
The Olympic banknote king was eclipsed and fell off the altar, but the former leader is now adjusting all the way!

author:The master is very idle
The Olympic banknote king was eclipsed and fell off the altar, but the former leader is now adjusting all the way!

The former Olympic banknote king, once with unlimited scenery, is now eclipsed and fell off the altar. The latest auction results of the 2008 Olympic Games commemorative banknote are embarrassing, and the overall market is only hovering around 1,500 yuan. Recall that two years ago, the market price of this commemorative banknote was as high as 3,000 yuan, and in just two years, its price has fallen like a roller coaster, which is really staggering.

Recently, on a well-known auction platform, there was an auction of up to 30,000 commemorative banknotes for the 2008 Olympic Games. However, what is surprising is that although the starting price is set at about 1,517 yuan, only 2,000 pieces were finally sold, and the remaining 28,000 commemorative banknotes were all unsold. The 2,000 commemorative banknotes sold almost invariably contain the highly sought-after Lion number, such as 8888, 9999 and 0000.

The Olympic banknote king was eclipsed and fell off the altar, but the former leader is now adjusting all the way!

These auctioned 2008 Olympic commemorative banknotes have long been the "old faces" of the market. They were also on the auction table last year, but in much larger quantities. Despite this, some commemorative banknotes were successfully auctioned last year, and the average price remained basically at about 3,200 yuan. However, this year's auction results were undoubtedly disappointing compared to last year, with prices almost cut in half, and a large number of commemorative banknotes that went unnoticed.

The Olympic banknote king was eclipsed and fell off the altar, but the former leader is now adjusting all the way!

In the face of such dismal auction results, one cannot help but worry about the future prospects of the 2008 Olympic commemorative banknotes. It is like a big thunder that can detonate at any time, making the whole market full of uncertainty. Judging from the overall trend, as long as the auction continues, the market may continue to decline. What's more, there may be more 2008 Olympic commemorative banknotes on the market in the future, and what we see today may be just the tip of the iceberg.

Therefore, for those who are interested in collecting the 2008 Olympic commemorative banknotes in the near future, it may be worth waiting for a while. Unless you come across some special numbers or commemorative banknotes with extremely high grading scores, you don't have to rush to get your hands on a commemorative banknote with a regular number for the time being. After all, judging from the current market situation, price adjustment seems to be imperative.

In addition, the overall market of the entire commemorative banknote sector is not optimistic recently. Many varieties have seen price reductions, including the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China banknotes issued in 1999 and the Century Dragon banknotes issued in 2000. Even the much-anticipated 70th Anniversary banknote has not been spared, and its price is close to face value. Although these varieties did not experience the large-scale auction phenomenon of the 2008 Olympic commemorative banknotes, the degree of adjustment cannot be ignored. As for what the market will look like in the future, I'm afraid no one can predict it accurately.