
On the day of Xiaoman, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, abide by the old traditions, and spend the summer safely

author:Popular science of agriculture and agriculture
Introduction: On the day of Xiaoman, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, abide by the old traditions, and spend the summer safely

May 20 of this year is the Xiaoman solar term, and Xiaoman and 520 are the same day. Xiaoman is the eighth solar term in the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar, and the second solar term in summer, usually from May 20 to May 22 of the Gregorian calendar every year, when the sun position reaches 60 degrees of yellow longitude.

On the day of Xiaoman, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, abide by the old traditions, and spend the summer safely

During the small full season, the temperature will rise further, especially in the northern areas will become hotter, while thunderstorms will increase in the southern regions. Therefore, in the hot summer, people are prone to sweating, stuffy and irritable, and our diet also changes with the seasons.

On the day of Xiaoman, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: eat 3 things, avoid 3 things", abide by the old tradition, and spend the summer safely. Let's take a look at what it means!

On the day of Xiaoman, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, abide by the old traditions, and spend the summer safely

1. "Eat 3 things"

1. Eat white noodles

As soon as the Xiaoman solar term arrives, the wheat will be ripe, just like the "wheat autumn solstice" said by the third candidate of Xiaoman. The word "autumn" here does not mean autumn, but "ripe", and from south to north, the wheat is ripe one after another.

When the wheat is ripe, it is naturally a thing to be happy about, and there is a saying in the folk that "Xiaoman eats white noodles for ten days", and people look at the ears of wheat that are full of grains, and they are happy. Of course, people also have worries that they don't want it to be windy and rainy at this time, and once there is a windy and rainy weather, it will inevitably cause the top-heavy wheat to lodging.

At this time, the wheat is lodging, easy to mildew and germination, and difficult to harvest by machine, and the farmer's hard work is ruined in one fell swoop. Therefore, people are most worried about the wind and rain at this time.

In the old days, people would cut the wheat with full filling home, fry the peeled wheat grains, and use a stone mill to grind and process them into noodles, supplemented by cucumber shreds, garlic sprouts, sesame sauce, minced garlic, etc., you can make a bowl of fragrant and delicious "twisting and twisting". The name of "twisting and turning" is homophonic with "earning every year", meaning auspicious and deeply loved by people in the old days.

In short, the new wheat is about to go on the market in the small full season, and don't forget to use the new wheat to make all kinds of pasta to eat, which means "earning every year".

On the day of Xiaoman, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, abide by the old traditions, and spend the summer safely

2. Eat bitter herbs

When the season arrives, the temperature rises, the rainy weather increases, and the humidity in the air is high. As a result, people's appetite deteriorates, their chest is tight, their breath is short, they sweat a lot, they are hot and hot. Therefore, people have the custom of eating bitter herbs in the small full season.

For example, in the "Book of Zhou", there is a record of "Xiaoman's Day Bitter Vegetable Show".

Bitter herbs are tender and green, refreshing and appetizing, and are suitable for early summer when they have not yet fully adapted to the hot summer. Therefore, don't forget to eat bitter vegetables on the day of the Xiaoman solar term.

On the day of Xiaoman, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, abide by the old traditions, and spend the summer safely

3. Eat "three new"

In the old days, there was a saying that Xiaoman ate "three new", like the agricultural proverb "festival to Xiaoman to see three new, cherry cucumber and barley kernels." That's what it means.

Of course, the eating habits and crop growth stages of each place are also different, resulting in different ingredients for "Xiaoman Seeing Three New".

For example, in the Hebei region of the mainland, "Xiaomanjian Sanxin" refers to barley, rape and garlic moss. In Shandong, it refers to cucumbers, garlic moss, and cherries. In addition, the "three new" in Shaanxi refers to rapeseed, jujube flowers and yellow apricots.

In short, it is necessary to eat vegetables and grains that are ripening one after another in the small and full season.

On the day of Xiaoman, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, abide by the old traditions, and spend the summer safely

2. "Avoid 3 things"

1. Avoid spicy food

As soon as the small full solar term arrives, the weather is already relatively hot in both the south and the north. In the evening, people like to go to the night market and try a variety of delicacies.

However, everyone is reminded to try to eat less spicy, irritating foods in the hot summer. Because, such food is often easy to cause constipation, mouth ulcers and other symptoms of fire, bringing discomfort to people's bodies.

So, don't forget to drink plenty of water when walking around the night market and tasting good food. Hydration can help the body eliminate toxins and reduce the symptoms of irritation. At the same time, you can also drink some refreshing drinks, such as mung bean soup, herbal tea, etc., which can help reduce the fire.

On the day of Xiaoman, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, abide by the old traditions, and spend the summer safely

2. Avoid greed

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and people will choose to eat cold drinks to cool down. However, it must be moderate, not too cold, which can easily cause diarrhea, stomach pain and other conditions.

It is recommended that everyone pay attention to the combination of diet while consuming cold drinks. You can choose to add some warm foods to balance the body's temperature. For example, ginger tea, red date soup, etc. are all OK.

On the day of Xiaoman, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, abide by the old traditions, and spend the summer safely

3. Don't be anxious

When the season arrives, the weather will become hotter and hotter, and hot weather is more likely to make people feel restless and bored, and these negative emotions often further affect the quality of sleep, leading to insomnia or poor sleep. However, as the saying goes, "Smile a little, ten years less", maintaining a good mental state is essential for good health.

Therefore, we must learn to regulate our mood moderately, and when we encounter unsatisfactory things, we should not be too anxious and angry, but learn to face them with a peaceful mind and maintain inner peace and balance, so that we can be physically and mentally healthy and spend the summer in peace.

In short, the Xiaoman solar term is here, no matter how busy you are, remind everyone to "eat 3 things and avoid 3 things", cool and relieve the heat, and spend the summer comfortably!

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