
Growing in patrol work

author:Tanijo Patrol
Growing in patrol work

Wang Hongjin, member of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, member of the State Supervision Commission, member of the Central Leading Group for Inspection Work, and director of the office, pointed out that it is necessary to regard the inspection work as a melting pot for cultivating cadres, educating cadres, and increasing their talents, as well as an important carrier for education in party spirit, party discipline, and party rules, and truly make the inspection posts an important platform for discovering, cultivating, and tempering cadres. Relying on the inspection platform, the Inspection Office of the Gucheng County Party Committee has explored a set of county-level patrol cadre training system that is accurately connected with supply and demand, people-oriented, cadre training, combination of learning and application, and inspection and practice, and has built a normalized exchange platform for patrol cadres to learn from each other and learn from each other, and to forge high-quality talents for the high-quality development of Gucheng again and again. Today, we specially invite Peng Hong, a cadre of the county emergency bureau who participated in the patrol work, to talk about her experience and insights, let us listen to her voice!

Growing in patrol work

Peng Hong, a cadre of the County Emergency Bureau

March is the messenger of spring and a symbol of hope, in this season full of vitality, I was fortunate to participate in the fifth round of inspection work of the 15th Gucheng County Party Committee and became a new patrol recruit. In the patrol group, the comrades work not only seriously, rigorous and meticulous, but also care for each other, help each other, in the team leader, colleagues under the help, I quickly entered the work role, keep up with the rhythm of work, more than two months of stationed patrol, I gained a lot of valuable insights.

The need for continuous learning. Before joining the group, I was more exposed to the work of my own post in the original unit, and the focus of learning was on the business knowledge of the unit, and there was also the problem of passive learning. The biggest change in the patrol team is that it is not only necessary to learn the working methods of the patrol, but also to learn the policies, regulations and various documents in the field of responsibility of the inspected unit. The team leader often said that "every inspection is a learning process, and only by fully grasping the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the functions and responsibilities of the inspected unit can we quickly understand the gaps in the performance of the functions and responsibilities of the Party organization." The patrol team is also a temporary party group, learning and discussing the "Disciplinary Regulations", "Inspection Work Regulations", "Intra-Party Supervision Regulations", etc., which are also compulsory classes every night. In more than two months, my business ability has been improved, and my basic skills have become more and more solid.

The importance of responsibility and responsibility. "The purpose of the inspection is to find problems, form a deterrent, promote reform and promote development", "failure to find problems is dereliction of duty, and failure to truthfully report problems is dereliction of duty", the entrustment of the leaders at the training mobilization meeting made me feel the heavy responsibility on the shoulders of the inspectors. Holding the "sword of Shang Fang" in the hand of inspection, it is the trust and trust of the organization to us, we must always keep a clear mind and a high sense of responsibility, dare to take responsibility, have the courage to find problems, do not conceal, do not avoid. In the process of inspection, I pay attention to observation, thinking and summarizing, always keep in mind my responsibilities, do not let go of any detail, through on-site visits, access to information, listen to reports, collect information, etc., carefully and meticulously find problems, ensure that the problems found are true, reliable, accurate, fully understand the situation of all aspects of the inspected unit, objectively and impartially find the problems and deficiencies of the inspected unit, and lay a good foundation for promoting the solution of the problem.

Solidarity and collaboration as a whole. The patrol work is not a one-person battle, but a team cooperation, only everyone works together and cooperates with each other to complete the patrol task together. During the inspection, I actively communicated with my seniors, shared my experience and experience, and learned from each other and supported each other. I was deeply touched by the rigorous, meticulous and meticulous nature of team leader Wang Ruilin, the business proficiency and excellent style of deputy team leader Song Changming, and the conscientiousness, responsibility, hard work and resentment of other comrades. They are not only my working partners, but also my mentors and friends. Each of the four groups I am in has a different role to play and a different role. This spirit of unity and cooperation not only improves work efficiency, but also enhances the cohesion and centripetal force between us. At the same time, it also made me feel that patrol work is not only serious and intense, but also interesting and warm.

Looking back on the patrol work during this period, I have gained a lot, and in the future work, I will continue to maintain a warm and positive attitude, and constantly improve my business ability and comprehensive quality. I believe that in the big family of the patrol team, I will continue to grow and make progress, and contribute to the patrol work.

Source: Office of the Leading Group for Inspection Work of the Gucheng County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China

Author: Peng Hong Editor: Hu Yanqiu Reviewer: Huang Xilin Image source: The past highlights of the patrol team are here↓↓↓

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Growing in patrol work

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