kunshan with the two of us. After arriving in Kunshan, my father's big mouth still didn't have a little door, and he would call my aunt to report any big things that happened in our family. How much do I earn a month? How much does my wife get paid a month? How much does he earn a month by collecting scrap by himself? My aunt is clear, my aunt knows, and all the relatives on my father's side know.

There are no secrets of our family's annual income among my father's relatives, and sometimes my wife and I want to deny it, and the relatives will say, don't hide it, your father told me a long time ago! We were both embarrassed and angry, and whenever I asked my father to keep his mouth tighter and not to tell his brothers and sisters everything, he always didn't think so, saying that he was just talking to my aunts and uncles, and not to outsiders, so angry that I just wanted to vomit blood, and I finally understood why my mother always quarreled with my father about money.

My father not only told his brothers and sisters about the big and small things of our family, but also always liked to brag and talk big about the people in the village when he returned to his hometown during the Chinese New Year, so that I didn't dare to tell him many things in our family now, for fear that if I told him on the front foot, he would report it to others as major news, so to speak, my father was an economic spy sent to our family by others, the biggest undercover agent!

In 2011, I was going to buy a house in Kunshan, just with such an intention, my father learned about it and told others everywhere, saying that we were going to buy a house in Kunshan, but we haven't bought the house yet, and several relatives and acquaintances who borrowed money from us came to them, and people heard that we were going to buy a house, and they must have money in their hands.

My father loves to call his relatives in his hometown while drinking, you can't talk about him yet, as soon as he says it, he will be with you, and I don't know if it's the reason for drinking, or he is really lacking in his brain, when talking to people on the phone, he speaks in a very loud tone, and how much money is small money in his opinion, making him feel like he is full of money.

Later, my relatives would call my father and ask him for help, no matter who had something to do, and my father would never refuse anyone, but would first accept it and then talk about it, and then throw the problem to the two of us. If I don't borrow it, he will lose his temper with me and say that I have refuted his face.

But once our family had a problem and needed my father to come forward to solve it, he hid faster than anyone else, saying that he had raised me for more than 40 years, and he was in his 70s, so he was no longer at home! When he opens his mouth to promise others, he doesn't remember that he is in his 70s and is not at home, and his ability to shake the pot is as great as his ability to brag.

My wife and I are just ordinary office workers, and there is no other way to earn money, every penny is earned by working overtime, some relatives in our family know that our family has not spent a lot of money over the years, but whenever something happens to us to borrow money, after borrowing it will be thrown to the back of the head, a few years have passed, never mention the matter of repaying the money, these are all thanks to my father's big mouth. How much income our family has a year is simply transparent in the eyes of relatives, my father has already reported to others, and the people who ask us to borrow money are all close relatives, and they can't find a reason to refuse others if they want to borrow or not.

I finally understand the importance of not exposing your wealth, and even the people closest to you are always beating your mind

(The picture comes from the Internet, it has nothing to do with the content, if there is any infringement, the contact must be deleted)

In the summer of 2020, I bought another apartment in our community in a fit of anger, and at that time, due to the new crown epidemic, the landlord was in urgent need of money, and the total price was more than 100,000 yuan lower than the normal price. The reason why I want to buy a house is that I consider that the money left in my hands will only continue to depreciate, and the investment in buying a house is a hedge against inflation, and secondly, if I don't buy a house, my relatives will not know which year of the monkey will be able to pay it back! After we bought a house, no one would borrow money from us in a short period of time.

Although no one is looking for us to borrow money now, but my father is still the same as before, when I go back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year, I am afraid that others will not know that our family has two suites in Kunshan, there are more rich people in these years, Kunshan is not Beijing and Shanghai, the house is not worth much, what is our little money? But my father doesn't think like this, he always wants others to look up to him and show that he is very capable, what can I say about such a father? It was useless to talk too much, the only thing I could do was to try to keep the secrecy in place, and try not to tell him about our family's income and our salaries.

After talking about our family, let's talk about the sad encounters of the people around me after revealing their wealth, in 2012, Xiaoli saved more than 60,000 yuan in her hands, at that time, Xiaoli was married for less than 3 years, and the child was less than 1 year old, and the 60,000 yuan included the birth subsidy given to her by her in-laws, as well as maternity insurance, and the money earned by her husband from work.

Once when Xiaoli was chatting with her parents on the phone, she accidentally leaked her mouth and revealed this number to her parents. It didn't take long for Xiaoli's father to call her and say that they wanted to buy a house for Xiaoli's brother in the city, when Xiaoli's brother was still in school. Xiaoli told her father that buying a house is a good thing, if the money is not enough, she can support it appropriately, Xiaoli originally thought that it would be almost enough to support one or two hundred thousand, after all, they have to live by themselves.

As a result, Xiaoli's father said that he was 60,000 yuan, and asked her to take out all her savings, and when they came back, they would return it to Xiaoli when they had money. In the end, Xiaoli bargained for 40,000 yuan, and after 3 years, her parents returned Xiaoli 10,000 yuan, and the remaining 30,000 yuan has not been paid back until now.

After this painful lesson, Xiaoli no longer dared to tell her parents about her family's income situation, for fear of being targeted by her parents again, in Xiaoli's opinion, the phrase "wealth is not exposed" is also applicable to parents, what a painful understanding!

In 2018, Xiao Man, who had been doing sales for several years, had a good performance and made a lot of money, counting what he had saved before, all of them added up to almost 400,000 yuan, Xiao Man was so happy for a while that he couldn't help but share it with his parents. At that time, 27-year-old Xiaoman didn't have a boyfriend, and she was a single rich woman. As a result, when the Chinese New Year was approaching in 2019, on the night when Xiao Man returned home, his parents told Xiao Man at the dinner table that they had taken a fancy to a house in the city with a total price of 850,000 yuan and planned to take it in full.

In the end, Xiaoman emptied her pockets and pasted all the more than 400,000 yuan she had saved hard, which means that she had worked hard in vain in the past few years, and she really wanted to cry without tears! Now Xiaoman has long learned to be obedient, and he never dared to tell his parents how much money he earned in a month, he only dared to report a fraction, and he was no longer embarrassed.

Xiaoman is far more than a girl with the same experience, in 2014, Weiwei graduated from college for one year, and the salary plus the money earned from part-time work at school all added up to 20,000 yuan. Once when Weiwei was chatting with her mother on the phone, her mother tentatively asked her how much money she had saved, Weiwei didn't think about it, and told her mother a little proudly that she already had 20,000 disposable income.

Then when Weiwei returned to her hometown for the Chinese New Year, her mother told her that her father wanted to buy a car, which was exactly 20,000 yuan, and he wanted to borrow it from her. Then Weiwei gave all the 20,000 yuan she only had to her parents, and then there was no more! Later, Weiwei once mentioned to her father about 20,000 yuan, but she didn't expect the old man to lose her temper immediately, saying that she has stiff wings now, and since then, where does Weiwei dare to mention the repayment of the money to her parents? can only be regarded as spending 20,000 yuan to buy a lesson, this year as a daughter and parents also have to pay more attention, in the eyes of parents, your money is their money, but their money must have nothing to do with their daughter, because the daughter who marries out is spilled water.

I finally understand the importance of not exposing your wealth, and even the people closest to you are always beating your mind

(The picture comes from the Internet, it has nothing to do with the content, if there is any infringement, the contact must be deleted)

When Xiaolian got married, her in-laws gave a bride price of 60,000 yuan, and Xiaolian's parents didn't ask for any money for the bride price, so she brought it all back, and added 40,000 yuan herself, which was regarded as a dowry for her daughter. On the night of the wedding, Xiaolian happily told her husband about the 100,000 yuan in her hand. Then it didn't take long for Xiaolian's strange in-laws to ask her to take out the 100,000 yuan on the grounds that the family wanted to buy a car, and at that time Xiaolian and her husband didn't have a driver's license and couldn't drive, only the sister-in-law's husband could drive. What's going on? The in-laws' calculations are too obvious, right? Fortunately, Xiaolian stood firm and resolutely refused to take the money, so her in-laws' plan to buy a car did not succeed.

Since then, Xiaolian has kept an eye on everything, and no longer tells everyone in her in-law's family, and even how much disposable income their small family has, they also hide it from her husband, after all, in this family, she is the only outsider.

My uncle is a very calculating person, he is very generous with the fox friends he made outside, but he likes to calculate his brothers and sisters, no matter what his family does, there is no one who does not open his mouth to borrow money from his brothers and sisters, and they are all assigned tasks, there are specific amounts, how much the eldest sister takes, how much the second sister takes, how much the eldest brother and the second brother take, he calculates in advance. Even if my uncles and aunts want to refuse, they have an account in their hearts, and they can't admit it if they want to admit it.

My uncle and aunt have been doing little things in Jiangnan all the year round, and it stands to reason that there should be a lot of money in hand, and my son will be admitted to a university or something, so that he will not open his mouth to others. But every time my uncle borrowed money, he either said that he lent his money to a friend and turned it over, or he deposited a large amount of deposit certificates in the bank, which had not yet expired, and it was not cost-effective to take them out.

Uncle usually calls his brothers and sisters, and the most asked is all kinds of inquiries about people's income, anyway, three sentences do not leave the money, all kinds of inquiries and all kinds of questions, if anyone does not tell the uncle the truth, or the number is small, he will say I don't borrow money from you, what are you afraid of? It's speechless, I'm really convinced of someone like my uncle.

To be honest, I am most afraid of lending money to others, because once my money is lent out, I will have an extra mental baggage, I don't know when the borrower will repay the money, and when I go to ask for it, will he be unhappy? But some people like to find people to borrow money everywhere, they are not afraid of bites when there are more lice, and they don't worry about people when they have more debts, as long as the money is borrowed, it becomes his money, as if they don't have to pay it back.

I finally understand the importance of not exposing your wealth, and even the people closest to you are always beating your mind

(The picture comes from the Internet, it has nothing to do with the content, if there is any infringement, the contact must be deleted)

There are so many people in our hometown who are in debt all the year round, but they don't take debts seriously at all, they still eat fragrant, drink spicy food, wear good clothes, and live more chic than creditors. Maybe they are not ready to pay back other people's money at all, so they keep procrastinating, today tomorrow, this year next year, and after your patience is all exhausted, maybe you will take the initiative to give up the claim.

This article is the first article in the headlines, it is strictly forbidden for anyone to plagiarize and carry, if there is any infringement, the whole network will defend its rights to the end!