
Science and technology help the disabled to pass on love, and work together to educate people with warmth


The Lanshan District People's Court and the District Disabled Persons' Federation launched the "National Day for the Disabled" activity

On the occasion of the 34th "National Day for the Disabled", recently, the Lanshan District Court and the Lanshan District Disabled Persons' Federation jointly launched the "National Day for the Disabled". Guests were invited to visit the Lanshan Court Litigation Service Center, the Simplified Case Expedited Trial Center, and the Linkage Dispute Resolution Center, to view the barrier-free signs, understand the barrier-free litigation materials, and experience the barrier-free auxiliary equipment and environment.

Science and technology help the disabled to pass on love, and work together to educate people with warmth

Yinque Mountain Street: Enter the door and ask about the need to help the disabled and help the disabled

Recently, the Sanhetun Community Organization of Yinqueshan Street carried out the "Science and Technology to Help the Disabled, Share a Better Life" love and disability assistance activity, and community grid members and public welfare posts walked into the families of the disabled and sent sincere greetings and blessings to them. In each household, the community personnel have a detailed understanding of the current living conditions, physical conditions, difficulties and needs of the disabled, and publicize the preferential policies for helping the disabled to the families of the disabled, and also send them care and condolence materials, so that they can truly feel the meticulous care of the community family.

Science and technology help the disabled to pass on love, and work together to educate people with warmth

Wanggou Town carried out a series of publicity activities for the Day of Helping the Disabled

In order to advocate the socialist trend of helping the disabled, Wanggou Town focused on the theme of this year's Disability Day, "Science and Technology to Help the Disabled, Share a Better Life", and took Wanggou Daji as an opportunity to carry out a series of publicity activities for the Disability Day. The staff of the Town Disabled Persons' Federation and the Urban Management Squadron went to the Daji to distribute publicity materials such as disability prevention knowledge and preferential policies for the disabled, interpreted the policies to the disabled or their families, answered the questions related to disability rehabilitation and daily health care that the masses were concerned about, and publicized preferential policies and laws and regulations to the disabled.

Science and technology help the disabled to pass on love, and work together to educate people with warmth

Source: Lanshan District Rong Media Center

Editor: Wang Wenjing

Duty Officer: Shang Wei

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