
【World Hypertension Day】What details should people with high blood pressure pay attention to in their lives?

author:Healthy Shenyang
【World Hypertension Day】What details should people with high blood pressure pay attention to in their lives?
【World Hypertension Day】What details should people with high blood pressure pay attention to in their lives?
【World Hypertension Day】What details should people with high blood pressure pay attention to in their lives?

May 17, 2024 is the 20th World Hypertension Day, with the theme of "Accurate Measurement, Effective Control, Healthy and Longevity".

【World Hypertension Day】What details should people with high blood pressure pay attention to in their lives?

There are many people who suffer from high blood pressure in the mainland. Hypertension is not only a condition, but also a risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. If you have high blood pressure, it is extremely important to listen to your doctor, take your medicine on time, and control your blood pressure within the ideal range. At the same time, if we can start from the details of life, it can also help us maintain a stable balance of blood pressure.

【World Hypertension Day】What details should people with high blood pressure pay attention to in their lives?

First, the "rise" should not be too violent

Studies have shown that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents have a morning peak. This has to do with a lot of factors. In the morning, when we wake up, the body's sympathetic nerves begin to excite, blood pressure rises, and heart rate increases, which is a normal physiological phenomenon, and the body is recharging for the upcoming start of the day. At this time, after a night of metabolism, the body loses water and the blood is relatively viscous. In addition, in the morning, most people are in a hurry and are busy, and they eat - they can't eat well; Poop - it's not happy. These factors can increase the burden on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cause fluctuations in blood pressure, and then induce diseases.

【World Hypertension Day】What details should people with high blood pressure pay attention to in their lives?

Therefore, people with high blood pressure should not get up too violently and too quickly, especially in the morning. In the early morning, the alarm clock rings, sleepy eyes, first stretch your waist, and then move your limbs, so that the body tissues and organs are prepared, unified with the spirit, and then sit up slowly, start a series of activities, which is beneficial to blood pressure stability and cardiovascular protection.

Second, "movement" should not be excessive

Many people have the habit of exercising in the morning. Facing the morning sunshine or jumping or running, stretching your muscles and bones, it is very comfortable. For example, people with high blood pressure should pay attention to moderate activity when exercising in the morning. One is to be careful not to do too strenuous exercise. The second is to pay attention to the range of activity of the body should not be too large. For example, bowing your head, bending over, standing up, and squatting should be slow to avoid blood pressure fluctuations due to changes in body position.

【World Hypertension Day】What details should people with high blood pressure pay attention to in their lives?

In addition, similar movements should also be avoided too frequently during daily housework activities, so as not to cause stable fluctuations in blood pressure due to changes in body position.

3. "Wear" should not be too tight

As the saying goes, everyone has their own love in clothes and hats. Some people love long, some people love short; Some people like to be loose, and some people like to be tight. It doesn't matter to a normal person. If you have high blood pressure, you should be careful not to dress too tightly. This is especially important for people who are traveling. Clothes that are too tight will affect the blood circulation of the whole body, and the inability of the body to move freely for a long time is not good for physical health. People with high blood pressure should be especially careful not to wear clothes with tight necklines. There are four large blood vessels in our neck that supply blood to the brain. If the neck clothing is too tight, it will compress the blood vessels in the neck and cause insufficient blood supply to the brain.

In addition, it is not advisable to lie down on the small table for a long time to sleep on the small table during long-distance travel, as the chest and abdominal muscles are compressed for a long time, which will affect breathing; Second, it will raise blood pressure.

Fourth, "eating" should not be too salty

Excessive salt is the main culprit of high blood pressure, which has been confirmed by scientific research. A light diet and reduced salt intake can effectively control blood pressure. In addition to limiting salt, you should eat less fatty and sweet-flavored foods and ensure that you consume enough fresh vegetables and fruits. One can ensure balanced nutrition, and the other can prevent constipation. Good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

【World Hypertension Day】What details should people with high blood pressure pay attention to in their lives?

Also, people with high blood pressure should not overeat. Especially at night, overeating can overburden the gastrointestinal tract, which not only affects sleep, but also causes blood pressure fluctuations.

Fifth, "music" should not be excessive

Negative emotions such as nervousness and anxiety are triggers for increased blood pressure. Effective stress release is good for health. There are many ways to release stress, some people love to play cards, some people love to drink; Some people love to dance, some people love to sing. As long as you can release the pressure in your body, you can do it. However, for people with high blood pressure, it is advisable to choose relaxed and enjoyable leisure activities, which can effectively relieve various stresses and stabilize emotions. Recreational activities that are too stimulating are not recommended for people with high blood pressure. In addition, people with high blood pressure should be restrained when participating in recreational activities, not only overexcited, but also not too long, so as not to backfire and increase the burden on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The so-called details determine success or failure. Small habits are related to great health, start from the details to help health!

Author: Shi Xinwei

Source: Shenyang Health Service Center

Editor: Chen Yameng

Proofreading: Li Han, Chen Zeming

Preliminary review: Tong Xia

Review: Xu Jiang

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