
Is it necessary to buy a critical illness insurance policy when I am healthy?


We all know that the protection function of critical illness insurance is very important for critical illness.

In the unfortunate event that we get an illness under the contract, the critical illness insurance will pay a sum of money.

So, if we are not sick and healthy, is it still necessary to buy critical illness insurance?

Let's talk about it.

Is it necessary to buy a critical illness insurance policy when I am healthy?

Is it necessary to buy critical illness insurance at a young age?

In fact, many friends feel that they are young and healthy, and there is no need to buy critical illness insurance.

But that's not true.

Because the onset of critical illness insurance is gradually getting younger, even in their twenties and thirties may suffer from critical illness.

Moreover, our young people's living habits are not very good, such as staying up late, overeating, drinking and smoking, and other habits may lead to serious illness.

Therefore, buying critical illness insurance when you are young is not a loss.

In addition, critical illness insurance has restrictions on age and physical health.

(A mini program has been added here, please go to the Toutiao client to view)

Most critical illness insurance policies are limited to 55-60 years old, and the older you get, the worse your physical health becomes, and it is difficult to pass the health notification process.

This also means that, in fact, for young and strong friends, it is definitely easier to buy critical illness insurance than older people.

Is it better for young people to buy critical illness insurance?

In fact, judging from the necessity we mentioned earlier, it can already be seen that it will be easier for young people to buy critical illness insurance.

This is mainly manifested in these aspects.

The first is that the optional coverage is broader.

Because if we have some chronic diseases or other diseases, there is a high probability that critical illness insurance will exclude coverage, increase coverage, deferred coverage, and so on.

Is it necessary to buy a critical illness insurance policy when I am healthy?

Therefore, there will not be many restrictions on buying critical illness insurance when you are young and healthy.

Health notifications can be easily passed, so the coverage is wider and the options are richer.

The second is that the coverage period is longer.

If we buy insurance at the age of 20 and reach the age of 70, the coverage period will be 50 years.

If you buy insurance until the age of 70 at the age of 30 or even older, the coverage period will be much shorter.

In other words, the earlier you buy it, the longer you can get coverage.

Finally, the premium will be cheaper.

In the case of only buying basic benefits, the younger the insurance age, the cheaper the premium.

If we can apply for a critical illness insurance policy at the age of 20, the annual premium may only be more than 1,000 yuan.

(A mini program has been added here, please go to the Toutiao client to view)

What is the best age to buy critical illness insurance?

In fact, no matter what insurance product we buy, we must come according to our own needs.

Therefore, the saying that the sooner you buy critical illness insurance, the better, is also in line with our own needs.

For example, buying critical illness insurance for children is definitely different from buying it for ourselves, the same product, buying for a 0-year-old baby and buying it for a 30-year-old father, the same protection, the premium may even differ by four or five thousand yuan per year.

Moreover, the occurrence of risk accidents is unpredictable, and we do not know when we will get sick.

Therefore, if you have a plan to buy critical illness insurance, it is best to buy it now.

Because it is definitely younger and in better health now than later, the premium is definitely cheaper.

Is it necessary to buy a critical illness insurance policy when I am healthy?

In general, it is definitely better to buy critical illness insurance when you are healthy.

But as for whether it is necessary to buy, it depends on our own needs.

After all, a critical illness insurance premium is not cheap, but it is an essential part of getting complete insurance coverage.

Is it necessary to buy a critical illness insurance policy when I am healthy?