
The focus of the national treasure painting丨These treasures will meet you through the millennium

author:Xinhua News Agency, Sannong


Through the millennium, it is close at hand. Museums carry history and condense memories.

May 18 is International Museum Day, and this year's main event in China was held at the Qinhan Pavilion of the Shaanxi History Museum. This is the first thematic museum in China to show the Qin and Han civilizations in a panoramic way, and it is also officially opened to the public today.

The focus of the national treasure painting丨These treasures will meet you through the millennium

Panorama of the Qinhan Pavilion of the Shaanxi History Museum

The gilded copper silkworm seems to be spinning silk, the three-color camel carrying the figurines comes like a song, and the silver sachet with grape flower and bird pattern is full of interest...... They travel through the millennium, telling us about the endless historical context and showing the long civilization that has lasted forever.

The focus of the national treasure painting丨These treasures will meet you through the millennium

Xi'an, Shaanxi, known as Chang'an in ancient times, is the eastern starting point of the ancient Silk Road. This gilded copper silkworm is the treasure of the Qin and Han Dynasty Museum of Shaanxi History Museum.

40 years ago, gilded copper silkworms were found in Shiquan, Shaanxi. According to the records of Shiquan County, the ancient sericulture industry in this place was very prosperous. In the Han Dynasty, the silkworm reeling industry reached its peak. Zhang Qian made two missions to the Western Regions, so that the silk fabrics of the Western Han Dynasty not only sold well in China, but also sold in Central Asia and Europe through West Asia, and this trade route that traversed the east and west, connecting Europe and Asia was also well-known in the world as the "Silk Road".

The focus of the national treasure painting丨These treasures will meet you through the millennium

The golden monster unearthed in the tomb of the Xiongnu reflects the Xiongnu people's worship of brave and powerful animals. It is known as the most representative Xiongnu art treasure, which confirms the exchange and integration of civilizations.

"The Qin and Han Dynasty Pavilion of the Shaanxi History Museum is currently the only museum in China with the theme of focusing on the origin, development and contribution of the Qin and Han civilizations." Hou Ningbin, director of the Shaanxi History Museum, said, "Based on the collection and evidenced by archaeological data, the Qin and Han Dynasty Museum focuses on the foundational role of the Qin and Han civilizations in the development of Chinese civilization." ”

In the Shaanxi History Museum, not only the Qin style and Han charm are myriad, but the vigorous diversity of the Tang Dynasty also makes people have a long aftertaste.

The focus of the national treasure painting丨These treasures will meet you through the millennium

As one of the cultural relics that are forbidden to be exhibited abroad, the three-color camel figurines attract the attention of many tourists. How did the "pop group" thousands of years ago come through time? What are they singing? Experts speculate that this thousand-year-old "touring orchestra" is likely to be performing the "new sound of Hubu" that was popular in the Tianbao period of Tang Kaiyuan.

The focus of the national treasure painting丨These treasures will meet you through the millennium

The silver sachet with grape flower and bird pattern reflects the life interest of the nobles of the Tang Dynasty. "The openness and inclusiveness of the Tang Dynasty society, and the sense of ritual in people's lives are integrated into this sachet." He Daxi, deputy research librarian of the Shaanxi History Museum, said.

Different from the exquisite and strange silver sachets with grape flowers and birds, another Tang Dynasty cultural relic, the gilded iron-core copper dragon, shows the unrestrained and unrestrained momentum of the Tang Dynasty.

The focus of the national treasure painting丨These treasures will meet you through the millennium

"The artwork created by the Tang people presents a positive, confident and optimistic style, and the imposing beauty of this radiant gilt iron-core copper dragon is a true portrayal of cultural self-confidence." Xu David, a docent at the Shaanxi History Museum, said.

In museums, the protection of cultural relics and the revitalization and utilization of cultural heritage continue to deepen, cultural relics not only witness history and inherit civilization, but also become a source of nourishment and self-confidence for people through creativity and ingenuity.

The Qin Dynasty tile was printed with a badge, the Han Dynasty gilt copper silkworm turned into a "small silkworm treasure", and the Han Dynasty terracotta figurines turned into a girl "Shanshan...... Shaanxi History Museum has cooperated with a number of cultural enterprises and developed thousands of cultural and creative products in recent years, which are sought after by young people.

Museums and the cultural tourism industry are constantly integrating and developing, telling the story of the innovation and transformation of cultural relics and showing the continuous Chinese cultural context.

Producer: Hu Guoxiang, Chen Chen

Reporter: Yang Yimiao, Li Yibo, Wu Hongbo

Final review: Xu Rui, Jiang Chen

Editors: Chen Qian, Wang Yuxuan, Wang Jingjing, Nie Yi