
A 65-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction and died after ineffective rescue! The doctor sighed: I am still old, and I am not temperate

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Family Doctor Online

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First of all, I deeply regret the passing of this 65-year-old aunt. Cerebral infarction, also known as cerebral thrombosis, is a common cerebrovascular disease with high morbidity and mortality. According to the World Health Organization, about 17 million people die from stroke worldwide every year, most of them due to cerebral infarction.

The occurrence of cerebral infarction is related to a variety of factors, including hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, lack of exercise, etc. These factors increase the risk of intravascular thrombosis, which can lead to cerebral infarction. Therefore, the key to preventing cerebral infarction is to control these risk factors.

A 65-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction and died after ineffective rescue! The doctor sighed: I am still old, and I am not temperate

First of all, we need to measure blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids regularly and keep them within the normal range. If you already have high blood pressure, diabetes or hyperlipidemia, you need to follow the doctor's advice for standard treatment.

Second, we need to quit smoking and limit alcohol. The nicotine in tobacco causes blood vessels to constrict and increase blood pressure, while alcohol damages the endothelium of blood vessels, increasing the risk of blood clots.

Again, we need to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. Obesity increases the burden on the heart, raises blood pressure, and also increases the risk of diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Lack of exercise can stiffen blood vessels and increase the risk of blood clots.

In addition, we also need to have regular medical check-ups so that possible problems can be detected and dealt with in a timely manner. For patients who already have cerebral infarction, standardized treatment and rehabilitation training are required according to the doctor's recommendations.

A 65-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction and died after ineffective rescue! The doctor sighed: I am still old, and I am not temperate

However, although we can prevent cerebral infarction in the above ways, it is still not possible to completely avoid its occurrence. Because the occurrence of cerebral infarction is also related to genetic factors, age, gender and other factors. What we can do about these immutable factors is to reduce their risks as much as possible.

In the case of this aunt, the doctor's sigh may be due to her older age and possible unhealthy lifestyle. However, we can't blame her for this, because everyone has their own lifestyle and habits, and many people don't know that their actions may have an impact on their health.

Therefore, what we need to do is to raise public health awareness and let more people know about the dangers of cerebral infarction and how to prevent it. At the same time, we also need to improve the medical environment, so that doctors can have more time and energy to focus on the health education of patients, rather than focusing only on the treatment of diseases.

In general, cerebral infarction is a serious disease that requires our great attention. By controlling risk factors, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and having regular check-ups, we can effectively prevent the occurrence of cerebral infarction. At the same time, we also need to raise public health awareness and let more people know about the dangers of cerebral infarction and how to prevent it.

A 65-year-old aunt had a sudden cerebral infarction and died after ineffective rescue! The doctor sighed: I am still old, and I am not temperate

I deeply regret the passing of this aunt. I hope that her passing will cause us to wake up and make us pay more attention to our health and cherish life more. At the same time, I hope that we can learn something from her passing to make our lives healthier and better.

In closing, I would like to say that life is short, but as long as we cherish every moment and live a meaningful life, then life is long. Let's work together, for our own health, for the health of our family and friends, and for the health of our society, let's work together!