
Will I lose muscle if I exercise cardio again during fitness and muscle gain?

author:Yugong Fitness

#有氧掉肌肉#健身增肌期间是否应该可以练有氧? This is a doubt in the minds of many fitness enthusiasts. Today we will talk about this topic and solve everyone's confusion.

Will I lose muscle if I exercise cardio again during fitness and muscle gain?

First of all, let's be clear that aerobic exercise is not completely impossible to do during strength building; However, we need to pay attention to the intensity and frequency of aerobic exercise. Short, low-intensity aerobic exercise not only does not lose muscle, but instead helps to speed up muscle recovery and growth while eliminating excess body fat.

Will I lose muscle if I exercise cardio again during fitness and muscle gain?

However, prolonged, high-intensity aerobic exercise can indeed lead to muscle loss. This is because sustained high-intensity aerobic exercise, beyond a certain period of time, will cause the body to enter a catabolic state of muscle protein, thus depleting part of the muscle tissue.

In addition, the frequency of aerobic training during muscle gain should not be too high. If you do a lot of aerobic training every day, it will increase the fatigue of the body, which may interfere with the recovery and growth of muscles.

Will I lose muscle if I exercise cardio again during fitness and muscle gain?

Therefore, it is recommended to focus on strength training during the muscle building period, supplemented by aerobic training, such as aerobic jogging training on the treadmill 1~2 times a week, no more than 40 minutes each time, because after 40 minutes of aerobic exercise, muscle protein will also participate in the decomposition; And it is not advisable to train on an empty stomach to avoid premature or accelerated decomposition.

Will I lose muscle if I exercise cardio again during fitness and muscle gain?

In short, during the period of strength fitness and muscle gain, although aerobic training is not completely impossible, it is necessary to arrange the aerobic training plan reasonably according to your own situation, and the key is to master the intensity and frequency. Only by arranging the training plan scientifically and rationally can we maintain the health and vitality of the body while gaining muscle. If you still have any fitness questions, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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