
These children are about to receive "gifts"


On May 16, the Linwei District Charity Association and the District Education Bureau joined forces with 6 caring enterprises and units to jointly carry out the celebration of "June 1st" to send love and charity condolences to children and teenagers.

These children are about to receive "gifts"

The theme of the event is "Warm Children's Hearts, Love Flying Dreams", and the objects of the condolences activities are minors and children in Linwei District, with priority given to children in difficulty, orphans, disabled children and left-behind children in difficulty, and a total of 232,000 yuan of condolences were raised. It is reported that a total of 2,304 children were condoled during the event, and the standard of condolences was 100 yuan per person.

These children are about to receive "gifts"
These children are about to receive "gifts"

It is understood that this year is the twelfth year that the Linwei District Charity Association has carried out the Children's Day condolence activities for the twelfth consecutive year, which aims to promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation of "helping the weak and the disabled", arousing the love of the whole society, caring for children in difficulty, and helping children in difficulty to grow up healthily. At the same time, we call on more charity "companions" to join the ranks of caring for children in need, and contribute to the healthy and happy growth of children and adolescents.

Source: Weinan Daily Qin Dongtan

Editor-in-charge: Shang Shuai

Review: Xue Xuanmin