
"If the wife is prosperous, there must be signs": there must be 7 characteristics in the woman of the husband

author:Art Scene
"If the wife is prosperous, there must be signs": there must be 7 characteristics in the woman of the husband

In the past, people said that whether a woman was a prosperous husband or not, mostly referring to her face or her birthday, which was somewhat metaphysical. Nowadays, when it comes to whether a woman is prosperous or not, it basically refers to the woman's personality, temperament, ability and other comprehensive personal qualities.

I read a story a while ago, which was an incident shared by a blogger about his personal experience.

The blogger celebrated the child's birthday and bought dolls online as a birthday gift for the child, but the gift was late, so when the courier delivered the gift to the door, he quarreled with the courier.

At that time, the situation was relatively tense, and the courier was very unhappy about this day, arguing with the blogger all the time, and even repeating that everyone wanted to force him to death.

This blogger is also really angry, thinking that one is because the gift is late, and the other is dissatisfied with the courier's attitude, so he has been scolding each other with the courier.

The blogger's wife couldn't stop her angry husband next to her, slapped him in the face directly, and hurriedly brought a birthday cake from the table and handed it to the courier, constantly apologizing for her husband's impulsiveness and appeasing the courier.

Finally, the courier calmed down and left with red eyes.

After closing the door, the wife said that when the two of them quarreled just now, the courier kept the ballpoint pen used to sign the bill in his hand, and if it came to his neck or heart, the child's birthday in the future would be his death day.

There was a highly praised reply in the comment area: On the importance of having a good daughter-in-law.

She is calm, sensible, intelligent, and decisive in her actions, and is undoubtedly the wife of a prosperous husband.

If you think about it, most of the women with the "Wangfu physique" have these characteristics.

"If the wife is prosperous, there must be signs": there must be 7 characteristics in the woman of the husband

1. Wangfu's woman has a good attitude and does not complain when she encounters problems.

No one's life is smooth sailing, and it is normal for career setbacks and troughs, but everyone's attitude towards problems is completely different.

A woman with a poor mentality, whether it is herself or her family, when she encounters trouble or something, the first thing she usually thinks about is to complain about the people around her, complain about her bad life, and complain about others all the time, as if others have made her suffer a great grievance.

On the contrary, a woman with a good attitude sees the advantages of the people around her, even if she encounters setbacks and problems, she will not complain, but face them positively.

Mentality is contagious, and being with people with a good mentality for a long time will also be affected unconsciously, which is a very positive and valuable energy.

2. Wangfu's woman is empathetic and knows how to comfort people.

A good word is warm in three winters, and a bad word is cold in June.

An empathetic person who knows how to empathize, think things from her husband's point of view, and solve problems for her husband. Even if the husband encounters something that is not within his ability, he will comfort him instead of accusing him of inability.

Everyone has times when they are sad and depressed, even if they are the pillars of the man, they can't be strong all the time, they also need to be cared for, comforted, and understood.

"If the wife is prosperous, there must be signs": there must be 7 characteristics in the woman of the husband

3. A woman with a prosperous husband can speak well and control her emotions.

The maintenance of the relationship between husband and wife is inseparable from communication, and communication is not just about having a mouth.

Some people are discussing a thing, once the words are not speculative or disagree, they will be emotional, and even quarrel, and then the two parties will easily quarrel, and the things that were originally to be discussed have no result, but affect the relationship between husband and wife.

The mouth grows on a person, not just to talk and eat, it is important to have something to say well.

People who can control their emotions and speak well are more able to control their lives and know how to maintain their feelings in marriage and family, and such people are naturally well versed in the management of marriage and family.

4. Wangfu's women are not necessarily very diligent and thrifty, but they must not be defeated.

Diligence and thrift are traditional virtues, and they are also essential characteristics of Wangfu in the relatively difficult era of the past.

But with the progress of society, more and more women have their own strong ability, for women whose personal income is quite considerable, it is very embarrassing for them to be diligent and thrifty, after all, the meaning of their hard work is not to let themselves have what they want?

Therefore, within the scope of your ability, it is understandable to give yourself appropriate rewards, buy your favorite clothes and bags, and occasionally go to a restaurant that may be more expensive.

A woman who is a husband may not be very diligent and thrifty, but within her own ability, she will not be a loser, and she will not make spending power beyond her earning capacity.

"If the wife is prosperous, there must be signs": there must be 7 characteristics in the woman of the husband

5. Wangfu's woman is not too strong.

Women in contemporary society are becoming more and more capable of personal ability, and there is even no shortage of women whose income and personal ability are not inferior to those of men. But it is precisely because of their high income and strong ability that many of these women are relatively strong.

But a woman who is too strong is usually not conducive to family harmony.

Whether men or women, being too strong in marriage and family will make the other half feel depressed, and the children will feel afraid, and the family atmosphere is also oppressive, in such a family, it is difficult to reap happiness.

6. Wangfu's woman is kind by nature.

There is such a sentence in "Zengguang Xianwen": "If you have good thoughts in your heart, you will have good deeds; Good thoughts and good deeds, God will bless them. ”

Everything in the world is a cycle of cause and effect, and people who have good hearts, people who always do good deeds, and people who do not do things that harm others and benefit themselves, are also easy to get help from others.

Everyone likes that the person around them is a good person, and no one wants to associate with a vicious person, let alone live with a vicious person for a long time.

After all, those who are vicious and always have malicious intentions are usually also scheming people, people who like to do evil everywhere, people who are selfish, such people are not only difficult to get along with, you can't even open your heart to such people. Just ask, what kind of luck can you have with such a person? How can such a woman be prosperous?

"If the wife is prosperous, there must be signs": there must be 7 characteristics in the woman of the husband

7. Wangfu's women will not be lazy to eat.

A woman who is lazy and eats empty mountains is terrible. Not only do they not know how to work and bear part of the family's economic responsibilities, but they are even idle at home, and they are unwilling to take care of the baby and do housework, in short, it is one word: lazy.

Knowing a woman is like this, before marriage, she has the favor of her parents at home, and her parents are always used to her everywhere, so that after marriage, she can't change her lazy personality.

When the woman first got married, her husband was used to him everywhere, and because of work, the younger couple also lived with the woman's parents, so the parents also contracted all the housework in the house, and the husband didn't say much.

But with the birth of the child, the woman has not changed her mind at all, it is still the same, do not take the child, do not teach the child, the child also sleeps with the grandparents at night, after going to kindergarten, the grandparents are not in good health, so as long as it is the weekend and winter and summer vacations, the child is placed at the grandparents' house.

The child is six or seven years old, and he is not close to his mother, and even his mother is reluctant to call him. Because of the physical reasons of the child's grandparents and grandmothers, the housework at home is left behind, and the woman still only cares about herself. Because her family and husband talked too much, she felt bored, and there were many quarrels at home.

In the end, the woman's husband couldn't bear it anymore and chose to divorce.

Wangfu women, either have the ability to work and can bear part of the family's financial burden, or they can clean up the house in an orderly manner, so that the home is full of warm and warm atmosphere, instead of the mess at home, neither cooking nor fireworks, and not cleaning up, there is always an unpleasant smell, which is depressing and uncomfortable.

"If the wife is prosperous, there must be signs": there must be 7 characteristics in the woman of the husband

Write at the end.

The older generation said: "A man who marries a good woman can prosper for three generations, and marrying a bad woman can ruin three generations." ”

A woman who is a prosperous husband is pampered by her husband and liked by her in-laws, so that the family is naturally harmonious and happy. On the contrary, those marriages and families that are full of chicken feathers and chickens and dogs are jumping, there are always parties who are not kind, or do not speak well, or complain in trouble, or are lazy, or overly strong, or losers.

Some people may say, is it all a woman's problem in a bad marriage? Of course not, often in unhappy marriages, it is a slap in the face.

The last time I wrote about the topic of "Wangfu women", some readers said that women should be prosperous themselves, not thinking about Wangfu and living with their husbands. There is truth to that, but—

A woman who can be a prosperous husband has these very good qualities, and she is prospering herself!