
There are many volunteer services and cultural activities at your doorstep! Residents shouted: It's too thoughtful!

author:Shanghai Changning

In order to welcome the upcoming 34th National Day for the Disabled (May 19), recently, Xinjing Town carried out volunteer services and cultural activities at the doorstep to create an atmosphere of helping the disabled, deepen the public's understanding and support for the disabled, and inject new impetus into the care and support of the whole society for the disabled.

In order to enrich the spiritual life of the disabled and feel the beauty of traditional Chinese culture, a tea culture experience activity was recently staged in the Xinjing Town Cultural Center. During the activity, the disabled friends felt the charm of tea and experienced the charm of tea art under the leadership of professional tea masters. From learning about black tea, observing black tea, and tasting black tea, the tea master introduces the origin and types of black tea, and teaches the basic "tea ceremony" and "tea ceremony". Finally, everyone also made tea bags and wrote down their blessings for life.

After the event, many disabled friends were still unsatisfied, and expressed that they wanted to participate in more such cultural activities to improve their cultivation and increase their knowledge.

There are many volunteer services and cultural activities at your doorstep! Residents shouted: It's too thoughtful!

"Come on, come on!" The students and volunteers of Sunshine Home and Sunshine Heart Garden in Xinjing Town are playing a PK competition for athletes in the "Sunshine Home". According to the actual situation of the students, the sports meeting set up rings, rope skipping, shuttlecock kicking, darts throwing, fun table tennis, badminton and tug-of-war and other safe and participatory competitions. During the competition, the students and volunteers seemed to have returned to their childhood, immersed in each project, experiencing the tension brought by the competition, and at the same time enjoying the joy of sports. The cheers and cheers on the scene continued, and everyone completed one competition project after another, fully demonstrating the sportsmanship of "I participate, I am happy".

For a long time, the problem of caring for people with intellectual and mental disabilities has been plaguing their families. Since its establishment, Xinjing Sunshine Home and Sunshine Heart Garden have not only provided day care services for students, but also exercised their life skills through various courses, helped them build self-confidence in life, and created a better life of their own.

There are many volunteer services and cultural activities at your doorstep! Residents shouted: It's too thoughtful!

On the morning of May 15, the Xinjing Town Disabled Persons' Federation carried out medical consultation and convenience services in the shared living room with Xin in conjunction with the "International Family Day". Several disabled volunteers also joined the event to provide legal lectures, assistance to the poor, and application for assistive devices. Residents who came to consult gathered around the booth and happily said: "There is policy consultation and free medical services, which is really thoughtful and convenient." ”

There are many volunteer services and cultural activities at your doorstep! Residents shouted: It's too thoughtful!
There are many volunteer services and cultural activities at your doorstep! Residents shouted: It's too thoughtful!

The picture comes from Xinjing Town

Written by: Cheng Qinghui

Editor: Zhu Jiaru

Editor-in-charge: Yan Wenbin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

There are many volunteer services and cultural activities at your doorstep! Residents shouted: It's too thoughtful!

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