
China and Russia have reached an agreement, the guns are unanimously against the United States, the US military called overnight, and the PLA has set up three rules

author:Wu Xuelan
{"info":{"title":{"content":"中俄已谈妥,枪口一致对美,美军方连夜来电,解放军立下3条规矩","en":"China and Russia have reached an agreement, the guns are unanimously against the United States, the US military called overnight, and the PLA has set up three rules"},"description":{"content":"普京访华期间,美国军方深夜来电,害怕中俄真的步调一致,好日子过不长了,中方又是如何回应的?日前正值俄罗斯总统普京访华期间...","en":"During Putin's visit to China, the U.S. military called late at night, fearing that China and Russia were really in step and that the good days would not last long, so how did China respond? A few days ago, during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to China..."}},"items":[]}