
Billion Families and Companions: Helping AI empower family relationships

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Billion Families and Companions: Helping AI empower family relationships

At the 14th Songshan Lake China IC Innovation Summit Forum, Guo Zhi, President of Emdoor Enterprise Research Institute and CEO of Yijia Yiban Intelligent Technology, brought a wonderful speech on the integration of AI technology and industry. Guo Zhi joined Emdoor Group in February 2024 as the President of Emdoor Research Institute, fully responsible for the company's technology strategy and AI+ transformation. He is an international industry professional with 23 years of industry experience, having held key positions in the world's top technology companies. Zhi Guo has accumulated extensive experience in strategy development and execution, partnership building, industry application integration, and industry ecosystem management. Prior to joining IDEA and Emdoor Group for 8 years, Zhi Guo served as the general manager of DPS's global solution innovation department in Microsoft's global device sales and partner department, responsible for the construction of Microsoft's Azure Intelligent Edge global solution ecosystem. He not only introduced advanced technologies, but also developed business strategies, enhanced Microsoft's competitiveness in the industry, and built an ecosystem of innovative solutions. Prior to Microsoft, Guo served as the Director of Core Account Sales at Samsung Electronics, where he was responsible for the management of the parts business and sales team of Samsung Group, Huawei, ZTE and other large enterprises. He has extensive industry experience in the IT ecosystem and a long history of direct experience in finance, procurement, and customer management. Prior to joining Emdoor Group, Guo Zhi served as the Chief Industry Consultant of IDEA in April 2023, committed to promoting the integration of innovative technology and the real economy. Under his leadership, IDEA and Emdoor Group successfully incubated Yijia Yiban Intelligent Technology, a start-up focusing on responsible AI-enabled family companionship. Through innovative AI technology, Yijia Yiban provides intelligent and reliable companionship services for families, reflecting Guo Zhi's in-depth understanding and vision of AI technology application.

Billion Families and Companions: Helping AI empower family relationships

Guo Zhi introduced the core concept and development vision of Yijia Yiban. He emphasized that responsible AI technology should not only focus on the advancement of technology, but also pay attention to its safety and reliability in practical applications. Yijia Yiban is committed to bringing a higher quality of life experience to families through AI technology, while ensuring the security and privacy protection of user data.

About Emdoor information

Billion Families and Companions: Helping AI empower family relationships

Emdoor Information is a high-tech enterprise specializing in technology sales, application and industrialization, which owns Emdoor Electronics, Emdoor Digital, Emdoor Information (001314. SZ), Yijing Virtual and many other subsidiaries. The company is committed to providing competitive, safe and reliable products, services and solutions for many industries such as office, education, commerce, smart home, energy and power, intelligent manufacturing, transportation and edge computing. Guo Zhi introduced the core business and development strategy of Emdoor Information. He pointed out that Emdoor Information will continue to be committed to technological innovation and market development, and create greater value for customers by continuously improving the quality of products and services. The company will further strengthen cooperation with various industries, promote the deep integration of technology and application, and achieve common development.

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