
3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

author:Inspector Flower

In the hot summer, many flowers are sluggish due to heat and sun exposure, but some flowers can still live in such an environment, and even grow more and more vigorously due to your diligent watering. Today, I would like to introduce you to 3 kinds of flowers that "do not die", so that you can easily enjoy the fun of gardening in summer.

3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

1. Pocket Coconut: A summer oasis with a tropical style

The pocket coconut, with its unique form and tropical style, brings a touch of coolness and greenery to the summer. It looks like a miniature version of a coconut palm, making you feel like you're on a tropical beach.

3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

This plant is native to the tropical regions of northern Mexico and Guatemala, so it prefers high temperatures and humidity. In the summer, it can be an oasis in your home and add a special touch to your home.

3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

Summer Care Tips:

Maintain high humidity: Pocket coconuts are very fond of moist environments. In summer, in addition to regular watering, it is possible to spray its leaves and surroundings with a watering can to increase the humidity of the air.

3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

Avoid direct sunlight: While pocket coconuts prefer high temperatures, excessive direct sunlight may cause their leaves to turn yellow. Therefore, in the middle of summer, it can be properly shaded or placed in a place with sufficient scattered light.

3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

2. Calla lily: a summer elf as white as snow

Calla lily, with its snow-white buds and unique leaf shapes, is another beautiful sight to behold in summer. Its flower buds are symmetrical and beautiful like horseshoe, and the leaves are heart-shaped or arrow-shaped, showing an elegant and mysterious temperament.

3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

The calla lily is a very water-loving flower and needs plenty of water to keep it alive even in the hot summer. Some flower lovers even keep calla lilies directly next to the pool to allow it to absorb water and nutrients to its heart's content.

3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

Summer Care Tips:

Watering regularly: In the summer, calla lilies need more water. In addition to keeping the soil moist, you can also regularly spray its leaves and surroundings with a watering can to increase the humidity of the air.

3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

Pay attention to ventilation: While calla lilies love water, an excessively moist environment can also cause their roots to rot. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to ventilation after watering to avoid water accumulation in the leaves and roots.

3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

3. Copper money grass: a small freshness in summer

Copper coin grass, this small round-leaved plant, with its unique form and strong vitality, has become a little fresh in summer. Its leaves are round like copper coins, emerald green and lovely, giving people a cool feeling.

3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

In the summer, it grows especially rapidly, thanks to its delicate stems and thin leaves, which allow it to draw the water and nutrients it needs from the soil at any time. And its root system, like a string of miniature lotus roots, is closely connected, forming a strong water absorption network. Because of this, the copper coin grass is not only not afraid of standing water, but prefers a moist environment very much.

3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

Summer Care Tips:

Keep the soil moist: In the summer, you can water the coin grass every day and even spray its leaves with a watering can to maintain its fresh appearance.

3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

Avoid sun exposure: Although it prefers moisture, excessive exposure may cause its leaves to turn yellow. Therefore, in the middle of the summer, it can be properly shaded.

3 kinds of flowers are "rich life", and they should be "watered every day" in summer, which is most suitable for diligent people!

To sum up, these 3 "waterless" flowers - copper coat grass, calla lily and pocket coconut are excellent choices for summer. They are not only beautiful and generous, but also tenacious and easy to maintain; What's more, they love humidity and can tolerate frequent watering habits from diligent people! Bring you a touch of coolness and greenery in this hot summer!