
Refuse to imitate, refuse to memorize, children can write high-scoring essays on their own!

author:Children's Reading Club

Writing is an essential skill for children in their learning and growing process! In order to help children quickly improve their essay scores, many parents and teachers choose to memorize templates and memorization materials to help children improve their composition skills! But the fact is that it is difficult for children who memorize templates and materials by rote to write high-scoring essays. This is because this method limits children's creativity and hinders their ability to think independently. Children may be able to cope with exams or writing tasks by imitating sample essays, but this method does not allow them to truly understand the essence of writing. Once faced with a new topic or request, they will still be helpless.

If you want your child to write a high-scoring essay, you should refuse to imitate and memorize, and cultivating your child's own writing ideas is the most critical step! Every child is a unique individual, and they have their own unique insights and ideas. Cultivating children's own writing ideas is also stimulating their creativity and imagination, allowing them to learn to think independently and form their own opinions and opinions. When children truly understand the logic and skills of writing, and form their own writing ideas that suit them, they will be able to express their opinions and ideas with ease in any situation and write an excellent essay!

Refuse to imitate, refuse to memorize, children can write high-scoring essays on their own!

Since every child is unique, it is important to develop a writing idea that is suitable for your child! It is too difficult to do this in school education, and it is difficult for parents to provide professional guidance to their children themselves! How can we help children develop their writing ideas? It's important to choose a good essay to read! Reading is an active learning process, there are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand readers, and an excellent essay reading can help every child find their own writing ideas and skills! "Composition and Exam" is such an excellent essay read!

"Composition and Exam" is aimed at children at different learning stages, respectively, bringing extracurricular composition and reading tutoring to adapt to children's learning progress, the content difficulty is gradual, the depth of the content is progressive, which can accompany children from the first grade of primary school to high school throughout the learning process, to meet children's learning needs at different stages. While constantly enriching children's reading, help them learn good writing thinking and methods.

Refuse to imitate, refuse to memorize, children can write high-scoring essays on their own!

The magazine has arranged two editions for primary schools, which stimulate children's writing thinking and improve children's writing ability! The Lower Primary Edition is designed for children in grades 1-2 and focuses on developing children's reading habits and writing foundations. It stimulates children's interest in reading through interesting comics, stories and poems, and guides them to record their lives and improve their writing skills. The magazine focuses on the cultivation of writing habits to help children develop good writing habits from an early age. It not only prepares wonderful articles for children, with interesting comic illustrations, and takes children into the United States to read; Senior teachers with rich teaching experience were also invited to talk about writing skills for children, and there are more practical writing columns to teach children to write different types of essays......

The middle and upper grades of primary school are aimed at children in grades 3-6, paying more attention to the improvement of writing skills and the accumulation of materials, it will separate reading and writing tutoring, the first half of the month is the composition journal, the second half of the month is the reading magazine, so that children can follow the magazine to write and read double practice, improve their writing thinking and reading ability. It will provide excellent model essays and writing skills to help children learn how to write excellent essays, and improve their writing level through imitation and practice. The magazine also pays special attention to the interconnection of children's knowledge inside and outside the classroom, such as "continuing to write lessons" and "continuing to write essays", which are combined with the texts. It can not only help children understand the text, but also use their imagination to bring wonderful expansion.

Refuse to imitate, refuse to memorize, children can write high-scoring essays on their own!

There are also junior high school and high school editions of "Composition and Exam", which pay more attention to the improvement of practicality and test-taking ability. The junior high school edition has prepared rich materials for children, such as character exhibitions, news and current affairs, reading famous works, and video and audio sharing, which is a library of children's composition materials. There is also a prediction of the hot trend of composition in the high school entrance examination, teaching children to analyze and use composition materials, so that children can learn to integrate various materials and solve the problem that children do not know how to use composition materials! The high school edition invited famous teachers to teach children to write essays, interpret the materials in detail, and refine multiple ideas and angles of composition writing. At the same time, sample paragraphs are also provided as writing references to help children practice, master writing skills, and form their own writing ideas!

Whether it's developing reading habits, improving writing skills, or preparing for exams, each edition of Composition & Exam provides children with comprehensive writing tutoring and guidance. Let children find fun in writing, improve their ability in reading, and become writing experts with quick thinking and comprehensive literacy! Now it's super cost-effective to subscribe to "Composition and Exam" in the magazine shop, not only the whole magazine is 50% off, but also a large reading allowance and coupons can be discounted, hurry up and take a look~