
Panyu District Employment Service "Entering the Grassroots" and Shiqi Town "Zero Distance" Night Market Job Fair was successfully held


In order to further strengthen the employment service guarantee, better build a supply and demand bridge between job seekers and enterprises, and strengthen talent development, on the evening of May 17, the 2024 "100 Days and 100 Million Recruitment Special Action" Panyu District Employment Service "Grassroots Level" and Shiqi Town "Zero Distance" Night Market Job Fair was held in the parking lot at the entrance of Jinshan Village Restaurant and Shiqi Village Tongxin No. 1 Intelligent Manufacturing City. A total of 60 enterprises in the two sub-venues brought more than 1,050 high-quality positions to "pick up the lights and look for talents", attracting nearly 500 people from village (community) residents, college graduates, and migrant workers to come to Guangzhou to find jobs, and more than 100 people initially reached employment intentions. At the recruitment night market, the crowds were crowded, and employment services such as enterprise recruitment, job push, and policy publicity were fully integrated, and the activities were full of highlights.

Panyu District Employment Service "Entering the Grassroots" and Shiqi Town "Zero Distance" Night Market Job Fair was successfully held

Technology empowerment, precise docking. Shiqi Town Employment Station set up a booth at the recruitment night market, through the "live broadcast with posts" method of zero-distance "cloud" to explore enterprises, provide "early job exploration" and "independent search" services, invite high-quality enterprises to the live broadcast room, and accurately promote job information in the whole matrix, so that job seekers can intuitively and comprehensively understand the company's working environment, accommodation environment, job characteristics, welfare benefits, etc. in advance without going out, and can also interact with enterprise representatives in real time, obtain timely feedback, and submit resumes with one click, which greatly improves the chances and success rate of job hunting.

The live broadcast was unprecedentedly popular, with 81 companies providing a total of 2,513 jobs online, and more than 4,000 views in the live broadcast room, building a platform for positive interaction between job seekers and employers. Some job seekers said, "After watching the 'video exploration', I feel that the environment is good, the scale is large, and the treatment is good, so I naturally want to go all out to try it." "The job fair site is equipped with an advanced AI digital intelligence recruitment all-in-one machine, which allows job seekers to self-check the latest positions for free, and can also search by category according to their preferred job category, making employment services more refined and personalized, greatly improving the efficiency of supply and demand matching, and making job search more accurate and convenient. At the same time, during the live broadcast, job seekers were constantly guided to join the Shiqi Town Job Search Group, and recruitment information and job services were provided to job seekers who wanted to be employed and those who were not employed.

Panyu District Employment Service "Entering the Grassroots" and Shiqi Town "Zero Distance" Night Market Job Fair was successfully held

Regional linkage and resource integration. This job fair innovatively uses the new remote online employment recruitment model of "live broadcast with posts + regional linkage", and links 6 employment stations in Panyu District through the digital intelligence recruitment all-in-one machine, sparks the real-time screen of the subordinate post stations, and synchronizes with the other 19 employment stations in Guangzhou, and links this job fair with the 2024 Panyu District "100 Days and Millions" recruitment special action and employment online job fair held at the same time, breaking the barriers of the traditional live broadcast with a single-point model. Promote the positions of enterprises in the town to be shared at the municipal level, so that enterprises and job seekers can gather in the "cloud", and create a new experience of multi-scene interactive live broadcast, so that enterprises in the town do not have to be limited to recruiting personnel in the town, and improve the quality and efficiency of cross-regional recruitment of talents for enterprises; So that job seekers not only can choose a job in Shiqi, but also find a job across regions if they feel that the position in Shiqi is not suitable, so as to realize the integration of cross-regional resources and "two-way running" of post talents.

Panyu District Employment Service "Entering the Grassroots" and Shiqi Town "Zero Distance" Night Market Job Fair was successfully held

Extra-long standby, intimate service. This job fair will build a bridge between job seekers and enterprises in the form of "offline job fair" + "online live broadcast with posts", provide job seekers with more convenient and diversified employment services, and promote high-quality employment.

On the one hand, the "Recruitment Night Market" recruits for 3 hours on the spot, combined with the habits of the masses to take a walk in the evening and exercise at night, turning the bustling and lively "leisure field" into a "talent field", and using the "fireworks" of the night market to gather popularity and promote the temperature of employment services, so that job seekers can make an appointment with their families to hang out and visit their favorite positions after tea and dinner. The person in charge of recruitment of many enterprises said that the night market job fair is very popular, with a large flow of people and obvious recruitment results. Some job seekers said that this kind of job fair in the form of night is closer to the life of the masses, allowing employers and job seekers to use their leisure time in the evening to communicate and dock, avoid hot weather and traffic congestion during the day, and solve the problems of job seekers being busy during the day, tired on weekends, and inconvenient. On the other hand, the "live broadcast with posts" online recruitment for 12 hours, the live broadcast platform from 9:30 a.m. to 21:30 p.m. on the same day, the anchor will bring high-quality enterprises into the live broadcast room, and a special person will inform job seekers of the company's job characteristics, enterprise advantages and other information, so that the recruitment company can "cloud" the post for 12 hours, communicate with job seekers at zero distance, help enterprises find more high-quality talents, and build a cloud supply and demand bridge.

Panyu District Employment Service "Entering the Grassroots" and Shiqi Town "Zero Distance" Night Market Job Fair was successfully held

Widely publicized, warm-hearted to send to work. In order to improve the awareness and participation rate of employers and job seekers in the job fair, Shiqi Town actively contacted a number of key employment enterprises in the jurisdiction in advance to understand the employment needs of enterprises and improve the matching degree between employers and job seekers; The organizer of the job fair also set up exquisite gifts on the spot to attract job seekers to submit their resumes on the digital intelligence all-in-one machine, and mobilized more people and personnel in the jurisdiction to apply for positions at the "doorstep" to empower the recruitment market.

Secondly, in order to strengthen the publicity of the job fair in the early stage, Shiqi Town released the job fair information through various public platforms, village (community) WeChat exchange groups, loudspeakers and other online and offline forms, and at the same time accurately pushed 1,200 pieces of recruitment activity information for key groups such as the unemployed and those with employment difficulties within the jurisdiction, and linked the town grid service center to distribute more than 1,000 copies of the job fair posters to the personnel in Guangzhou, covering 19 villages (communities) within the jurisdiction, to ensure that the job fair information publicity is multi-dimensional, full coverage, and no dead ends. While implementing the publicity work, the town labor center also linked up with the town employment station to provide policy consultation, employment and entrepreneurship guidance and other services for job seekers at the recruitment night market, helping them better understand the job market and job search skills, as well as publicizing the 6th "China Chuangyi" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition, and distributed more than 800 copies of job recruitment and policy publicity materials on the spot.

From January to April 2024, a total of 4,574 people received unemployment tracking services and 1,149 new jobs were created, effectively improving the efficiency of matching supply and demand in the labor market in the jurisdiction.

Panyu District Employment Service "Entering the Grassroots" and Shiqi Town "Zero Distance" Night Market Job Fair was successfully held

In the next step, Shiqi Town will continue to implement the public employment service promotion action, further improve service measures, expand service supply, and promote the convenience, precision and diversification of grassroots employment services; Innovate and expand service functions, introduce more public employment services such as policy consultation, employment guidance, and employment introduction into employment stations, and send information on high-quality jobs, skills training, and incentive policies to thousands of households, so as to serve enterprises and workers with heart and affection; Efforts will be made to build characteristic employment stations, give full play to resource advantages, extend employment and talent services to the masses, provide more workers with a new employment engine at their doorstep, open a new chapter of high-quality employment, and empower and increase the efficiency of the "High-quality Development Project of 100 Counties, Thousands of Towns and Thousands of Villages".

Contributed by: Zhou Huanting, Shiqi Town Social Affairs Comprehensive Service Center (Labor).

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