
My friend gave me a few strange stones, saying that it was good to have nothing to play, and there were words

author:I'm in Huangshan

Hello everyone, today to talk about strange stones, a few days ago Huangshan held a strange stone exchange meeting, friends from afar came to see, so I accompanied it.

He is a strange stone player in Wuyi Mountain, and he is very happy not to see him for a long time. He was indeed a good connoisseur, and when he walked to the stall, many of the stall owners knew him and greeted him. It is also to admire their friendship.

After reading it, I also bought some to bring with me, but I naturally don't understand these. After listening to his introduction, I felt that the strange stone exchange meeting was quite interesting, and everyone was discovering the mentality of Taobao.

I heard that some people are lucky, and buying a stone for a few hundred is tens of thousands or even millions. It is also to admire the strong financial resources of the strange stone circle. The picture below is a gadget he gave me.

The appreciation of strange stones first looks at the material, then the shape, and then the pattern on it. There are many kinds of patterns, flat, convex, and concave......

My friend gave me a few strange stones, saying that it was good to have nothing to play, and there were words

No. 1 back.

I think it's a word on the back of this. From a literal point of view. Or rather, a left-sharp horizontal.

It's still more auspicious, the so-called take the lead, and take the lead. That's how it feels.

My friend gave me a few strange stones, saying that it was good to have nothing to play, and there were words
My friend gave me a few strange stones, saying that it was good to have nothing to play, and there were words

Front of No. 1

On the back of this one, the stall owner said it was like a moon, breaking through the black clouds. This reminds me of a saying: keep the clouds open and see the moon.

It's also a very interesting explanation, well, as long as you go in the right direction, you will definitely keep the clouds open and see the moon.

My friend gave me a few strange stones, saying that it was good to have nothing to play, and there were words

Front of No. 2

I don't see the shape of this, it's not clear enough to say it's a word. However, the picture below is the back.

My friend gave me a few strange stones, saying that it was good to have nothing to play, and there were words

Front of No. 2

On the back of the picture above, I think these two strokes are very well written, and the dot painting in the calligraphy. The big one is the first stroke of Yonghe's nine years and the word, and the small one is a short one. It can also be a point.

My friend gave me a few strange stones, saying that it was good to have nothing to play, and there were words

This kind of natural stippling is still comparative. No wonder Mi Fu likes stones, stone natural charm. Very elegant.

My friend gave me a few strange stones, saying that it was good to have nothing to play, and there were words

The picture above is a frontal shot, let's look at it as the middle. The writing is square and hard, and the vertical painting is chic.

The stone is the same as the calligraphy work. Calligraphy is three points by words, and seven points by mounting. Stones also need to be equipped with those things like a base. They do a great job. The picture is lost. I'll share it when I have a chance in the future.

In fact, stones are just a kind of fun, just play with them according to your own vision. Small play is enjoyable, big play requires a certain amount of professional knowledge, and you can't start blindly.

Well, share it here! I wish you all the best in the day! Have a good life.


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