
Before Trump took office, China faced four rounds of encirclement and suppression, counter-sanctions began, and China accelerated the sale of US bonds

author:Wu Xuelan
{"info":{"title":{"content":"特朗普还未上台,中国面临4场围剿,反制裁开始,中方加速抛美债","en":"Before Trump took office, China faced four rounds of encirclement and suppression, counter-sanctions began, and China accelerated the sale of US bonds"},"description":{"content":"拜登刚刚宣布遏华新举措,竟遭到知名对华鹰派人物的强烈批评,发生了什么事?日前,美国总统候选人、前总统特朗普公开严厉批评美...","en":"Biden has just announced new measures to contain China, but he has been strongly criticized by well-known China hawks, what happened? A few days ago, U.S. presidential candidate and former President Trump publicly and harshly criticized the U.S. ..."}},"items":[]}