
Who is the most backbone of the deceased king of the great unified dynasty

author:Little fan of historical film and television

Friends who are familiar with history can probably guess who it is when they see this title, compared to the kings of other dynasties, Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty is the most backbone. We might as well take a brief look at the kings of each fallen country, so as to make a comparison with Emperor Chongzhen.

1. Qin II

The Qin Dynasty is the first great unified dynasty in the ancient history of the mainland, Qin Shi Huang Fen VI Yu Lie, destroyed the six countries to unify the world, the book is the same text, the car is the same track, and the weights and measures are unified. After the First Emperor died of illness in the sand dunes in 210 BC, Zhao Gao and Prime Minister Li Si tampered with the edict of the First Emperor, supported Hu Hai as the emperor, and forced Fusu to commit suicide.

Who is the most backbone of the deceased king of the great unified dynasty

Huhai film and television image

After Hu Hai succeeded to the throne, he implemented a brutal rule, killing all his brothers and sisters, and the ministers in the court were also in danger. Under Hu Hai's brutal rule, the Chen Sheng and Wu Guang uprisings finally broke out, followed by uprisings throughout the country against the tyrannical Qin. And Hu Hai had no ability, so he couldn't quell the uprisings all over the country, and the rebel army led by Liu Bang captured Wuguan in 207 BC. Zhao Gao and his son-in-law Xianyang ordered Yan Le to conspire and send troops to surround Wangyi Palace, and Hu Hai was forced to commit suicide.

Therefore, Hu Hai is not worthy of sympathy when he becomes the king of the fallen country, he belongs to Chunchun and plays himself to death. It's a pity that the unified Qin Dynasty died at the hands of Hu Hai, and the dream of the first emperor for thousands of years was also terminated by Hu Hai.

2, Emperor Liu Jin of the Han Dynasty

Some friends may say that the king of the Western Han Dynasty should be the son of the country, but in fact, this statement is not true, the child baby was only made the crown prince by Wang Mang, and did not call the emperor, so the last emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Liu Ping, was also the titular king of the dead country.

Who is the most backbone of the deceased king of the great unified dynasty

Emperor Liu Yin of the Han Ping Dynasty

Liu Xun is the grandson of Emperor Liu Zheng of the Han Yuan Dynasty, the son of Liu Xing, the filial piety king of Zhongshan, in 1 BC, the Emperor of Han Ai died, because he had no son, Wang Mang in order to gain power, unwilling to set up an older monarch, so it was convenient to welcome the 9-year-old Zhongshan King Liu Xun into the palace in July of that year. Due to Liu Yin's young age, the Empress Dowager Wang Zhengjun listened to the government, and the great Sima Wang Mang was in charge of the state affairs. At this time, Wang Mang has been paving for many years, and his status is getting higher and higher, and in 6 AD, Liu Jian died for unknown reasons, and there is a theory that he was poisoned by Wang Mang.

Liu Yin was relatively young when he succeeded to the throne, and Wang Mang was in charge of the government, so he deserved sympathy, but he did not have any integrity.

3, Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty

Liu Xie was the second son of Emperor Liu Hong of the Han Dynasty and the last emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The black cauldron of the fall of the Eastern Han Dynasty really can't be carried by Liu Xie.

Since the Han Dynasty and the emperor in the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was either the dictatorship of foreign relatives or the eunuchs who interfered in politics, and several emperors succeeded to the throne at an early age, and the right to speak in the imperial court was decided by relatives and eunuchs, and the emperor was about to become a decoration. When Liu Xie's father, Emperor Ling, became the emperor, he openly sold officials, overhauled the palace, and eunuchs were rampant, which eventually led to the Yellow Turban Uprising.

After the death of Emperor Ling, the general He Jin supported Liu Wei as the emperor, which was for the Han Shaodi, and later He Jin transferred Dong Zhuo into Beijing to kill the eunuch group, but He Jin was killed by the eunuchs, and Dong Zhuo killed the eunuch group and sat down and controlled the government. Dong Zhuo abolished the young emperor Liu Wei and renamed Liu Xie as the emperor, and Liu Xie was only 8 years old at this time.

Since Liu Xie's accession to the throne, Dong Zhuo first controlled the government, and Liu Xie was subject to Dong Zhuo. After Dong Zhuo was killed, his generals Li Dao and Guo Yan began to mess with the government again, and Liu Xie was subject to them again. In the first year of Jian'an (196), Cao Cao controlled Liu Xie, and moved the capital to Xu County, coerced the Son of Heaven to order the princes, Liu Xie became a puppet in Cao Cao's hands, and Liu Xie has been under Cao Cao's control for more than 20 years.

Who is the most backbone of the deceased king of the great unified dynasty

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty

In the twenty-fifth year of Jian'an (220 AD), after Cao Cao's death, his son Cao Pi couldn't wait to force Liu Xie to cede the throne to himself. Liu Xie was originally a caged bird, although he was an emperor, he had no power in his hands, and he was a real loner. In this way, the Eastern Han Dynasty, which lasted for 195 years, ended in the hands of Liu Xie.

It should be said that Liu Xie's life has been quite aggrieved, he has been controlled by others for more than 30 years as emperor, and his ability to play is really limited. He was bent on getting rid of this situation of being controlled by others, but he was really powerless, and he could only become the king of the country. However, Liu Xie was lucky, Cao Pi did not kill him, but named him the Duke of Shanyang, with the turbidity deer city of Shanyang as the capital, 10,000 households, above the princes and kings, not called ministers, edicted not to worship, and allowed to serve Han Zhengshuo and clothing in the fiefdom, and build a Han temple to worship Han. In the end, Liu Xie died in the fiefdom.

4, Emperor Sima Ye of the Jin Dynasty

Sima Ye was the fourth emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty, the grandson of Emperor Wu Sima Yan, and the son of Sima Yan, King of Wu Jing. In the seventh year of Yongjia (313), it was learned that Emperor Huai of Jin was killed, and Sima Ye was located in Chang'an, but the Western Jin Dynasty since the beginning of the Eight Kings Rebellion, to Sima Ye's succession, has been in civil strife for almost 20 years, and the long-term civil strife has allowed the minority regimes in the north to go south into the Central Plains, Sima Ye was only 13 years old when he succeeded to the throne, and he had no ability to govern the country, and 3 years later Han Zhao Liu Yao attacked Chang'an. Emperor Jin Chu surrendered to Han Zhao and was named Marquis of Huai'an, experienced humiliation, and was killed by Liu Cong, Emperor of Han Zhao two years later.

Who is the most backbone of the deceased king of the great unified dynasty

Sima Ye

5, Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty

The Sui Dynasty, like the Qin Dynasty, also died in the second dynasty, but looking at the kings of the fallen countries of various dynasties, Yang Guang is definitely the most capable one, but Yang Guang, the king of the dead country, is not worthy of sympathy.

Who is the most backbone of the deceased king of the great unified dynasty

Yang Guang's film and television image

Yang Guang participated in the battle to destroy Chen when he was young, in 600 A.D. was set up as the crown prince by Emperor Wen of Sui, Yang Guang succeeded to the throne after the death of Emperor Wen of Sui, Yang Guang built the Grand Canal during his reign, three expeditions to Goguryeo, and built the eastern capital Luoyang, a series of large projects seriously overdrew the people's strength, brought endless disasters to the people, provoked the people's resistance, and finally broke out at the end of the Sui uprising.

In the face of uprisings in various parts of the world, Yang Guang had no intention of calming down, so he was drunk and dreamed of death in Jiangdu, immersed in the sound and color of the wine banquet day and night, and was killed by Yu Wenhua in 618 AD.

6, Tang Emperor Li Ji

Li Ji is the ninth son of Tang Zhaozong, in 904 AD, Zhu Wen ordered Zhu Yougong, Shi Shucong and others to kill Tang Zhaozong, Jiao Zhao set up Li Ji as the crown prince, and then Li Ji succeeded to the throne in front of Zhaozong's coffin. During Li Ji's reign, he was like a puppet, and all political affairs were in the hands of Zhu Wen. In 907 AD, Zhu Wen couldn't wait to be the emperor, so he forced Li Ji Chan to be in him, and then demoted Li Ji to the king of Jiyin, and the following year sent someone to kill Li Ji.

Who is the most backbone of the deceased king of the great unified dynasty

Emperor Li Ji of the Tang Dynasty

Since the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, successive emperors are not as good as one, even if there was a "little Taizong" Tang Xuanzong Li Chen in the late Tang Dynasty, he failed to save the Tang Dynasty, and in the late Tang Dynasty, the emperor was arbitrarily deposed by the ministers, so Li Ji could only be at the mercy of Zhu Wen, but he could not do anything.

7, Song Qinzong Zhao Huan

The shame of Jingkang in the Northern Song Dynasty is relatively famous in history, throughout the ancient history of the mainland, the father and son emperors have become foreign captives of only two emperors. Strictly speaking, Song Qinzong Zhao Huan is a black pot.

During the reign of Song Huizong, he was obsessed with poetry, calligraphy and painting, and the traitorous ministers in the court, when the Jin State had just risen in the north, the momentum was flourishing, and in 1125 A.D., after the Jin State destroyed the Liao State, he divided his troops into two ways to attack the Song Dynasty, and approached Kaifeng, the capital of the Song Dynasty, Song Huizong panicked, fainted, and passed the throne to the crown prince Zhao Huan after waking up, and went to be the emperor himself.

Who is the most backbone of the deceased king of the great unified dynasty

Song Qinzong Zhao Huan

Zhao Huan was also a cowardly and indecisive, and later listened to the slander of traitorous ministers, deposed Li Gang, and sued Jin for peace. In 1126, the Jin soldiers invaded Bianjing again, and Zhao Huan and his father Song Huizong were captured and went north, and the Northern Song Dynasty perished. In the Kingdom of Jin, Zhao Huan lived for another 29 years until his death in 1154.

8, Emperor Yuan Shun's son is only a Jin and a good Timur

The lineage between the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty is very chaotic, so the middle is in the middle of a long time in the infighting, Emperor Shun succeeded to the throne in the fourth year of Zhishun (1333), and after succeeding to the throne, he endured for 8 years before he became pro-government, after pro-government, Emperor Shun was diligent in political affairs, opened a series of reforms, restored the imperial examination, revered Confucianism, promulgated the legal code, strengthened the clean government, solved the famine, and was determined to prosper, in order to save the ruling crisis of the Yuan Dynasty, known as the "Zhizheng New Deal" in history. These reform measures have failed to resolve the social contradictions and problems that have accumulated for a long time.

Who is the most backbone of the deceased king of the great unified dynasty

Emperor Yuan Shun

In the face of unsolvable problems, Emperor Shun began to rot, began to become gradually depressed, political fatigue, obsessed with sensuality, and allowed the ministers to ascend to the throne, at that time the people of the world were already living poorly, and there was also a major uprising, and finally Zhu Yuanzhang won the Yuan Shun Emperor to drive Mobei, ending the Yuan Dynasty's rule over the Central Plains.

9, Ming Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen

Emperor Chongzhen is the 16th emperor of the Ming Dynasty and the last emperor, there is a saying that "the death of the Ming Dynasty is actually the death of Emperor Wanli", so Emperor Chongzhen is also a man who carries the blame.

When Emperor Chongzhen succeeded to the throne, the Ming Dynasty was already in serious internal and external troubles, with peasant rebel armies such as Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong inside, and Manchu Qing Dynasty watching outside, plus the Ming Dynasty was still in the Xiaoice Age era at that time, and natural disasters were occurring for many years. After Emperor Chongzhen succeeded to the throne, he was diligent in political affairs, practiced frugality, and tried to realize the "Zhongxing" of the Ming Dynasty, but his series of measures did not save the Ming Dynasty, and ultimately failed.

Who is the most backbone of the deceased king of the great unified dynasty

Emperor Chongxiang

In the seventeenth year of Chongzhen (1644), Li Zicheng invaded the city of Beijing, and some people persuaded Emperor Chongzhen to go south to Nanjing City, trying to make a comeback, but Emperor Chongzhen refused, hanged himself in the coal mountain, and realized the real "death of the king". Therefore, if you talk about integrity, Emperor Chongzhen should be ranked first among the kings of the dead country.

10, Emperor Puyi of the Qing Dynasty

Pu Yi was the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the history of the mainland. After the death of Emperor Guangxu in 1908, the Empress Dowager Cixi made Pu Yi, who was only 3 years old, the emperor, and Pu Yi's father Zaifeng as the regent and auxiliary government. However, at this time, the Qing Dynasty was already on the verge of death, and the Xinhai Revolution in 1911 exacerbated the demise of the Qing Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty officially fell in 1912. At this time, Pu Yi was only 6 years old, so the fall of the Qing Dynasty could not be completely counted on Pu Yi's head.

Who is the most backbone of the deceased king of the great unified dynasty

Pu Yi

However, Pu Yi also served as emperor twice, once in 1917 when Zhang Xun was restored, and Pu Yi was the emperor for 12 days. One was after the 918 Incident, Pu Yi became the puppet emperor of Manchukuo in order to restore the Qing Dynasty and became a puppet of the Japanese, but Pu Yi was finally captured after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and was pardoned and released from prison in 1959 to become a citizen of the People's Republic of China.