
Claim Record | 1.09 million critical illness insurance benefits, 7 working days to settle claims!

author:Daddy Bao
Claim Record | 1.09 million critical illness insurance benefits, 7 working days to settle claims!

No one wants to get sick, especially a serious illness,

But everyone gets sick, and there is a certain chance of getting a serious illness.

And the older you get, the more your body functions gradually decline, and the probability of getting sick increases.

But many people are still entangled: should they buy critical illness insurance for themselves?

After all, adults can buy a copy casually, even if they only choose basic protection, the annual premium will be several thousand.

If you need to add other benefits such as additional benefits, it is even more expensive.

Moreover, a claim for critical illness insurance is hundreds of thousands, will the insurance company really pay for it?

I understand that everyone has this concern, but I still insist on recommending that you buy critical illness insurance as much as possible.

Today's claim record would like to share with you the experience of one of our clients, Ms. F.

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What does Ms. F's critical illness insurance cover?

Ms. F contacted us through the Internet platform four years ago.

Her family's economic conditions are very good, and her awareness of risk prevention is also very high.

Have a certain understanding of insurance products.

According to Ms. F's situation, we have also provided a full range of protection.

Her family's insurance policy, we won't expand too much here,

Let's focus on today's protagonist - Ms. F's critical illness insurance:

She has taken out two critical illness insurance products, namely Hengqin Life's Worry-Free Life 2020 and Centennial Life's Kanghuibao 2.0, both of which are not traditional large companies.

Here's what these two products cover:

PS: The above two products have been removed from the shelves, and the latest collection of critical illness insurance products can be consulted directly with us.

Claim Record | 1.09 million critical illness insurance benefits, 7 working days to settle claims!

The coverage content of the two products is very comprehensive, such as mild, medium and severe basic protection.

There are additional benefits for critical illness:

Worry-free life 2020, a total of 450,000 yuan will be paid before the age of 50; 50-59 years old paid a total of 480,000 yuan;

Centennial Life's Kanghui Insurance 2.0 pays a total of 640,000 yuan before the age of 60 and 400,000 yuan after the age of 60.

Ms. F is really very risk-aware, and she also has additional benefits such as cancer secondary compensation and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular secondary compensation.

The sum insured was also very sufficient, with a total of 700,000 sum insured for the two policies.

Such an insurance policy, even if you look at it today, 4 years later,

It's still very comprehensive.


Unfortunately, in case of insurance, Daddy Insurance assisted in the claim, and 1.09 million was quickly received!

One day, four years later, Ms. F noticed that she was feeling unwell, so she went to the hospital for a check-up.

Unexpectedly, this examination actually detected cancer.

As we all know, cancer treatment is a constant battle.

It takes people, money and time.

We comforted Ms. F and gave her peace of mind to be hospitalized.

Active preparation for surgery and post-operative rehabilitation is sufficient, as for financially,

We will try our best to assist with this claim.

Because Ms. F is seriously ill, and the claim needs to be followed up,

Therefore, we also communicated closely with the insurance company to help Ms. F reduce some of the burden as much as possible in the area of claims.

Claim Record | 1.09 million critical illness insurance benefits, 7 working days to settle claims!

After connecting with the two claims specialists, we assisted Ms. F to sort out the claim information required by the two insurance companies one by one and submit them.

Claim Record | 1.09 million critical illness insurance benefits, 7 working days to settle claims!

After the insurance company's research, interview and other routine processes,

Within 7-8 working days, both companies have closed the case, and it didn't take long to pay the corresponding claims:

  • Worry-free Life 2020 received a total of 450,000 compensation;
  • Kanghuibao 2.0 received a total of 640,000 compensation.

A total of 1.09 million yuan was lost!

For critical illness claims, this is very fast.

Claim Record | 1.09 million critical illness insurance benefits, 7 working days to settle claims!

At this point, the claim has been successfully concluded.

In addition, because Ms. F also attached benefits such as cancer secondary compensation and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular secondary compensation at that time,

The validity of these two policies does not cease immediately after the waiver of the remaining premiums.

At present, Ms. F can also enjoy the following benefits:

Claim Record | 1.09 million critical illness insurance benefits, 7 working days to settle claims!

We also sincerely wish Ms. F all the best in the future and a speedy recovery.


Claim Summary

Ms. F's claim still has some points worth referring to:

For example, the insurance must be fully purchased, the amount of insurance must be sufficient, and the type of insurance must be bought correctly;

When planning for critical illness insurance, many people have struggled with whether they don't need to buy critical illness insurance if they buy millions of medical insurance.

Ms. F had actually bought millions of medical insurance before we took out the insurance.

However, because of the strong risk awareness and the careful and meticulous customization of the protection plan for her, the planner has carefully and meticulously customized the protection plan for her.

Therefore, Ms. F directly bought two critical illness insurance policies from different insurance companies, and the sum insured was also sufficient.

With 1.09 million claims in hand, you can feel a lot more at ease during treatment and recuperation.

We look back at the claims data of major insurance companies over the years and find that

The critical illness insurance policies that everyone buys are generally low.

A very well-known company, the average number of critical illness insurance claims in 2023 is only 60,000.

A critical illness insurance with an insured amount of 60,000 yuan is actually a drop in the bucket in the face of a serious illness.

For example, when buying insurance, it is best to find professional assistance and rely on it at critical moments;

It is really very convenient to buy insurance in the Internet era.

But if you want to buy which insurance and which one is more suitable for you, you need the help of a professional to evaluate.

If you find a reliable channel and a reliable one, you can not only spend less money and buy more suitable insurance.

In the future, if you want to make a claim, there is a professional service, and the efficiency is also higher.

Like Ms. F this time, our co-compensation service did its best to help follow up.

The information is in place in one step, and the claim payment is quickly received.

It's really worry-free.

Of course, our proper health notification in the early stage is also one of the secrets to a quick claim.

For example, insurance should be bought as soon as possible, and inspections should be done in time;

When Ms. F configured insurance, she was actually 40+.

Many people think that they are in their forties, and it is too late to buy insurance!

Although it is said that the younger you buy, the better, but no matter how old you are,

As long as you are conscious, can buy it, and can buy it now, it is the best time.

After you buy it, don't forget to have regular medical checkups after the waiting period.

Usually feel that the body is abnormal, don't bear it, just forget it,

Like Ms. F, timely examination, early detection and early treatment.

In case something happens, at least there is an insurance cover~

One more point,

Insurance really doesn't deceive people, don't always worry about buying critical illness insurance from a small company, it's hard to get a claim if you have an accident.

As long as you buy the right product and trigger the claim conditions agreed in the terms, you can pay normally.

What else do you want to know about insurance and claims?

Feel free to leave us a message at the end of the article!


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