
Fire! The American ace military plane was shot down, and this time the opponent was not easy to mess with, and the White House encountered a hard bone

author:Sister America

Over the past few decades, the United States has always boasted of itself as the "world's policeman," and it has long been a common occurrence for US warships to sail in the backyards of other countries and for US military planes to fly at the gates of other countries. But this time, the United States has kicked the iron plate. The Houthis, who do not talk much, have once again taught the United States a lesson with practical actions, but the United States can only swallow its anger.

According to Yemeni media reports, on the evening of May 16, the Houthis shot down another "MQ-9" drone. In other words, the Houthis, who shot down the US "MQ-9" drone more than half a month ago, shot down another drone of this type.

You know, the cost of the "MQ-9" drone is more than 30 million US dollars, and the Houthis have made the United States pay a heavy price one after another, how can the Pentagon not feel distressed?

There are at least 3 things worth noting about this matter.

Fire! The American ace military plane was shot down, and this time the opponent was not easy to mess with, and the White House encountered a hard bone

First, this time, the time when the US drone was shot down was somewhat unusual. On the one hand, in the past, the United States and Britain have repeatedly carried out air strikes on Yemen, targeting the Houthi camps. In addition, the U.S. military shot down a number of Houthi drones. The Houthis are ruthless against the US military at this time, which obviously means that they will retaliate.

On the other hand, the attitude of the United States towards Israel has once again changed. The White House, which had decided to suspend the supply of ammunition to Israel, now intends to continue to supply Israel with weapons. The backtracking of the United States will undoubtedly anger the Houthis.

In addition, the US aircraft carrier "Eisenhower" has left the Mediterranean Sea and is now in the Red Sea. While retaliating against the Houthis, the United States has parked its aircraft carrier under the noses of the Houthis, which is obviously threatening the Houthis' layout.

In this case, it is necessary for the Houthis to knock the United States with actions.

Fire! The American ace military plane was shot down, and this time the opponent was not easy to mess with, and the White House encountered a hard bone

Second, the response of the United States and the Houthis is somewhat unusual. After the last time a drone was shot down by the Houthis, the United States only admitted the fact that "the US drone crashed over Yemen", but deliberately did not say that it was shot down by the Houthis.

Perhaps in order to humiliate their opponents, the Houthis showed the wreckage of the "MQ-9 drone" at that time, and also released a picture of the US drone being shot down by a missile.

But this time, the United States chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and the Houthis did not take a position on this matter, which is indeed somewhat surprising.

The attitude of the United States is obvious, as long as the Houthis do not emphasize that "another American ace drone has been shot down", the United States will continue to pretend not to know about it. The reason is simple, when the opponent's strength is much weaker than that of the United States, the "MQ-9" drone that the United States is proud of has been shot down in succession, which makes the allies of the United States feel about the United States?

For the United States, there are times when face is more important than inside. In the final analysis, the United States has dollar hegemony, and it is not a big deal to lose more than $30 million, but if it is admitted that "the US drone was shot down by the Houthis", the whole world will laugh at the United States. The world will think that it is impossible to live like the United States, and the White House cannot afford to lose this person.

Fire! The American ace military plane was shot down, and this time the opponent was not easy to mess with, and the White House encountered a hard bone

Third, before shooting down the US drone, the Houthis also fired missiles at the US destroyer. According to the statements of the Houthis, the missile hit the target.

Of course, the United States did not admit that "the US warship was bombed." Regardless of whether the U.S. warship was bombed or not, the Pentagon's rhetoric was almost the same: "intercepted a missile launched by the Houthis."

What makes it difficult for the world to understand is why the United States has repeatedly swallowed its anger when it has an absolute superiority in strength. Even if they want to retaliate against the Houthis, it will only be a military action with "thunder and rain", and it will not cost the Houthis at all. In the long run, won't the Houthis be more emboldened?

Fire! The American ace military plane was shot down, and this time the opponent was not easy to mess with, and the White House encountered a hard bone

It is not difficult to see from the reluctance of the United States to get involved in the confrontation between Iran and Israel, the forced withdrawal of troops from Niger, and the refusal to launch a large-scale military operation against the Houthis, that the relative strength of the United States is long gone. At present, the strategic focus of the United States is not in the Middle East, but in Asia and Eastern Europe. Therefore, the United States will not choose to go head-to-head with the Houthis unless it is absolutely necessary.

Of course, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, the world has long changed. The current Houthis have hypersonic missiles and are definitely not so easy to bully. If the United States really wants to launch a large-scale military operation in Yemen, the result will inevitably be a lose-lose situation.

The Houthis have confirmed one thing with their actions: the United States is indeed a bully and a fear of the hard. provoked such a tough bone that the Houthis should not be provoked, and the Pentagon can only sigh: why is it so difficult.

How arrogant you are when you are in power, and how embarrassed you are when you are down. If you know today, why bother in the first place, the United States.

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