
This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →

author:Yilong broadcast
This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →
This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →

"5.18 International Museum Day" On the occasion of "5.19 China Tourism Day", Yilong Cultural Tourism has carefully prepared a series of wonderful activities waiting for you to check in!

This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →
This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →

The theme of this year's International Museum Day is "Museums for Education and Research", and a series of exciting activities have been launched such as the Memorial Hall of the Former Residence of Comrade Zhu De and the Memorial Hall of Zhang Side, so don't miss the memorial hall of the former residence of Comrade Zhu De


Free guided tours

Event time: May 18, 2024

Location: Comrade Zhu De's Former Residence Memorial Hall


Xinhai Revolution Museum and Zhu De's Former Residence Administration

Group Exhibition "Awakening, Chasing Dreams"

Event period: May 15 to June 30, 2024

Location: Comrade Zhu De's Former Residence Memorial Hall

Activities: Free visit to the special exhibition of "Awakening and Chasing Dreams".

Zhang Side Memorial Hall


"Chen Yun Out of Sichuan Historical Exhibition"

This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →
This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →

Exhibition time: April 19 - July 19

Exhibition location: Bronze Statue Square of Zhang Side Memorial Hall


Free volunteer tours

This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →
This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →

Activity time: May 18 - May 19 (10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.)

Location: Zhang Side Memorial Hall, Yilong County Museum


Pay attention to courtesy

This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →
This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →

Activity time: May 18th - May 19th

Activity content: Write a message on the spot, pay attention to the WeChat public account of Zhang Side Memorial Hall, and you can receive exquisite postcards.

Location: Zhang Side Memorial Hall

After feeling the heavy red culture, let's enjoy the unique charm of the erhu, a traditional musical instrument, and the "Lidui Joy" erhu performance special concert for the people

In order to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, help the diversified development of our county's music culture, encourage the people of our county to show new thinking and new actions in traditional music culture, and create new brilliance and new achievements. On the afternoon of May 19th, a special Huimin concert of "Leaving the Pile of Joy" erhu performance will be carried out in Yilong Theater.

This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →


Event time and venue

Time: May 19, 2024 (15:00)

Venue: Yilong Theater

This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →


Event information


Propaganda Department of Yilong County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China

Yilong County Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism


Yilong County Cultural Center


Yilong County Rong Media Center

In the romantic "5.20"

Come to the marriage and love art block in the red line of Yilong

Feel the taste of love

This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →

Watch the collective certification

Immersive wedding shows, band concerts

A variety of activities such as national carnival

Waiting for you to experience

520 Certificate Presentation Ceremony & Chinese Wedding Show


Event time and venue

Wedding Exhibition: May 19, 2024, 19:30--20:30

Certificate Ceremony: May 20, 2024, 9:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m

Band performance: 19:30-21:00, May 20, 2024

Location: Yilong County Red Line Marriage Culture and Art Block


Event Description:

Chinese wedding show

This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →

Ruiyuan Wedding will hold a unique Ming Han wedding show at 19:30 on May 19, 2024. The event will recreate the ancient and gorgeous Han wedding ceremony, including Jiao Zi Ceremony, Jiao Nu Ceremony, Wedding Ceremony, Praise Ceremony and Three Bows Ceremony, allowing participants to experience the solemnity and romance of traditional Han wedding ceremonies. At that time, the bride will be dressed in a phoenix crown, and the groom will show the elegance of traditional costumes, together to perform a traditional wedding that has lasted for thousands of years.

Certificate Ceremony

This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →

On the day of the event, the Yilong County Civil Affairs Bureau will issue a marriage certificate to the newlyweds who receive the certificate, giving the newlyweds a full sense of ceremony, and everyone will witness the romance of love together.

Band performances

This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →
This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →

Let's look forward to this musical feast in the red line, follow the rhythm of the Daximen Band, burn passion together, and enjoy the happiness brought by music.


Event information


Yilong County Civil Affairs Bureau

Sichuan Red Line Commercial Operation Management Co., Ltd

Supporting Units

Yilong County Women's Federation

Ruiyuan Wedding

This weekend, a large number of activities in Yilong are waiting for you to check in →


Zhu De's hometown, Dexiang Yilong

Welcome to the national red tourist destinations

Source丨Yilong Cultural Tourism

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