
There are ten 520 skins, and in order of quality, Doria can only rank ninth, do you agree?

author:A king at your fingertips

Hello everyone, I'm at the tip of my fingers, 520 two skins have been launched, have you bought them? If there is no one to share with you, you don't have to worry about it, you can sell it directly at the original price, and then you can enjoy the discount by playing five man-machines, so that the noble points are a little more.

520 skins have been launched so far just 10 models, since the first launch of 520 skins in 20 years, they have been one-to-one, but this is only the second time that the epic skin has been, and at the beginning of 22, all the grades have been set on the limit, and this rule has not changed since then.

So if you were to rank the 10 520 skins in the past, how would you rank them? Let me give you my objective view.

TOP1: Chase and Escape Game (Arthur)

I think the first controversy should be the smallest, because whether it is from the special effects in the game, or creativity, this skin is considered a subversive one of the skins in this series, and the original shield charge effect of the 1 skill has become a dog bite, and this setting alone is enough to give a super high score.

There are ten 520 skins, and in order of quality, Doria can only rank ninth, do you agree?

And the feel and special effects in the game are also good, if you have to say that there is something unsatisfactory, it may be the costume, and the void hat cloak, maybe this is also the reason why he failed to reach the 9-point threshold.

TOP2: Lovers of Time (Sun Shangxiang)

Sun Shangxiang's Time Lover skin, do you remember how amazing it was when it was first launched? That poster pierced my heart directly, and I still remember the CG animation at that time, and the fragrance there was so beautiful.

There are ten 520 skins, and in order of quality, Doria can only rank ninth, do you agree?

Having said that, in addition to being good-looking, the skin should also be practical, and this skin is lost to Sun Shangxiang in this hero, because she has too many good skins, and the doomsday mecha that has not been surpassed by Zhuyu is indeed too invincible.

Judging from the quality of the skin and the feel of the game, and the special effects, I think the second place among all the 520 skins is well deserved, even if it is just an epic skin that is directly sold.


There are ten 520 skins, and in order of quality, Doria can only rank ninth, do you agree?

This skin was evaluated before.,It's a unique skin in an unpleasant style for me.,The poster is average.,But the white suit looks really pleasing to the eye.,The main thing is that the special effects and feel in the bureau are gratifying.,1The special effects of the Tianma stepping on the ground are still quite creative.,The big move carriage is really average.,But the effect after the explosion is still okay.。

TOP4: Lovers of Time (Liu Bei)

The current rating of this skin on the Internet is not high.,It's really a loss that the special effects were too full at the time.,Who still remembers everyone's noise when this skin was launched.,The light effect is too sufficient.,Every time I open it, I feel like I'm going to be blind.,Of course, there's no such situation in the follow-up optimization.。

There are ten 520 skins, and in order of quality, Doria can only rank ninth, do you agree?

This skin has always sold well, there are not many new skins to grab the ranking, his sales are quite high, it can be seen that it has been recognized by the public, but it's a pity that the hero itself is weak, and it's not a unique brother.


Gorgeous special effects, healing posters, I'd love to put her in a high position, but in terms of practicality, it can only be placed here at most.

There are ten 520 skins, and in order of quality, Doria can only rank ninth, do you agree?

The skin is a good skin, and the special effects are not bad, but I'm afraid of comparison, the unparalleled skin on the special effects kills everything in seconds, and even the years can fight with her, and the poster of the White Crane Liang Goddess is invincible in the whole canyon, you can't compare, the practical cat and dog diary is very capable of playing, so her position is a little awkward.

TO6: Hands-on Notes (Heinault)

As I've said before, this skin is unexpectedly good, and I think it would be more reasonable to switch places with Doria's, and Heino's is more like a legend than an epic.

There are ten 520 skins, and in order of quality, Doria can only rank ninth, do you agree?

At first sight, I thought this style was a bit bad, but if you look closely at the special effects, it is very full, of course, to say that he is like a legend, but the quality is close to the legend, not the level of a boutique legend, which is considered to be on the upper level in the epic, and the in-game test is not bad.

TOP7: Sound Your Heart Beat (Zhou Yu)

The skins of this series received a lot of complaints at the time, and it can even be said that there is no skin of this modern music style that makes everyone think that it is a boutique, and the two skins of the sound of your heart are the first to bear the brunt, because they came out early, and they are very general from several angles.

There are ten 520 skins, and in order of quality, Doria can only rank ninth, do you agree?

The skin has undergone an optimization, and Zhou Yu's practicability in the game is a little higher, if you just look at the special effects, you can still do it, but the big sleeves that have not changed for thousands of years are still there, so it is difficult to give him a high score.

TOP8: Chase and Escape Game (Angela)

The poster modeling highlights an ugly word.,It's a good clown skin.,The most enjoyable thing about this skin is that the two big braids can be taken down to make a big move.,But there's really nothing to praise other than that.,Like her, several epic skins actually have the kind of place that makes you feel impulsive to buy.,But I really can't see this skin.。

There are ten 520 skins, and in order of quality, Doria can only rank ninth, do you agree?

Maybe it's a different relationship in aesthetics, but in short, I can't love this skin.

TOP9: Hands-on Notes (Doria)

I'm sorry if I like Duoduo, I also bought this skin, but it's really hard to hang with the word "high quality" in my heart, and I don't even see where the beauty is, is the clothing good-looking or the face good-looking? Is it the special effects that are gorgeous or the sense of impact is good?

There are ten 520 skins, and in order of quality, Doria can only rank ninth, do you agree?

And the ultimate reason to put her in ninth instead of tenth is because tenth may be a little worse.

TOP10: Sound Your Heart (Little Joe)

As for the skin, I have it too, so don't say I'm not objective, can you believe that a skin with music at its core is sparsely done in terms of sound effects?

If you don't have this skin, you can go to the bootcamp to try it, 1 skill sound effect is noisy, you can't hear the tone clearly, and the sound effect feedback of the hit person is also very low, basically the kind that can't be heard clearly.

There are ten 520 skins, and in order of quality, Doria can only rank ninth, do you agree?

Feel is one thing.,There's no highlight in the shape of this skin.,Can't be said to be ugly.,But it's not good-looking.,The only acceptable place may be the sound effect after the big move lands.,There's a sense of heaviness.。

That's my ranking of 520 skins, but of course, it's just a personal opinion.