
Ni Yueyun, the first secretary of the community: Caring about the community to do practical things, and warming people's hearts for the people

author:Taijiang District Financial Media

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First Secretary

Issue VII

Ni Yueyun, the first secretary of the community: Caring about the community to do practical things, and warming people's hearts for the people

Residents have a small wish

Community governance

Do practical things for the masses

Work planning

Thumbs up

Ni Yueyun, the first secretary of the community: Caring about the community to do practical things, and warming people's hearts for the people
Ni Yueyun, the first secretary of the community: Caring about the community to do practical things, and warming people's hearts for the people
Ni Yueyun, the first secretary of the community: Caring about the community to do practical things, and warming people's hearts for the people


In order to further strengthen the construction of grassroots party organizations, promote the sinking of resource forces, and consolidate the foundation of grassroots governance, the district committee selected 10 senior section-level cadres to serve as the first secretary of the community, responsible for guiding the construction of strong community party organizations, gathering high-quality resources from all parties, sorting out residents' demands, resolving mass contradictions, and promoting party building to lead grassroots governance to achieve real results and results. Recently, we have successively launched interviews with the first secretary of the community, let's listen to their stories together.

Guest of this issue

Ni Yueyun, the first secretary of the community: Caring about the community to do practical things, and warming people's hearts for the people

Ni Yueyun:

Deputy Director of Ninghua Sub-district Office, Taijiang District, First Secretary of the Party Committee of Fuxiang Community, Ninghua Sub-district.

During the interview——

Interviewee: Ni Yueyun


What do you think of being the "first secretary" of the community?

Ni Yueyun, the first secretary of the community: Caring about the community to do practical things, and warming people's hearts for the people

Secretary Ni:

The "first secretary" of the community is not only a title, but also a responsibility and mission, representing the "first responsibility". We were selected to the community to play the role of "leading geese", always keep the difficulties of residents in mind, give full play to the role of section-level cadres who are familiar with the district conditions, have rich experience, contact all parties, and coordinate up and down, implement the needs and demands of the masses, make practical moves, do practical things, close the relationship between the party and the masses, and demonstrate the responsibility of party members and cadres in the new era.


How have you carried out your work since becoming the first secretary of the community?

Ni Yueyun, the first secretary of the community: Caring about the community to do practical things, and warming people's hearts for the people

Secretary Ni:

Since serving as the first secretary of Fuxiang community, in accordance with the principle of "guidance is not leading, assistance is not arranged", I have gathered the first secretary of the community, community workers, party members and volunteers for the first time to help build a strong community party branch and community volunteer service team, help coordinate and solve problems in work in a timely manner, and further enrich the community governance force. The second is to explore the construction of a community governance mechanism of "reflecting the demands with the list, docking resources with the project, and serving the residents", that is, regularly collecting the "micro-wishes" and demands of residents, sorting out the problems reflected by the residents, docking and co-building resources to establish an operational "project list", helping to solve problems such as elevator installation and fire safety, and carrying out a series of volunteer service activities such as environmental improvement, elderly care and childcare, so as to enhance the happiness and sense of gain of residents in the jurisdiction.

Ni Yueyun, the first secretary of the community: Caring about the community to do practical things, and warming people's hearts for the people


What's your favorite job?

Ni Yueyun, the first secretary of the community: Caring about the community to do practical things, and warming people's hearts for the people

Secretary Ni:

During the fight against Typhoon "Haikui" in 2023, two large trees in front of the canteen of Yili Electric Power Engineering Co., Ltd. were tilted by the typhoon and fell to the side of Building 9 of Jinxiang Homestead and pressed against the high-voltage line, causing serious safety hazards. I immediately organized the street and community staff to temporarily block the road section, and coordinated Yili Electric Power Engineering Co., Ltd. to notify professional electricians to deal with it, cut down and prune the fallen branches and trunks in a timely manner, load and clear them, and increase the frequency of on-site inspections to ensure the safety of the people's lives.

Ni Yueyun, the first secretary of the community: Caring about the community to do practical things, and warming people's hearts for the people


What's next?

Ni Yueyun, the first secretary of the community: Caring about the community to do practical things, and warming people's hearts for the people

Secretary Ni:

Under the guidance of the district committee, in accordance with the relevant requirements, we will promote the construction of the second phase of Fuxiang Community, and further build a multi-functional party and mass service position around the needs and expectations of community residents, employees around the business district on the north bank of the Minjiang River, and people in new business formats. For example, the community canteen for the elderly was renovated to meet the needs of the surrounding elderly groups and building enterprises with healthy, high-quality and affordable meals; Build shared classrooms on the second floor of the community, and add "learning packages" for Chinese New Year's Eve schools such as yoga, fitness, and baking, to better meet the needs of groups in the jurisdiction for cultural life and skill learning.


Be the "first" in the face of solving people's livelihood problems

Be the "first" in the face of solving the needs of the masses

Be the "first" in the face of urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks

Let the party's grassroots organizations take root

In Taijiang, it is rammed more solidly and pressed more tightly