
It was revealed that the iPhone 16 series display will start production in June, with a total of four new phones

It was revealed that the iPhone 16 series display will start production in June, with a total of four new phones

Mobile China

2024-05-17 07:26Published in Beijing

  There have been doubts in the industry about whether the iPhone 16 series will be released as scheduled in September this year, as has been the case with previous generations of iPhones. However, the latest news from an authoritative insider suggests that Apple's next-generation flagship smartphone will follow last year's release schedule.

It was revealed that the iPhone 16 series display will start production in June, with a total of four new phones

  As June approaches, the design of the iPhone 16 is likely to have been finalized. According to numerous leaks and rumors, this year's lineup will include a 6.1-inch standard version, a 6.7-inch Plus version, a 6.3-inch Pro version, and a 6.9-inch Pro Max version with roughly the same design as the current line.

  In a subscriber-only post on the X platform (via 9to5Mac), analyst Ross Young said that display production for the iPhone 16 will begin in June. Panel production for the iPhone 15 also started in June, so this can be seen as a signal that the new phone will also be released in September, in line with last year.

  June is expected to be the peak period for iPhone 16 and 16 Pro display production, while display production for the other two models is likely to ramp up later in the summer.

  All new phones are expected to be powered by a 3nm chip and equipped with buttons for taking photos and videos. The Pro version is likely to feature a new 48-megapixel ultra-wide camera, which is expected to be a strong contender for the best camera phone in 2024. In addition, these phones will also have brighter screens and smoother bezels. The standard phone may do away with the mute toggle in favor of the "action" button we see on the iPhone 15 Pro.

  Apple expects to add a strong appeal to the upcoming iPhone with the deep integration of iOS 18's innovative features with AI technology, even if the design of these new models is only a minor improvement on the current model.

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  • It was revealed that the iPhone 16 series display will start production in June, with a total of four new phones

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