
The highest temperature is 37°C! Local short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds →

author:Impression of Fuyang
The highest temperature is 37°C! Local short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds →

Yesterday, the province was sunny to cloudy, and the highest temperature in most areas was 29~31 °C, the highest Huoshan was 32.8 °C, and the latest forecast of the Anhui Meteorological Observatory was that there was a high temperature of more than 35 °C along the north of Huaihuai today and tomorrow, of which Bozhou is expected to have a maximum temperature of 37 °C today

During the day today, there were strong convective weather such as localized short-term heavy precipitation and thunderstorms and strong winds in the eastern part of Jiangbei

The highest temperature is 37°C! Local short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds →

Weather forecast for the coming week

Precipitation: Before the 19th, the province was dominated by sunny to cloudy weather, and there were showers or thunderstorms in some parts of eastern Jiangbei on the 17th, accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation and thunderstorms and strong winds. From the 20th to the 23rd, there were local showers or thunderstorms in the Dabie Mountains and southern Anhui Mountains.

Temperature and hot and dry wind: The highest temperature in the north of Hefei on the 17th and 19th is 32~35 °C, and locally exceeds 36 °C, and there will be dry and hot wind. From the 20th to the 22nd, the temperature in the province dropped slightly, and the highest temperature along the north of Huaihuai was still 31~34 °C. From the 23rd to the 25th, the temperature in the province will rise, and there will be a high temperature of more than 35 °C in the north between the Huaibei area and the Jianghuai region.

The highest temperature is 37°C! Local short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds →

The province's daily maximum temperature forecast for the next three days, of which Bozhou is expected to have a maximum temperature of 37 °C today.

Specific forecast for the coming week

Daytime on the 17th: Cloudy in the eastern part of Jiangbei, with showers or thunderstorms in some areas; Sunny to cloudy in other areas.

On the night of the 17th: sunny to cloudy in the province.

18th: Sunny to cloudy in the province.

19th: Cloudy to sunny in the province.

20th: Cloudy in the Dabie Mountains, with localized showers or thunderstorms; Other areas will be cloudy to sunny.

21-23: Sunny to cloudy in Jiangbei; It is cloudy in the south of the Yangtze River, with localized showers or thunderstorms in the mountainous areas.

Weather forecast for the city for the coming week

The highest temperature is 37°C! Local short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds →

Source: Anhui Meteorology

Editor: Ren Yimeng

Review: Li Feng

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The highest temperature is 37°C! Local short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds →
The highest temperature is 37°C! Local short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds →