
Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

New Weekly

2024-05-18 12:03Published on the official account of Guangdong New Weekly

Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

Author | Cave photo

  Title Picture | Provided by the interviewee

Verbally, Huang Jue does not have a strong desire to express himself. He claims to rarely go out to socialize, and even when he eats with friends, he doesn't talk much.

In the past, Huang Jue expressed himself through dance, body and music. At the age of 26, he went to Beijing Film Academy to study cinematography, but he may not have known that lenses and photographic paper would become an important way for him to express himself, and film was about to change his life.

In 2004, we met an actor named "Huang Jue" through the movie "Baby in Love", when he was 30 years old. Later, he changed his name to "Huang Jue" and made different expressions through film and television roles.

In terms of performance - in fact, it is the same in other things - Huang Jue has always been at ease with what he encounters, and his "no force" has given many people pen and ink, depicting an image that does not have too many strong demands for the actor's career.

But in fact, this may not be the case.

Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

(Photo/Provided by the interviewee)

In the first decade of the 21st century, the film and television industry in the mainland was booming. The fifth-generation directors shine on the international stage, with masterpieces on martial arts, crime, romance and other themes. Among the actors who debuted at the same time as Huang Jue or are of the same age, there are many people with various role types and often breakthroughs in performance.

Looking at them, Huang Jue would not fail to feel itchy. But at that stage, he didn't have the energy and urge to create a new world on his own. He can only perform every play he receives in a down-to-earth manner, go forward first, and then think about the future.

Around 2018, when Huang Jue was 44 years old, that "later" finally became "now". The years have sharpened him into a deeper, more vicissitudes, and more grainy appearance, and the corresponding characters follow, one after another.

Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

(Photo/Provided by the interviewee)

In the next 3 years, Huang Jue broke many people's stereotypes of him with the sloppy and decadent middle-aged characters in the movie "Young You" and the TV series "The Sky of the Wind Dog Boy" and "Mountains and Seas". And in May this year, Cheng Hao in the information poor crime drama "New Life" hit a new high in the selfishness and loneliness index of the role he played.

I have known Huang Jue for so many years, and all the expressions and changes he shows are accompanied by the flow of time. There are no words that can sum up all of him, and he doesn't need to.

"I think I'm a very obedient actor"

In November 2022, although it was under the control of the epidemic, the successive openings of the Citizen Cultural Festival, the Half Marathon, the International Ocean Week, and the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival still made Xiamen lively - Huang Jue also integrated into the excitement.

"We wanted to make an interesting photo exhibition." At noon one day, Huang Jue announced on Weibo that he and director Bi Gan had selected 6 works to hold an exhibition at the Civic Square Exhibition Hall in Jimei New Town, Xiamen, which would last from the end of November to the beginning of January next year.

In Xiamen, Huang Jue plans to invite his good friend Zhou Yi to have a meal. The friendship between the two was formed at the end of 2018 when they filmed "The Sky of the Wind Dog Boy". Unfortunately, Zhou was still in the group at that time, and for safety reasons, the crew hoped that they would try not to go out, so Huang Jue did not disturb.

At the end of the photography exhibition, Huang Jue returned to Beijing. "There's a play looking for you." The colleague said, taking out the script of "New Life". He looked at it, okay, the director is bidding for the Olympics, the story takes place in a confined space, suspenseful crime genre, multi-line plot; He looked at it again, and it was a coincidence, this was the scene where Zhou was still waiting in Xiamen to start up.

Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

(Photo/"New Life")

"I think first of all, I'm always interested in the director as a person, and I want to get to know the director through collaboration." In an exclusive interview with "New Weekly", Huang Jue detailed the reasons for his role, "I have never filmed such a scene before, so I want to try it too, and I also have my favorite actor Mr. Wang Yanhui." ”

Huang Jue's interest in the Olympic bid is not just for him. To be precise, he is interested in new directors such as the Olympic bid, Xin Shuang, and Lu Xing - "I think this group has slowly formed a new force in the Chinese film and television industry, they all help each other, and when we were filming, Director Lu Xing came to visit the class, and sat in the back as a group performer or something." ”

The Olympic bid revealed to Huang Jue that he had been paying attention to his Weibo and felt that he was "probably suitable", so he asked him to play Cheng Hao. The deeper reason was not mentioned in the Olympic bid, and Huang Jue did not ask.

Judging from the script, this character gives Huang Jue the feeling that "it should be okay", after all, he is a modern person in the metropolis, unlike Ling Yinong in "Mountains and Seas", who is so far away from himself. Before the start-up, he asked himself how to express himself better, and the other party said: "You will act according to your usual state." ”

Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

(Photo/"New Life")

In life, Huang Jue "does not speculate in stocks at all, does not make all kinds of investments, and does not do all kinds of finance-related side businesses", and his financial knowledge is basically zero. So he understands that the Olympic bid refers to the state of performance, not the state of life.

However, Huang Jue has a lot of friends in the financial industry around him, some of them are doing funds, some are doing stock investment, and some are doing others. Some of them like to ride motorcycles, some like to stay at home, and "everyone is different". In his opinion, they have the same professional traits, but they do not have the "universal characteristics" of character habits, so they should not be interpreted with stereotypes.

Huang Jue believes that the screenwriter's investigation and preparation in finance are detailed enough, so he did not deliberately learn relevant knowledge, but put effort into lines and performances. According to the portrayal of the script and his own understanding, he portrayed Cheng Hao as "a refined egoist, a lonely person".

Yes, Huang Jue's acting is rarely discussed with others. He takes it as his responsibility to express the script and the content explained by the director as much as possible, and if he encounters difficulties, "he keeps going through it over and over again." "I think I'm a very obedient actor." That's how he positioned himself.

"It's not a cool feeling, it's a different experience."

From the perspective of an actor, Huang Jue deepened his understanding of "people are complex animals" in "New Life" - "Everyone has multiple facets, there are parts exposed to the sun, and there are parts hidden in the dark. He wanted to use this play to express that "we should see everyone in his entirety".

But it's not easy to see the "all" of a person, even if it's to see yourself. From the perspective of a bystander, we can only increase our knowledge and understanding of a certain "part" of a person, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

(Photo/"New Life")

Speaking of Huang Jue, he is in the catering business, but he is not good at food and wine; He is not "good at eating", and he can eat the same thing for many days in a row. He said he was "a very boring person" and "basically didn't go out to socialize because he didn't drink."

Among the people who have a relationship with Huang Jue, there are not many who are happy to sit and eat with him, because he doesn't talk much, and "everyone else feels very awkward." But he has no shortage of friends, and we can see a lot of them alone. When asked how he did it, he said, "It's about recognizing each other and appreciating each other." ”

Huang Jue is an expert in "appreciation". If the atmosphere of the crew is good, he will observe in the conversation and laughter to discover the shining points in everyone.

Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

(Photo/"New Life")

After filming "Freshman", he commented that the Olympic bid is focused, emotional and rational, "a rare and very simple director", and has the courage to express his emotions and analyze his psychological feelings, "It is also rare that he is still very handsome". Under the guidance of his "unhesitant praise and encouragement of actors", Huang Jue became more and more confident the more he filmed.

"Is there anything or in a certain state that would open you up to talk?"

"If you know each other well, you have no scruples, and you may (know) for more than 10 years." Huang Jue mainly uses time to measure familiarity, and he feels that this is the case for many people, especially introverts.

Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

(Photo/Provided by the interviewee)

According to his understanding, personality does not bring influence, but "a different path". "Such a character" will make people take a "such" path, so that "each person's different personality determines everyone's different fate". Most of his personality is determined by genes, so some of his ideas are innate.

For example, in terms of money, "I think my view of money and consumption is very old, very traditional, and very simple, that is, don't lend money, and try not to lend money to others." If he really wants to borrow money to help his friends, Huang Jue may come up with a certain amount, even if the other party doesn't pay it back, it won't affect his own life or the relationship between them.

Huang Jue thinks that he is not a businessman, bars and restaurants are all thought of when chatting with friends, and then when the opportunity comes, he does it, "very random".

He did not lead the operation and management himself, but hired professional people to do it, but he knew a little about these affairs, including kitchen, decoration, maintenance, etc. He thinks that everything he comes into contact with in his life will be helpful to the performance, from this kind of cross-border experience to the action of a passer-by making a phone call.

Huang Jue is not an actor who is easily affected by the role, and he is rarely tired for the play, but physical tiredness is very common, just like "The Legend of the Tibetan Sea" that is being filmed in Hengdian - there is still a few days before the finale, but he is already "crying and shouting that this is my last costume drama".

The tiredness of costume dramas for Huang Jue is mainly caused by modeling, martial arts and lines, but this is not to be feared, the type of character he is "more afraid of" is "particularly loud and active". Of course, he can also act, and he has acted at least twice in the past 5 years, but after all, he is not that kind of person.

Playing a role that is very different from himself brings Huang Jue the feeling, just like "going to climb a mountain, turn a corner, walk a road, and see his scenery". When the mantra of "right" collided again, he said: "It's not called coolness, it's a different experience." ”

"Isn't it called 'Fifty and Know the Destiny of Heaven'?

I already knew."

In the early days of entering the industry, Huang Jue was "fixed" by the market in the role of handsome because of his unique image and temperament, and "there was very little space". He saw that the actors around him "had a lot of space to play there", and he felt "very uncomfortable".

After the age of 40, Huang Jue expanded his performance space to an unprecedented size with a few small characters. After that, his character resemblance rate became lower and lower, and it was no longer fixed.

Such a result is not what Huang Jue intends to strive for, but "thanks to the gradual growth of age". "I found it was a change in age that gave me some space. Maybe I'm older, my appearance has changed, and suddenly there are more choices. ”

He did not shy away from saying that people like himself who were praised for being handsome when they were young and who gained social positioning and affirmation for their appearance would be more afraid of old age than ordinary people. When aging comes, there will be a gap in your heart, "then you have to learn to get along with this gap, and then how to accept it." He feels that he is now "accepting."

Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

(Photo/Provided by the interviewee)

In the 20 years since his official debut, Huang Jue has participated in more than 100 works. Because he is not an acting professional, he has not adapted to the steps that most actors are accustomed to, such as liberating his nature, auditioning, and reading scripts, and he does not have a fixed and clear working mode.

Therefore, to be able to get to this point today, with the current objective conditions, he feels that "it is not bad", and he will not ask for more and more extreme things in his career. However, in life, it may be a different matter.

In many places, Huang Jue has to go again and again, such as Xiamen. Every time he passes, he always wants to take time to walk around the eighth market, imagining that he lives on the upper floors of those old houses, "every day when I open the window, I can see all kinds of fireworks flowing downstairs."

Some "means of relieving boredom", he wants to delve into more, photography and music, of course, but also art, fashion, and golf, which has occupied the most of his spare time in the past two years.

Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

(Photo/Weibo @黄皇皇)

In the past, golf in Huang Jue's eyes was "very rotten" and had an "old man's smell". He captures a strong "sense of elitism" from the man who plays with his collar up, feeling that he is "not a man of the world".

In 2022, he signed up for golf lessons with a friend by chance, and found that it was a "sport that he competed with himself", and the more he played, the more he liked it. Although "he is not very perceptive and does not want to ask for advice", he still persevered until now and enjoys it.

These things are all in the category of "fun", and on Huang Jue's life form, their priority must be below the family.

Huang Jue's sharing frequency and openness to family life belong to a very high level among actors. He also did not shy away from related questions, and admitted that his view of love and family is to give regardless of return, because both "will make you uncontrollable to give".

Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

(Photo/Weibo @黄皇皇)

Due to his professional attributes, Huang Jue is unable to balance family and career, and he often feels guilty because of this. However, a life with pursuit and a sense of meaning is destined to have gains and losses. Then continue to be at peace with what happens, he doesn't set any majestic goals, and he doesn't have excessive expectations, "when he walks forward every day, he encounters different scenery and interesting things" and is very happy.

"Isn't it called 'Fifty and Know the Destiny of Heaven'? I already knew. Huang Jue whispered that his destiny was "very good".

Proofreading: Huang Siyun

Operations: Hee-hee

Typography: Sweet

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  • Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition
  • Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition
  • Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition
  • Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition
  • Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition
  • Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition
  • Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition
  • Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition
  • Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition
  • Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition
  • Huang Jue, who debuted 20 years ago, refreshed my cognition

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