
"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes


Before you know it, spring is gone, and a sixth of summer is about to pass. In the blooming flowers of early summer, the small full solar term is coming. This is a solar term of the intersection of Mengxia and midsummer, which brings us a real summer, a large wave of rolling heat wave is coming, and the rain will become a waterfall, and such a complex and changeable climate is no longer enjoyable for us, and the days to come will be more and more difficult, so starting from the small full season, we must hurry up to prepare for the long summer.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

Many people will lose weight unconsciously in the process of summer, which is due to people's strong metabolism and poor appetite in summer, resulting in "making ends meet", and if you do not pay attention to adjustment in summer, then not only the weight will be reduced, the body will also become weaker, so you will encounter more difficulties in the process of summer. Therefore, in the summer, dietary regulation is a top priority. From the beginning of the year, it is necessary to supplement the body with more nutrients and strengthen the physique, so as to welcome the long summer in a good state. As the saying goes, "tonic first taboo", in the small full season, you should also control your mouth, keep in mind that "Xiaoman 3 don't eat, eat Xia An", on this basis, choose seasonal delicious food to tonic, in order to make up for it. Let's take a look at what "3 don't eat" refers to~

Xiaoman 3 does not eat - fruit is eaten as a meal

When the weather is hot, people's spleen and stomach will be affected to some extent, and the most common thing is that the appetite deteriorates. Compared with meals, fruits are sweet and delicious, which can arouse people's appetite more, so some people will prepare a lot of fruits at the time of eating to replace meals. Although fruits are rich in many nutrients that are beneficial to our body, they are not a substitute for other foods. Moreover, the sugar content in fruits is not low, and many fruits are also cold, and eating too much is easy to stimulate the stomach.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

In summer, we have no appetite, we can add more vinegar when cooking dishes, and some fruits can also be used in dishes, we must know how to use them to make appetizing dishes.

Recommended recipe: Chicken stew with passion fruit

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

1. Prepare two or three passion fruits, wash them and cut them, scoop out the soup and put it in a bowl for later use.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

2. Clean up the parts that are not suitable for consumption, cut off the greasy parts, and then soak the blood in them and wash them away.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

3. Heat the oil, first pour the chicken pieces into it for stir-frying, in the process of repeated stir-frying, add ginger and star anise, the water and oil will be fried, and the fishy smell will be removed, until the color is browned.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

4. Put a little oil in the pot in addition, pour in some diced tomatoes into it first, stir-fry repeatedly, fry them until soft, add garlic cloves, millet pepper, light soy sauce, stir-fry well, pour passion fruit into it, and then add some hot water to it.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

5. Put the chicken in the pot, use the soup to stew it thoroughly, then add salt once, and continue to simmer until the flavor is turned off.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

Xiaoman 3 does not eat - eat raw aquatic vegetables

In the small full season, all kinds of vegetables and fruits grow one after another, and it is also a good season to taste all kinds of fresh rivers and lakes...... All of them affect people's taste buds. However, in order to pursue a delicious taste, some people will even eat it raw. However, these aquatic vegetables are easy to breed bacteria and parasites during the growth period, and it is very unhealthy to eat them uncooked.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

Even if you like it and are familiar with it, when you eat aquatic vegetables, you should first clean them and cook them thoroughly, and enjoy them with the premise of safety and health.

Recommended recipe: cold salad with coconut white

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

1. Peel off the outer coat of two or three sticks of cocoon, cut off the roots, soak them in salt water for a while, rinse them and cut them into thin strips.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

2. Pour wide water into the pot and boil, put the white water inside, fully cook it, pick it up, and put it in cold water to cool it quickly.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

3. Prepare a little shredded green onion and chili pepper, then pour in cold soy sauce, rice vinegar, sugar, a little salt, then burn a little oil and pour it in, stirring to taste.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

Xiaoman 3 does not eat - unfamiliar mushrooms

Hot weather and humid climate create conditions for the growth of fungi, especially after rain, and various fungi can often be seen in the wild. Mushrooms are known for their delicious taste and are coveted by people. However, not all mushrooms can be eaten, and unfamiliar mushrooms should not be eaten indiscriminately, so as not to cause poisoning.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

Mushrooms are not only delicious, but also full of nutrition, and are excellent ingredients for summer tonic, but if you want to eat mushrooms, you might as well try to choose the common ones around us, and eat more assured.

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried mushrooms

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

1. Fungi tend to decline significantly with the extension of storage time, so try to buy and make them now. Wash the mushrooms and cut them into large slices.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

2. In addition, with a little greens, it is beautiful and delicious, wash the two rapes and cut them into small pieces.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

3. Heat the oil, put a part of the garlic paste into it first, add the light soy sauce when the fragrance is stir-fried, after stimulating the fragrance in the hot oil, pour the mushrooms into it, turn it frequently, make it evenly heated, precipitate the soup, and fry until its texture becomes soft and slightly transparent, and then it is cooked.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut

4. Continue to put some garlic paste, pour the rape into it by the way, add a little salt, continue to fry for a few seconds, and quickly put the rape on the plate after it is raw.

"Xiaoman 3 doesn't eat, but it's hard to eat in the summer", what does it mean? On May 20, Xiaoman told his family to keep his mouth shut
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