
Healthy "heart" life with coronary heart disease

author:One life

The blood vessels of the heart are very sensitive to changes in temperature. Patients with coronary heart disease will be stimulated by low temperatures, and the sympathetic nervous system will be excited, blood pressure will increase, heart rate will increase, and myocardial oxygen consumption will increase.

Healthy "heart" life with coronary heart disease

On the other hand, cold stimuli can also cause spasmodic constriction of blood vessels, increasing blood viscosity. The coronary arteries are spasmodic and constricted, leading to thrombosis, aggravating the patient's condition, and even the risk of myocardial infarction and sudden death.

Therefore, whether it is in the cold winter or in the spring and autumn seasons when the temperature changes greatly, sometimes cold and sometimes hot, sometimes wind and rain, it is the season of high incidence of coronary heart disease. In addition, sudden death of patients with coronary heart disease is often seen in the summer when the weather is hot and humid and the air humidity is considerable.

Healthy "heart" life with coronary heart disease

Therefore, even in summer, you must pay attention to heat prevention, drink plenty of water, keep a good mood, and protect your heart. For patients with coronary heart disease, the recurrence of the disease should be noted throughout the year, especially when the temperature changes greatly, and it is very cold and very hot.

Commonly used treatments

Western medicine is the main treatment. As a chronic disease, the medication for coronary heart disease also requires patients to take medication under the strict guidance of a doctor. Once diagnosed with coronary heart disease, patients should start medication under the guidance of a doctor and should insist on taking medication on time for a long time. Commonly used drugs for patients with coronary heart disease mainly include nitrates, antiplatelet drugs, β-receptor blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors), angiotensin receptor antagonists (ARBs), lipid-regulating drugs and other categories.

In addition to the above-mentioned Western medicines, the commonly used Chinese medicines for the treatment of coronary heart disease include compound Danshen Dripping Pills, Guanxin Suhe Pills, Tongxinluo, etc. In contrast, the effect of Western medicine in the treatment of coronary heart disease is more certain. Patients can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine in addition to Western medicine.

For patients with coronary heart disease, in the acute attack of the disease, nitroglycerin or compound salvia dripping pills can also be taken sublingually immediately with rapid onset. Due to the ease of tolerance and hypotension, this kind of drug is generally used in small doses, intermittent administration, and the number of administrations should not exceed 3 times.

Predisposed period

Early mornings are most likely to occur. When you wake up in the morning, it is the peak period for the release of vasoconstrictive substances such as catecholamines, and at this time, the tension of the coronary arteries is also the highest, and the cardiac oxygen demand increases.

In addition, from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., it is the most cohesive force of substances that promote blood clotting, such as platelets, and the activity of anticoagulant substances such as plasminogen is the lowest during this time, so early morning is the most dangerous time for coronary heart disease, which is prone to angina, myocardial infarction or sudden death. Therefore, patients with coronary heart disease should pay attention to the phenomenon of Chenfeng, strictly abide by the doctor's instructions, and do not adjust the time of taking medicine at will.

Healthy "heart" life with coronary heart disease

Patients with coronary heart disease should be treated with nitrates as soon as they wake up in the morning, such as analgia, isosorbide mononitrate or nitroglycerin.

Antiplatelet aggregators, such as low-dose aspirin, are best taken at bedtime, because anticoagulant effects can still be present in the morning of the next day, which is important for preventing cerebral thrombosis at night and myocardial infarction in the early morning.

TCM treatments

The treatment of coronary heart disease should be treated with a combination of Chinese and Western medicine, and for patients, whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, it is a good doctor to solve the problem.

The above talks about some knowledge of Western medicine for the treatment of coronary heart disease, and the following is to introduce the treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine for coronary heart disease, which are commonly used in clinical practice, including Chinese patent medicine and Chinese herbal medicine. Among them: Chinese patent medicine can be roughly divided into several categories from its functional indications, such as aromatic warmth, blood circulation and blood stasis, and strengthening and nourishing the heart; From the type of preparation, it can be divided into compound preparation and single traditional Chinese medicine extraction preparation.

In the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of coronary heart disease, aromatic Wentong includes: Coronary Heart Suhe Pill (Capsule), Musk Baoxin Pill, Xinbao, Su Bing Dripping Pill, etc.

In the treatment of coronary heart disease, the traditional Chinese medicine treatment belongs to the category of blood circulation and blood stasis: compound Danshen tablets, Xinkeshu tablets, Diao Xinxuekang, Buchang Naoxintong, Tongxinluo capsules, Shanhaidan capsules, Jinze Guanxin capsules, Chuanxiong granules, Songling Xuemaikang capsules, etc.; Compound Danshen Dripping Pill has the dual effects of warming and promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

Fuzheng Yangxin includes Shengmai Drink Oral Liquid, Buxinqi Oral Liquid, Yixinyin Oral Liquid, Yangxinshi, Glycyrrhiza Mixture, Screen Shengmai Capsule, Wenxin Granules, etc.

The drug treatment of coronary heart disease should be individualized, precise treatment, one person, on the basis of Western medicine treatment, with Chinese herbal medicine or Chinese patent medicine, is the current direction of coronary heart disease treatment, in short, as long as it is beneficial to the patient, we have to do more, and finally wish all patients with coronary heart disease, health and happiness!

This article is reprinted from the WeChat public account: Gui Liang Doctor

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