
Four ancient poems of the small Manchu solar term: the farmer is small and the sky is full

author:Hatsui Katsuyuki

In the middle of May of the Gregorian calendar, in the middle of April of the lunar calendar, the solar term is ushered in.

The Koman solar term is the second solar term of summer. The phrase Xiaoman is full of associative little freshness, small fullness. It also makes people wonder, why did the ancients name this solar term Xiaoman?

Looking through the historical materials, you can know that the word full was present in the pre-Qin and Zhou dynasties.

In "Mozi Gongyi", there is "Jing has cloud dreams, rhinoceros and elk are full", saying that Jing Chu has Yunmengze, where rhinoceros and elk fill the swampy jungle area.

Full, originally referred to as the overflow of water, and then described as dense, plentiful and full.

Then Xiaoman, as a solar term name, at least also appeared in the Zhou Dynasty, because the complete solar term name appeared in "Ji Tomb Zhou Book" and "Lü's Spring and Autumn Period". In other words, the twenty-four solar terms basically existed and were finalized in the late Zhou Dynasty.

It's just that, why is this solar term called Xiaoman?

The Han Dynasty's "Filial Piety Jingwei" "Xiao Man, Dou Zhi Si is Xiao Man." The small full, the words are full of small things. ”

Said, the Big Dipper points in this direction, that is, Xiaoman. Xiaoman, which means that at this time, all things have a small abundance and mature beauty.

This is, of course, the Han Dynasty's interpretation of the existing Xiaoman solar terms, but it makes people feel ambiguous.

Four ancient poems of the small Manchu solar term: the farmer is small and the sky is full

In fact, Xiaoman should be the primitive astronomical agriculturist, the Zhou Dynasty, or the Zhou Dynasty, for the general exposition of water resources in a year. Because after the arrival of summer, the rivers gradually fill up and the rain increases, presenting various water resources at this time. Rain and natural flowing water increase and plentiful, and all things grow. According to the law of change of water resources, after the small full, it must be the big full with overflowing rivers and abundant rainfall. Because according to the naming of the solar terms, after the small cold, the big cold is connected, the light snow is connected to the heavy snow, and after the small full, there should be another period of time, called the big man, but this big man is replaced by the name of the solar term "mangzhong". Because of such abundant precipitation, in the Zhou Dynasty, when rice and wheat replaced millet and millet, such a season was the last agricultural time for wheat harvesting and rice planting.

Therefore, the small manchu of the solar terms is a unique and distinct existence.

In the Song Dynasty, some people also thought about the origin of this small Manchu solar term and the mangzhong solar term. Some people believe that Xiaoman refers to the wheat that is about to ripen, while mango refers to the wheat that is ripe for harvest.

Either way, it shows the importance of the small full solar term in agriculture. This is the best time of early summer, when the rain is abundant, the crops are growing, the wheat seedlings are filling and ripening, the rice is growing vigorously, and some trees are already bearing ripe fruits. For example, in "Xia Xiaozheng", it is shown that apricots ripen at this time. In the Tang Dynasty, cherries and loquat ripened at this stage.

Xiaoman, not only the early summer when the rivers are full, but also the melon and fruit season with a bumper harvest, how not to make people feel satisfied?

Four ancient poems of the small Manchu solar term: the farmer is small and the sky is full

"When the little is full of energy, how to decay.

The Tian family was private, and Uncle Fang asked silk.

Apricot wheat repair sickle, erect thorn hedge.

I have always looked at bitter vegetables, what is Duxiu? "Zhongtang · Yuan Zhi "Song of the Twenty-four Qi Poems in the middle of April"

This is Xiao Man in the twenty-four solar terms poem of the Tang Dynasty Yuan Zhen.

With a bird's-eye view, the pastoral grandeur and vitality of the early summer of the Central Plains are written.

When the small full solar term comes, why are the tiny grasses already dead? This is because the sunlight is more intense, knocking out the small herbs of spring and autumn, leaving behind the strongest plants, growing in the sun and wind and rain.

Farmers began to work on their own private grain fields, while local officials worried about local silk production. Because this is an important time to harvest silkworm cocoons. Silk is related to people's clothing, planting mulberry and raising silkworms, and it is an important economic agriculture.

The apricots and wheat fields are ripe, and the farmers are ready to harvest the tools, which are always placed on the fence of the courtyard, watching the weather, waiting for the sunshine, waiting for the harvest season to come.

Along with the endless wheat fields, there are wheat fields and bitter cauliflower flowers blooming on the barren slopes.

Bitter herbs are also small grasses, why is it the only one that doesn't die? Because it has a resolute vitality, because it loves the hard farmers, it loves the endless farmland, and it is the most simple watchman.

So bitter herbs are an important wild vegetable for ancient farmers, especially in the period when the wheat is not ripe and harvested, and many people's bowls are such bitter bitter herbs that support them to wait for the harvest of wheat.

Bitter herbs are the catchers of the wheat fields, and bitter herbs represent the peasants. Bitter herbs are the flowers of the small full solar terms.

Four ancient poems of the small Manchu solar term: the farmer is small and the sky is full

"The wind and rain are small and full of sky, and the four mountains are full of new fields.

It will be difficult to get a sense of difficulty, and the July chapter of the fine and windy wind. "Ming · Wu and Bi "Stone Spring Open Field"

The small full solar term, the rain is abundant, it is the Yangtze River Basin, the busy period of rice transplanting.

Taking advantage of the wet rainy season, which is a favorite of rice plants, farmers are draped in hats and planted terraces on the hillsides.

And the poet is also very peculiar, with no intention of career, in his hometown to teach children for a living, he will spend his life learning and love on the most simple grassroots agriculture and people, and farmers, open fields and farms, appreciate the hardships of the period, nature, but also feel the simplicity and view.

It is precisely this kind of input, he said, who knows the hardships of the peasants, and who can understand the spirit of fearless and forging ahead?

It reminds me of the hardships and joys of those simple people and the ancestors who conquered the land and nature during the period of King Wen of Zhou in the Zhou Dynasty.

The small full solar term is the solar term of farmers and the solar term of agriculture, and all abundance and consummation are achieved in the process of hardship.

Four ancient poems of the small Manchu solar term: the farmer is small and the sky is full

"I love Jiangnan Xiaomantian, the anchovy is chilled at the beginning.

After a hoopoe silkworm sleeps, it is planted all over the new seedlings and green fields. "Ming · Wen Peng "April"

I like this poem, it is cheerful and bright, and it has an agricultural atmosphere.

I like the small full season in Gangnam because the anchovy returns at this time, and the taste is sweet and delicious.

The hoopoe bird chirps in the mulberry forest, and the silkworms sleep, and it is time for the silkworms to form cocoons at the end.

The farmland is full of new seedlings and green paddy fields.

Xiaoman is the ripe harvest season in the middle of the year, and the farmers at this time are busy and comfortable.

This kind of happy work is particularly vivid and energetic in the summer green.

If you are children, this is the happiest time. Because even if it's naughty, it's probably because the parents are in a good mood and won't be harsh, and they go up the tree and go into the water, and play happily to the fullest.

For example, the mulberries on the tree are ripe, such as digging birds' eggs.

Four ancient poems of the small Manchu solar term: the farmer is small and the sky is full

"Adjust the weather to make a good year, and the wheat cold beans are warm for two weeks.

After loquat yellow, bayberry purple, it is the small farmer's sky. "Qing · Wang Taikai "Four Songs of Wumen Bamboo Branches, Four of Its Four Xiaoman"

The temperature gradually rises, and it rains and sunny. This kind of weather is also beneficial, the beans need sunlight, and the wheat needs rain to promote the filling. Three days of rain, two days of sunshine, the wind and rain were smooth, and the beans and wheat grew in a balanced manner.

How not to look forward to a good season.

And God is beautiful, and natural manpower is relatively easy. The spare time is to go up the mountain to harvest loquat and pick bayberry.

Loquat yellow, bayberry purple, or far away from the city, can not be sold at a price, but this is always a natural gift, so that this summer, the fruit is abundant, and the mouth is sweet.

Xiaoman, Xiaoman, the farmer's Xiaoman, the sweetness of summer given to farmers.

Four ancient poems of the small Manchu solar term: the farmer is small and the sky is full

The small full solar term is the season when fresh melons and fruits are on the market.

Red lychee, yellow loquat, delicate cherry, and of course, tropical durian, mango, papaya.

What a fruit season in the summer greenery.

The smile on the corner of your mouth also corresponds to the solar terms, Xiaoman.

Hatsui Katsuyuki interprets the love and beauty in the poems for you. #头条创作挑战赛#