
Running every day, but the body is protesting: beware of these "running diseases" finding you!

author:Running guide

In order to pursue running performance, many runners may choose to train at a high intensity or even run for long periods of time every day. But high-intensity running training that neglects proper rest and body signals can often lead to a range of health problems.

Overtraining is a common phenomenon among runners, and this condition forces the body to stress beyond its ability to recover, triggering a variety of adverse effects.

1. High-intensity daily running will lead to a decrease in immunity. As the body consumes a lot of energy and physical strength, the immune system can become weak, increasing the risk of contracting diseases. Especially during the changing seasons and the changing weather, runners are more susceptible to various viruses and bacteria.

2. Long-term high-intensity running can cause insomnia. This is because strenuous exercise stimulates the nervous system, putting it in a state of euphoria, leading to a decrease in sleep quality. Insomnia not only affects the quality of daily life of runners, but also further weakens the body's ability to recover, creating a vicious cycle.

Running every day, but the body is protesting: beware of these "running diseases" finding you!

3. Running every day without rest will also lead to constant fatigue. The muscles and nervous system are not adequately rested and repaired under high load for a long time, which can lead to the accumulation of physical fatigue. Over time, runners often feel tired, listless, and their performance decreases.

4. Excessive running training may also cause endocrine disorders. The endocrine system of the human body is responsible for regulating a variety of physiological functions, and overexertion can affect the normal secretion of hormones, resulting in endocrine system disorders. Endocrine disruptions not only affect a runner's mood and weight, but can also trigger other health problems. For example, female runners may experience menstrual irregularities or stop menstruation.

Blindly insisting on running every day, without scientific arrangement and reasonable rest time, will not only affect running performance, but also may seriously damage physical health, and it is very easy to fall into the mistake of overtraining.

Running every day, but the body is protesting: beware of these "running diseases" finding you!

Common "running sickness"

Long-term high-intensity running can lead to a variety of injuries, which is an important issue that every runner cannot ignore. These injuries may initially present as mild discomfort, but over time, symptoms can gradually worsen, eventually severely affecting running performance and quality of life.

Muscle strains are another problem that runners often face, especially for those who lack adequate rest time and recovery period. Running training at a high frequency increases the burden on muscle fibers, which can lead to strains once they exceed their capacity. Muscle strains not only affect the continuity of the training program, but also require a long recovery period and may even require medical intervention in severe cases.

Achilles tendonitis is another injury that high-intensity runners are prone to. Long, repetitive running movements can put extreme stress on the Achilles tendon, causing inflammation, pain, and swelling of the Achilles tendon. Achilles tendonitis can not only cause runners severe pain, but they may also need to interrupt training for weeks or even months to recover.

In addition, arthritis is also a cause for concern. While running is good for cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength, excessive running can accelerate wear and tear on joints, especially the knees and hips. Long-term high-intensity running may lead to deterioration of joint cartilage, which in turn can lead to arthritis. This chronic condition not only affects the persistence of running, but also causes disruption to daily life.

Runners should not ignore the various injuries that can occur during running while pursuing training volume and running achievement. Reasonable rest and a scientific training plan are important measures to prevent these injuries and diseases.

Running every day, but the body is protesting: beware of these "running diseases" finding you!

Heart burden

Running at a high intensity every day puts a lot of strain on the heart. For amateur runners, the heart is not a professionally trained organ, and while running can help boost heart and lung fitness, overloading exercise intensity can backfire and lead to health problems.

Studies have shown that excessive aerobic exercise can have negative effects on the heart, such as heart palpitations, irregular heartbeats, and even heart muscle damage. If the heart is under high pressure for a long time, it may form a hypertrophied heart, increasing the risk of heart attack.

Running every day, but the body is protesting: beware of these "running diseases" finding you!

Constant heart stress can pose potential health risks that should not be overlooked. Runners need to understand that moderate training is king, and too much rush for quick success may lead to "overdraft" of the body and fail to achieve the expected workout results.

Especially for people who are older or have underlying heart conditions, it is important to be cautious about running intensity to avoid serious health problems caused by improper exercise.

A scientific and reasonable exercise plan and sufficient rest time are the only ways to maintain heart health.

Running every day, but the body is protesting: beware of these "running diseases" finding you!

Reasonable combination of running and resting

A reasonable combination of running and rest can help runners recover better, improve running performance, and effectively avoid injury. Rest is essential for the body to fully recover muscles and joints.

The combination of running and rest can help improve running performance. During rest, the body repairs and strengthens itself, causing muscle fibers to regrow and strengthen, improving endurance and strength. By retraining after adequate rest, runners will notice an increase in their speed and endurance.

Rest isn't just about taking a break from exercise, it's also part of a training plan. By resting, the body can better adapt to the training intensity and reduce the negative effects of overtraining, such as decreased immunity, fatigue, insomnia, etc. Proper rest allows the body to be in the best condition for future training and competitions.

The combination of running and rest can also help with psychological adjustment. Long hours of intense training can not only bring physical fatigue, but can also lead to mental exhaustion and even make running a burden. Proper rest can help restore your mental state and maintain your enthusiasm and motivation for running.

That's why I highly recommend that runners follow a "run for a day, take a day off" running plan. As fitness and experience grow, capable runners can arrange a training plan of "running for two days and resting for one day".

A reasonable combination of running and rest is a part of the running process that cannot be ignored. It is not only good for physical health, but also can significantly improve the performance of running, bringing runners a longer sense of joy and accomplishment in the long run.

Running every day, but the body is protesting: beware of these "running diseases" finding you!

Long-term motivation to run

Running, as a long-term sport, requires us to focus on long-term motivation rather than just short-term performance.

Running too often and at high intensity may lead to rapid improvement in performance in the short term, but in the long run, it can easily lead to physical and mental exhaustion and even induce various injuries, which not only harms health, but also may weaken the interest and motivation of running.

Running every day, but the body is protesting: beware of these "running diseases" finding you!

For amateur runners, running should be about enjoying the process, not just speed and distance. By adjusting the pace and content of your run, and exploring different running routes and methods, you can make the running process more fun and varied, so as to maintain freshness and motivation.

Focusing on the combination of running and rest can not only effectively prevent injuries, but also enhance physical fitness, maintain long-term motivation and happiness in running, and more importantly, make running a long-lasting healthy lifestyle. It's not just a sport, it's a commitment to health and happiness.

How often do you run? Have you ever encountered any of the above "running diseases"? Feel free to leave a comment to share your views!